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Author Topic: [Closed] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day  (Read 123867 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #75 on: April 20, 2012, 04:33:17 AM »
Yes I found the second book! one more to go.

Then proceeded to slap himself in the forehead when he realized he had shouted again. Rushing out to meet the zombies he knew would be approaching he whipped out the hedge clippers shoving them in front of him as he saw eight zombies approaching him. While muttering

I can never catch a break can I?

He impaled the first two zombies through the throat, while the hedge clippers were still lodged in the zombies throats he opened them causing the zombie head to fall off.Then turning to meet the next two he dispatched both of them with a stab to the head. With half of them down he retreated back into the library with the zombies hot on his trail. The first two zombies to approach were careless and recklessly charged him earning themselves each a stab to the head. The next two were smart approaching side by side so he couldn't pick them off one by one. He retreated back into a corner of the library giving him more room to fight, after the zombies entered the library one charged him, Tanu duck and rolled stopping right under the zombies legs and shoving the clippers up, he put all his force behind the blow and was satisfied when he saw the zombie fall to the ground dead with a big hole in its head. The last zombie he dispatched of quickly cutting its head off. He began walking over to another book shelf, when he felt his foot fall through one of the floorboards, while mumbling


he hauled his leg out of the floor board and went to check if anything was in it.

~Check under floorboard~

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #76 on: April 20, 2012, 05:07:44 AM »
Yes I found the second book! one more to go.

Then proceeded to slap himself in the forehead when he realized he had shouted again. Rushing out to meet the zombies he knew would be approaching he whipped out the hedge clippers shoving them in front of him as he saw eight zombies approaching him. While muttering

I can never catch a break can I?

He impaled the first two zombies through the throat, while the hedge clippers were still lodged in the zombies throats he opened them causing the zombie head to fall off.Then turning to meet the next two he dispatched both of them with a stab to the head. With half of them down he retreated back into the library with the zombies hot on his trail. The first two zombies to approach were careless and recklessly charged him earning themselves each a stab to the head. The next two were smart approaching side by side so he couldn't pick them off one by one. He retreated back into a corner of the library giving him more room to fight, after the zombies entered the library one charged him, Tanu duck and rolled stopping right under the zombies legs and shoving the clippers up, he put all his force behind the blow and was satisfied when he saw the zombie fall to the ground dead with a big hole in its head. The last zombie he dispatched of quickly cutting its head off. He began walking over to another book shelf, when he felt his foot fall through one of the floorboards, while mumbling


he hauled his leg out of the floor board and went to check if anything was in it.

~Check under floorboard~

(3 heads, really lucky. Lets see if I can make a good one...)

Underneath the floorboards lies a stash of a long-gone survivor. Inside, there's some food, which has gone bad, but also a weapon, a spade.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #77 on: April 20, 2012, 06:32:44 AM »
In the mountains, held away in an underground stronghold.  Stew, was holding a "business" meeting.

"So, I understand you're short this week.  You know my supply of food isn't limitless."

Stew walked towards the man who was graveling at his feet.  Putting his hand on the mans chin he spoke again.

"A man must eat, surely you realize that...  And how can I eat if I don't have a solid supply of food?  How can my employees eat?"

He removed his had from the mans chin and clapped his hands.  On a tv screen an image of a terrified little girl appeared.  The man sat motionless as he watched the screen.  Next to the girl was a zombie, chained to the wall.

"It'd be a shame for her to meet that flesh eating monster face to face.  You love your daughter don't you?  I hope you understand, if that shipment isn't here by this time tomorrow- Well, you know what will happen."

Stew turned his back on the man and left the room.  Dealing with simpletons was always a pain.  He didn't care if the shipment got cut off by a wandering pack of flesh eaters.  He just wanted his food.

He gestured to an employee.

"You, take care of the girl.  I don't want that thing eating her before I get my shipment."

He walked away to his chambers, plotting his next move.

Offline dreadknight

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #78 on: April 20, 2012, 10:18:17 AM »
Foxtrot picks up the bat and puts the duct tape in his backpack.

Happy doing business with you.

Likewise. he says before turning and leaving the shop.

Outside, he looks at the bat a little more closely. Looks jagged around the barrel... that could do some damage.

Suddenly, two zombies come running out of a nearby building, arms outstretched. Foxtrot grips the bat and grins. Batter up!

He waits till they get in close, then swings, knocking their heads clean off their shoulders.

As the two disembodied heads roll away, he carefully inspects the bat again. Not a single scratch on it... he says.

He straps the bat to his back and looks around at the desolate landscape. He thinks about heading back to his hideout in the Residential Area, but decides against it. The day is still young and it's the perfect time to scavenge.

While thinking about his next move, he glances over and notices two dead zombies down the road. One of them seems to be holding a knife.

He runs over and checks. This guy must of been freshly turned. But then... who killed him?

He looks around the immediate and sees what looks like the residue of a bloody shoe print.

Looks like they were heading towards the center of town.

Having nothing better to do, he decides to follow this unknown survivor. Who knows, they might lead me to some supplies.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 02:43:40 PM by dreadknight »

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #79 on: April 20, 2012, 01:53:12 PM »
2x heads, 1x tails- Success

It's just another empty cabin. The front room has a busted out window, but it can easily be blocked. The door is a little sturdier than the previous cabin's, and it was all one room, so no surprises could come from above or below. The only bad thing is that the cabin has no fireplace, and it looks as though some one lived here before, as there is an old makeshift bed and discarded cans of food all over the place.

As he looks around in the  cabin he notices nothing of real value in here, so he continues on the road to find other people or supplies.

"Man I really hope I am not the only one left."

Looking back at the cabin he sees a zombie crawling in through the window.

"Oh dang, must of heard me walking around in there maybe, wait he didn't scream so much not have"

About that time the zombie stops in the window and starts to come out. Must of heard Tiren talking to himself.

As the zombie starts to scream to alert other zombies.

Tiren quickly takes his wakizashi and rushes in at him and quickly cuts his head off.

"Oh man, I hope there aren't anymore around I am not really in the mood to handle a horde at the moment."

~Did any other zombies hear this zombie in this forest?~

(idk if that would be an RP action call or not but hey should make things intereesting if it fails XD)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #80 on: April 20, 2012, 02:00:55 PM »
Nothing to do here for now. Can't do much until I get that scrap.

Al heads to his roof to double check the ladder since it being used by so few visitors in very little time. There weren't any tears, but the rope won't last forever.

Note to self, make a sturdier ladder.

He pulled up his chair and grabbed the same book from earlier. At least he had something to pass the time until lance returned.

~Did any other zombies hear this zombie in this forest?~

3x tails- Critical fail

A massive roar is heard, almost as if it was simultaneous from a small group. A pack of 20 zombies was approaching fast, but were easily hidden by the trees. If anyone were to hear them, it would be better to run than fight.

(Hate that it was a critical, but it did give me a chance to show that you don't always have to fight. Sometime it's best to run like hell)
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #81 on: April 20, 2012, 05:12:01 PM »
Pulling the spade from the floor he dusted it off. Then he looked it over, and took a few practice swings

Pretty sweet weapon, I'll have to test this thing out.

He then shouted at the top of his voice

Yo zombies fresh meat right here come and get it

He then prepared to take on any zombies that approached, after waiting a few seconds he heard a roar that symbolized the approaching of oncoming zombies. . He saw a zombie enter throught the library door and charged ,  Slamming the spade's point into the zombies neck he heard a 'pop' and knew the zombie was finished. As the zombie collapsed onto his knees,and then fell face first onto the floor, Tanu began to back up until he was against the wall, then took a running charge and leaped over the zombie and with his spade stuck out as far as he could reach, he began to spin while still in the air. He heard a 'crack' and knew his spade had connected with a zombie. Landing on the ground he looked around and spottted three zombies closing in on him. The closest zombie had his stomach split open and his rotten innards were hanging out. Tanu knew that must be the zombie he hit while he was in the air, charging the zombie with his stomach split open, he dismissed the zombie quickly with a strike to the head. Whirling around and stabbed at the second zombies neck and was satisfied when he saw the zombies head fall of and bounce across the concrete, He heard a roar and was reminded that there was one last zombie, he was shocked when he turned around, and barely had time to hold up the handle of the spade before the zombie lunged and buried its mouth   into the spades handle. Kicking the zombie in the stomach he watched it drop and the slammed the spade's point down on its neck killing it.  Wiping his now bloody hands on his jeans, he walked back in the library and to the nearest bookshelf to check it for the last book he had to get for Al.

~check bookshelf~
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 05:46:54 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #82 on: April 20, 2012, 07:13:51 PM »
3x tails- Critical fail

A massive roar is heard, almost as if it was simultaneous from a small group. A pack of 20 zombies was approaching fast, but were easily hidden by the trees. If anyone were to hear them, it would be better to run than fight.

*gulps* "Now I done it!"

*starts running away from the screams* "Oh man I have no clue how many there is, but I could seriously use some help."

As he is running he sees a zombie running in to him from his right. Quickly swings his sword aimlessly at him from being scared. Misses his head hitting through his side cutting half way through.

"Well at least it will slow him down."

Makes it to the next cabin near the road. "I should try to hide and pray they pass by as long as I dont make any sound."

~Do the zombies notice me hiding in the cabin~

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #83 on: April 20, 2012, 09:27:09 PM »
I walked through the forest on my way to the beach. I noticed that there still appeared to be a lack of zombies in the forest today. Too bad, since I was really in the mood to decapitate something. While on my way through the forest, I heard the sound of a far off roar.

Hmm...Maybe I'll get some more fighting in after all.

I ran off in the direction of the roar, wondering if they might have found a victim.

(I don't know which forest nightshade's character is in...so you can pick, nightshade. I'm in the eastern forest.)

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #84 on: April 21, 2012, 03:33:36 AM »
I walked through the forest on my way to the beach. I noticed that there still appeared to be a lack of zombies in the forest today. Too bad, since I was really in the mood to decapitate something. While on my way through the forest, I heard the sound of a far off roar.

Hmm...Maybe I'll get some more fighting in after all.

I ran off in the direction of the roar, wondering if they might have found a victim.

(I don't know which forest nightshade's character is in...so you can pick, nightshade. I'm in the eastern forest.)

(yea I am in the eastern forest sorry if I didn't specify)

As Tiren is huddled in a corner hoping the zombies just pass, He notices he forgot to lock the door....

*rushes over to lock it as a zombie pushes the door open*

"Oh crap!" Tiren's instincts came into play and brought his sword up just in time for it to go through his mouth.

With one clean swipe up it splits his head in two. *Hearing the zombies extremely close* "Well it's useless to hide now...."

Quickly dashing out the door and away from the zombies, Tiren doesn't notice the nail on the front porch of the cabin and falls and scrapes his leg slightly.

Without thinking he quickly gets up and starts running again.

"Someone please help!!!!!! I am being chased!!"

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #85 on: April 21, 2012, 04:13:49 AM »
Pulling the spade from the floor he dusted it off. Then he looked it over, and took a few practice swings

Pretty sweet weapon, I'll have to test this thing out.

He then shouted at the top of his voice

Yo zombies fresh meat right here come and get it

He then prepared to take on any zombies that approached, after waiting a few seconds he heard a roar that symbolized the approaching of oncoming zombies. . He saw a zombie enter throught the library door and charged ,  Slamming the spade's point into the zombies neck he heard a 'pop' and knew the zombie was finished. As the zombie collapsed onto his knees,and then fell face first onto the floor, Tanu began to back up until he was against the wall, then took a running charge and leaped over the zombie and with his spade stuck out as far as he could reach, he began to spin while still in the air. He heard a 'crack' and knew his spade had connected with a zombie. Landing on the ground he looked around and spottted three zombies closing in on him. The closest zombie had his stomach split open and his rotten innards were hanging out. Tanu knew that must be the zombie he hit while he was in the air, charging the zombie with his stomach split open, he dismissed the zombie quickly with a strike to the head. Whirling around and stabbed at the second zombies neck and was satisfied when he saw the zombies head fall of and bounce across the concrete, He heard a roar and was reminded that there was one last zombie, he was shocked when he turned around, and barely had time to hold up the handle of the spade before the zombie lunged and buried its mouth   into the spades handle. Kicking the zombie in the stomach he watched it drop and the slammed the spade's point down on its neck killing it.  Wiping his now bloody hands on his jeans, he walked back in the library and to the nearest bookshelf to check it for the last book he had to get for Al.

~check bookshelf~
(Sorry, Blade. I thought Cortex was gonna do that one. Unluckily for you, it was triple tails.)

As Tanu is searching the shelves, he jostles a large book, causing it to fall to the floor, emanating a booming sound through the surrounding area. Almost immediately, an uproar of many screams from many zombies can be heard, all converging near the library. A giant hoard would be there soon if Tanu didn't escape, with or without the third book.

(yea I am in the eastern forest sorry if I didn't specify)

As Tiren is huddled in a corner hoping the zombies just pass, He notices he forgot to lock the door....

*rushes over to lock it as a zombie pushes the door open*

"Oh crap!" Tiren's instincts came into play and brought his sword up just in time for it to go through his mouth.

With one clean swipe up it splits his head in two. *Hearing the zombies extremely close* "Well it's useless to hide now...."

Quickly dashing out the door and away from the zombies, Tiren doesn't notice the nail on the front porch of the cabin and falls and scrapes his leg slightly.

Without thinking he quickly gets up and starts running again.

"Someone please help!!!!!! I am being chased!!"

I heard the screams of someone nearby. I ran as fast as I could until I found a man running from a group of about twenty zombies. I ran up and met him.

Stop yelling and be useful. If you don't have a weapon, alert someone in town who does.

A large number of zombies charge us, too many to count on short notice. I barely manage to evade them, and bring down a few with a forehand swing as I dodge to my left. I turn to see the man still hasn't left.


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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #86 on: April 21, 2012, 04:34:14 AM »
Dropping the book he mumbled


and then almost peed his pants when he heard a huge roar . Knowing that it meant it was time to get out of there he threw the two books in his backpack, clipped the hedge clippers to his belt and grabbed the spade ready to defend himself with it. Bolting out the door he saw a zombie, not even slowing down he took its head off by slamming the spade into his neck. As far as he knew he was headed to the east forest
Running like the wind, he decapitated three more zombies before making it to the trees that symbolized the beginning of the forest. Without stopping he ran past the trees and saw Two people fighting a horde of zombies he heard the words

Go now

and decided he'd help the people out stepping out of the trees he ran up to the first man he recognized him immediately

Lance that you?

Without waiting for his response he turned to the other man, swung his spade taking a zombies head off  and said

If you don't have a weapon you can borrow these hedge clippers

offering the man he hedge clippers he said

I was being chased by a horde of zombies but I think I lost them

~Check if he lost the zombies~

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #87 on: April 21, 2012, 04:44:08 AM »
(Man, I am some kind of bad luck. 2x Tails, 1x Heads. Fail.)

Unfortunately, the zombie hoard had been following the sound of his footsteps, and had followed him all the way here.

Tanu. I'd say long time no see, but I think I saw you this afternoon.

I brought down my sword on a zombie, slicing it's head open, letting it fall to the ground.

It's a good thing you came, and with an extra weapon too. Just take out as many as you can and-

I had to stop mid-sentence to connect my sword with a zombie's jugular.

-and we'll run if we have to.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #88 on: April 21, 2012, 04:56:20 AM »
-and we'll run if we have to.

Looking at Lance he nodded, then said

We going to have to clear a path a horde of zombies followed me here so we're surrounded. Also who's this dude. Lance clear us a path I'll cover your back with the help of this dude.

He then pointed to the man he offered the hedge clippers. Glancing over he saw a zombie lunge at Lance's back. Slamming his spade's point into the neck of the zombie he flung it body away and with a single swing bashed in the skull of two zombies that came in the range of his spade. Three zombies lunged at Tanu simultaneously he ducked and the zombies crashed heads with each other. Spinning his spade in a complete circle he took off the leges off ald three zombies and when they fell he individually smashed all three of the zombies skulls in.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #89 on: April 21, 2012, 05:32:49 AM »
*Standing there frightened beyond belief* All Tiren notices is a man run up to him to aid him.
 "Stop yelling"
 Coming out of a daze from fright.
 "GO! NOW!"
Not knowing what to do just stand there for a moment and see another guy run up to help also but you can hear roaring from behind him too. Finally snaps out of shock.

"Not to be hasty guys but we need to decide which way we are going to go!" "I personally vote for AL's Shop since it is a safe area."

About that time several more zombies come rushing in for an attack. *rushes in with sword drawn to kill them but swings too early on the first one and just barely hits its stomach* "ew" *quickly corrects himself and aims higher at the neck and off its head goes.* *Turning around sees the other too jumping at him, quickly he drops to the ground and puts his sword through one of them. The force of it jumping allowed the sword to cut him in half* *The other zombie quickly recovers and jumps at Tiren again, All he can do is kick up as hard as he can luckily it hits him in the face and breaks his neck.*

"Yea I think we need to get out of here somehow before we are eaten."