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Author Topic: [Closed] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day  (Read 123852 times)

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #195 on: May 18, 2012, 06:15:13 PM »
me-I don't know why you are helping me, I have nothing to give you.

I take the fruit and bite into it. A wide variety of tastes fill my mouth.

me-What plant is that?

I keep chewing and my foot becomes less painful. I start touching things and I can hardly feel anything.

me-All my shenshes are numb.

My tongue tingles and swells.

me-I think I might be allergic to it.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #196 on: May 18, 2012, 06:19:43 PM »
Tanu watches as Zack says

I dont know why your helping me I have nothing to give you.

Tanu struggled to stand up and said

Al has already told you, as long a your not infected we'll help you.

then he hears Zack stutter out something about being allergic, Tanu looks at Al and says

You sure that plant was safe.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #197 on: May 18, 2012, 06:21:17 PM »
Oh, well that's new. Why don't we just throw that away for now.

He takes the fruit and chucks it into a trash bin. Now there was an even more pressing matter.

Keep you mouth open to let in as much air as possible. hopefully this is just temporary.

Al thinks for a moment.

Oh yeah, I cooked the fruit a bit before I ate it. How could I forget something like that?
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #198 on: May 18, 2012, 06:24:07 PM »
Tanu looks at Al in disbelif then screams

You gave him a raw fruit when you didnt even know what it would do. Remind me why an old coot like you is who we all ddepends on for weapons.

Then he looks down and mutters

note to self, never let Al heal you.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #199 on: May 18, 2012, 06:28:36 PM »
Al-Keep your mouth open to let in as much air as possible. hopefully this is just temporary.


I breath in and out slowly. I try and stand, I get to my feet but I can hardly feel the ground.

me-Well at least it worked.

I walk around the room slowly and only once in a while would I feel pain in my leg.

me-Have you found a way to fix the lighthouse yet?
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #200 on: May 18, 2012, 06:52:10 PM »
The seweeling seemed to be going down for him, as the kid was able to make a clear statement.

Good to see that's over. And yes, I have a plan, but it will have to wait until tomorrow before we get into it further.

He looked over at Tanu.

Also, when you don't have much, you use what you can. As far as you know it, I'm the only one that can fix you up until someone finds a real doctor.

(Hint hint to anyone who likes to read, a doctor would be nice.)
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #201 on: May 18, 2012, 06:58:19 PM »
me-My mom always did want me to go Med school.

I shrug.

me-Oh well now that I think about it it would've been cool to help people but I guess I'm too lazy.

I strut across the room.

me-Can I help with anything in this plan of yours, it's the least I could do.

M stomach grumbled softly.

me-Heh, I don't think the plant agrees with me.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #202 on: May 19, 2012, 06:36:15 AM »
If you need to throw up, there is a bathroom over there. And i need to finalize some minor details for the plan. Now, if you'll all excuse me, I shall go finish maintaining your weapons.

Al heads back down to the workbench to finish up weapon maintenance. During this time, he is going over designs in his head for the glider, and the possible materials he can use to make it. No matter which he chose, there would be a lot of collecting to do the next day.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #203 on: May 19, 2012, 09:56:34 PM »
Mundy sat there after what happened, first they were talking about a glider or something. then there was a operation, or something. Then a guy gave al something in a jar. THEN al gave a guy a strange fruit to eat.So, Um, what just happened mate?

He shrugs then walks back outside to see how many zombies had gathered, he saw there was quite a large group, while he was pacing looking at them, he trips and manages to fall off the roof into the horde, they feast on his entrails, they slowly feast on his skin as he screams, they slowly rip him apart..  but it was soon over, you soon saw his body rise of. as one of them..

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #204 on: May 19, 2012, 10:46:05 PM »
I sighed. " What is going on now?"
It was dark out. Really dark. Almost pitch black. And the fog was thick. We couldn't keep moving on like this, or we'd get eaten. It normally wasn't this dark. How long had it been? I clawed at my neck. A few hours. My feel were numb, and yet I kept moving on. WHy? She wouldn't let me sleep.
" I'm getting tired..." I muttered softy, eyes drooping. " I don't think I can keep this up..."
" Keep going," She hissed back. " We need to find somewhere safe. We will not rest until we do." But nothing's ever safe. And, we both knew that. We'd have to find something temporarily safe.
After a while, we stumbled across a group of zombies. They all seemed focused on something. THe smell of rotting flesh was extremely strong So was the smell of fresh blood.
" Looks like they found something..."
Something edible, obviously. I sighed, and looked around, THere had to be a wy inside the building. I wasn't crazy enough to go back, or engage. No, it looks like there were thousands of them. Better to just look for another entrance.
~Looks around building~
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #205 on: May 20, 2012, 03:48:10 PM »
I hear the scream of the British bloke who went outside.

me-What the hell!

The screams fade and I shiver.

me-Damn it... He could've at least given me his weapons before he died.

My foot now was just a distant throb. My eyelids started to droop and I yawned.

me-I need some sleep.

I curled up in the corner of the room and dozed off.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #206 on: May 20, 2012, 03:55:26 PM »
~Looks around building~

3x tails- Critical Failure

The only available entrance seemed to be one broken window, but an unexpected visitor on the inside came up to it and noticed someone talking. It let out a hellish scream, attracting the attention of the group outside, and alerting the members on the inside. The whole area is a zombie hotzone.

(Al post)

Al heard the sound of screaming and mauling. He ran upstairs to see what happened and noticed someone was missing.

Dammit, why do people try to be brave?

He went up to the roof and heard the horde down below, probably attracted by the screams.

I should make this area a little safer, so no one falls off again.

He went back downstairs to see if he had anything to make a protective barrier on the roof, and found some boards in the back closet he was yet to use. He grabbed a couple, since they were pretty big and kind of heavy, and proceeded to to the roof.

If anyone is still awake, they are free to come and help. Grab a hammer and some nails and head to the roof. Going to be making a few trips from the workshop to the roof.

He climbed the stairs and set the boards down, then started to eye out how the barrier would work.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #207 on: May 20, 2012, 04:09:01 PM »
I opened my eyes and stood up, the building was deserted and I could hear faint growls. Al walks up the stairs but he has a big chomp out of his neck. He walks slowly towards me with a hunger on his face. Every step he made creaked on the floor.

me-S-stay b-back...

He kept moving forward.

me-Please no.

He lets out a scream and charges towards me.


 I jolt up,


I look around and realise it was a nightmare. I felt my palms, they were sweating.

me-I think I'll stay up.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #208 on: May 20, 2012, 08:23:30 PM »
I turn down a street, and shocker there are some zombies. From the way they are all bent over a single area I am pretty sure they are eating a fresh kill, maybe even that emo kid. I limp as quietly as I can past them, but even when I kick a bottle they don't move from their meal. A few yards ahead I can see an open area that is just welcoming me to walk to my death, lord know how many zombies are waiting for me in there. Regardless of the danger I walk towards it, I need to get my barrings.

As I get closer I realize that there is a barricade of cars leading to the left. Foolishly I decide to climb it, what the hell I figure, at least I will know where I am; and I might be able to find some shelter. As I get to the very top I look around, and not surpirzingly I see nothing but darkness. I look around and feel an overwhelming sense of hopelessness, "Guess this is the end for me. Never thought I would die like this, hopeless." I start to climb down and a single glimmer of light catches my eye. I look in it's direction and nothing, damn mind playing tricks on me. I get back to the ground, I turn away from the light I saw, but then decide to walk towards it; what harm can come from curisoty? I'm dead already.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP| Time: Night
« Reply #209 on: May 21, 2012, 03:11:33 AM »

Little did the old man know, he was heading straight for the firehouse, which is currently locked. No zombies are near it though, so it would be safe to assume that no noise can draw any near.


Al set up the two boards beside the entrance the rope made. He went back downstairs to grab more, and noticed no one took him on his offer. It didn't matter, he probably could finish it faster without them. He grabbed a large stack of boards and went upstairs to create a railing to surround the top of the roof, to prevent any more accidental falls.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword