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Author Topic: [Closed] Random Zombie RP| Time: Day  (Read 123866 times)

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #105 on: April 22, 2012, 12:39:59 AM »
*Walks in after the other 2 overhearing part of the conversation."

"This pair of hedgeclipers isn't my style neither is this spade so I was wondering do you have anything that resembles in axe in the slightest I could trade these two weapons for?"

"sorry to interrupt, but I have an idea for a weapon if he is looking for an axe type weapon."

"Now hear me out on this one......IT could be possible to turn the shovel..erm...spade into a better weapon if you would like."

"Flatten the shovel part, brace it to the handle better, and then sharpen the edges of the shovel into a roundish blade. Not exactly an axe but it would work."

"Sorry not even sure if all that would be possible or the tools to do it with."

*stands in the corner and waits his turn to talk with AL*

Offline Darkstar64

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #106 on: April 22, 2012, 04:37:54 AM »
(Sorry for the late post everyone -_-)

After the boomer bile was thrown from an unknown source and the zombie's attention was drawn away from us, I instantly dashed in the opposite direction from Tanu and the other survivor. After running through the forest for quite a while, I finally reached the beach. I noticed a few zombies grouped by the shore, looking out at something in the water. If zombies were after it, it was someone smart enough to know that zombies can't swim. I ran up behind the zombies, and without my target even knowing, brought my sword down diagonally on his nec, decapitating him instantly. The other zombies noticed, and charged me from three different directions. I ran towards one, stabbing my sword through his skull, which was luckily soft enough for me to cut through, with some effort. The other two were still charging at me, but with two quick forehand and backhand swings, I took both out. I fell into a sitting position, tired from all the running and fighting I had done today. Normally, I wasn't fighting quite this much, but I had been a bit more out-and-about today. I remembered the zombie's target, turning to find them still in the water. I called out to them, my voice not quite as loud from fatigue and fear of attracting more zombies.

They're gone, you can come out of the water now!

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #107 on: April 22, 2012, 07:08:51 AM »
Al retrieves the borrowed weapon, and takes the books as well. He grabs one of the jars of the lazy susan, and sets it in front of Tanu.

The shovel idea can work, but it will take me at least until tonight to complete. If you're looking for a faster alternative, try the fire station. You may be able to find a fire axe there. I'm a little short on those.

He directs his attention to Tiren.

Oh, and Tiren, I think I have the perfect item to clear what I owed you before.

Al brings out the Mace Glove.

I saved this baby just for you. Keep your weapons you have. You may need them more than, unless you feel like borrowing Tanu here something if he feels like heading to the fire station.

Al waits for both men to take their items.
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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #108 on: April 22, 2012, 11:36:24 AM »
I was getting very tired and my legs were cramping, when I thought I was going to drown I saw a figure running towards the zombies, it's most likely another zombie coming to join in the wait. But one of the zombies falls dead and all the others turn on the newcomer, he dispatches them aswell.

?-They're gone you can come out of the water now!

I swim to shore, I walk up to the person.

me-Thanks I'm-

I faint from exhaustion.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 08:58:02 PM by lubbies »
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #109 on: April 22, 2012, 12:24:06 PM »
"Oh, and Tiren, I think I have the perfect item to clear what I owed you before."
"I saved this baby just for you. Keep your weapons you have. You may need them more than, unless you feel like borrowing Tanu here something if he feels like heading to the fire station."

"Oh wow thanks, definitely my style of weapon."

 *takes up the mace glove and slides it on his right hand* "Hmm it isn't too heavy either so it wont slow me down much."

"But not to be greedy I could use some food ran out in the forest."

*constantly reviewing over this new glove* thinks to hiself

 "I wonder how hard I can punch with this thing before it starts hurting me." "Definitely going to have to test this one out."

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #110 on: April 22, 2012, 03:52:47 PM »
" How long have we been walking...4 hours? "
I scratched at my neck as I walked. One foot..after the other. With each step, I scanned my surroundings. I had been doing this for a while now, but I just needed to make sure. Nothing could be trusted, and therefore, we couldn't let our guard down. The soft fog made it especially important that I watch, for both our backs.
" No, it's been longer than that," She replies. I tilt my neck a little to the side, to open it up for more scratching. " I see. Thank you, Onyx." We continue to walk about in silence, the only sound between us, is the scratching of my neck, and the sound the cleaver-saw makes against my leg as I carry it.
We jump, startled at a low moaning from before us. " One of those flesh eaters...?" Onyx asked. I smirked, and tilted my head back into norml position. " It looks like it. Oh, how unlucky for him..." I smirked. The zombie was alone.. how unnatural.. Her eyes darted around, looking  to make sure he was the only one.
She flew forward, knocking it's head clean off, with the sharp end of her blade. " Oh, you've been dismembered." Onyx muttered, almost sadly for the creature.
" That's better. THere's more now. I can hear them. Better not stand around here too long... "
We continued, me casually cleaning my cleaver with my shorts. It could almost NEVER stay clean, despite all our efforts.Soon enough, we came to a shack, being guarded by 3 zombies. We couldn't really tell the gender fo two of them, but one of them, was a fresh one, so it still look like a woman..monster..thing...
I raised the cleaver. " Today must've been your unlucky days.." I said softly, A hend now balling up the bottom of my shirt. " I'm going to put you out of your misery now. " I chuckled, raising the cleaver upon the unsuspecting  female zombie, splitting her head in half. I spun the blade aroound, so that it was on the flat side, and beat her head in, grinning. Another one out of their misery.
And another one, I came at an angle,  cutting into it's eyes, and it screeched at me. I giggled. "Calling is useless now," I let go of my shirt, and gripped the head fo the deformed head of the femzombie, as the other came at me, screeching.And, another! I hit the next one in the forehead with the front part, then flipped to the blade, and sliced it's head off.
I could hear them even closer now. Those screeches... Best not to stay. Let's check what we have to, and go.
~looks inside shed~
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #111 on: April 22, 2012, 08:16:58 PM »
The shovel idea can work, but it will take me at least until tonight to complete. If you're looking for a faster alternative, try the fire station. You may be able to find a fire axe there. I'm a little short on those

Tanu looked at Al and said

Well i'll try the fire station, but as a just in case take my spade and make the appropriate modifications and may I have the can of boomer bile?

After saying that Tanu placed his spade on the counter and  grabbed the can of boomer Bile while walking out the door and saying

Thanks for the stuff Al I really appreciate it. I'm off to the fire station, if I'm not back by tonight for my spade assume the worst.

Setting out Tanu saw a group of five zombies deciding to take them by surprise he approached slowly and when the zombies where turned he jumped with the hedge clippers extended sliced two zombies heads off before they had a chance to react. The other three zombies were ready foe him , one jumped into the air above Tanu, Tanu swung the hedge clippers up and side ways braining the zombie and instantly killing it he turned to the other two and with one fell slice knocked both there head clean off there shoulders and then turned and again began walking  slowly to the fire station.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 08:26:20 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #112 on: April 22, 2012, 10:18:09 PM »
Thinks for a bit and changes his mind

"Yea I think I will go look for some food some wheres. Plus I really don't have anything to trade or pay with." "Cya later AL. Thanks for the awesome weapon!!"

Climbs down the rope hanging from Al's Shop.

"Lets see hmm.....Super market wouldn't be a good place because heck everyone looks there." "Oh maybe a house in the residential area has something that is good."

Heading northwest off the road passing up the library.

"I doubt anything good is there unless paper is good to eat hah!"

Entering the residential area Block F6 he sees a zombie walking towards him way down the street.

"Great testing specimen."

Hides at the corner of the house and waits for the zombie to walk next to him.
Lunges out and swings around with the glove as hard as he can to the zombies face.
Dang zombies head just splatters through from the force of it.

"ow ow ow ow."

As the shock from the blow comes back into his hand and makes it go numb for a few minutes.

"OK, definitely can't do that more than once a week hah."
"Will be backing off on the force of the punch quite a bit for cleaning purposes and dang that really hurt."

Looking at the mace glove seeing all the brain matter on it.

"Ew, I really need to find something to keep this thing clean with."
"OK I need to start looking in these houses for cloth and food."

Walks up to the first house and opens the door slowly.

~Looks around in the house.~
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 10:28:35 PM by nightshade06 »

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #113 on: April 22, 2012, 10:57:10 PM »
    Lewis trekked through the woods barefooted with silence and cunning, constantly scanning for wildlife, and to be sure no undead were upon him.  He came up to his final snare with dismay, for it hadn't been set off, just like the rest.  With a rumbling stomach he looked for tracks, feces, any sign of close by game, but no evidence of any creature was evident.
    Lewis' eyes suddenly widened, and without hesitation he scaled the tree to his right and, when at a safe distance  above, scanned the woods in every direction.  He could see nothing out of the ordinary, but the stench was nothing to ignore.  Then he could see it; about thirty feet away from him was a zombie.  It clumsily stumbled over the dead leaves and twigs as its left leg dragged.   Gripping his hunting knife tightly in his right fist, Lewis waited silently and patiently for the zombie to come directly under him, hopefully without spotting him.  Beads of sweat dripped down his face, C'mon, just a few more feet, he thought to himself.

    Suddenly, Lewis released himself from the tree and landed on the zombie.  The bones in the zombie cracked loudly and reverberated through the forest, scaring off any nearby game, but of course Lewis was unaware of this.  He quickly plunged his knife into the zombies skull, and immediately its body fell limp. 

    Wiping the red goop off his knife, Lewis secured his backpack on, and continued his trek through the woods.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #114 on: April 23, 2012, 01:25:29 AM »
Tanu reached the doors of the firestation with relative ease but found that there were 4 zombies standing at the entrance. He quickly hid and began analyzing the situation. as far as he could see these were simple zombies dressed in fire station get up. He, after a minute decided that it would be best to just sneak up on the zombies. He slowly edged around the side of the fire station and when the zombies were in reach of his hand, he drew his clippers and speared one zombie through the head from behind. the other three whirled around and Tanu  brained another one before the zombies even had a chance to attack. The other two however weren't rash and they charged him side by side Tanu  quickly side stepped and stabbed one in the neck killing it but when he went to stab the other zombie his leg fell into a hole and he knew he had twisted his ankle. He quickly slammed the zombies legs with the hedge clipper tripping it and then carefully pulled his leg out of the hole. Using the clippers as a crutch he walked up to the zombie and slammed its skull in. Then using his Clippers as a crutch again he slowly walked into the firestation and spotted a staircase walking up it carefully he spotted a weapon rack and went to check it muttering

Maybe my luck has finally changed.           

~Check rack for axe~
« Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 02:06:01 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #115 on: April 23, 2012, 04:47:56 AM »
The figure wades through the water, reaching the shore. I could see it was a boy, seeming to be somewhere around my age.

Thanks I'm-

He falls over and passes out from exhaustion.

...Nice to meet you.

I stood up and drag him off the wet sand, escaping the reaches of the waves. I pulled him into the shack which was vacant of zombies, luckily. I propped him up against a wall, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a plate of recently cooked halibut on the table. There was a note next to it, and upon picking it up and reading it, found that it said 'Order Up' in the messiest handwriting I've ever seen in my life.

...Nothing out of the ordinary here.

I moved the plate closer to the boy, so he'd at least have something to eat. He wasn't my problem anymore, so I decided to continue my search for the metal along the beach. I left the shack, and began searching across the beach.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #116 on: April 23, 2012, 06:46:34 AM »
~looks inside shed~

2x heads, 1x tails- success

All that is in the shed is some fertilizer and a small spade for gardening.

~Looks around in the house.~

2x heads, 1 x tails- success

The house is empty, and there is a sign that someone hunkered down here, as discarded food packages litter the floor, and a single burner is keeping a plate of food warm. It doesn't look like the owner is returning anytime soon.

~Check rack for axe~

2x tails, 1x heads- Failure

The searched thoroughly, the rack is bare, as is behind it. Whoever came in here must have taken the axe.

(Firehouse mini-event)

*A mini event is activated when someone is in a specific location. I have 5 mini events, and completing them through a succession of RP actions, told by a dice roll, can earn special items and conditions.

The firehouse looks like a nice and secure place, but there is one small problem. There is no power. If someone were to find and reactivate the generator, they would have a nice secure home base, and an infinite supply of fresh water from the pump.

(As Al)

Al takes the shovel once everyone else left. He had something to do now, and all he needed was peace and quiet. He went downstairs to his work area and started to shape the shovel into an axe. It will take him until night fall to complete it.

(This doesn't mean you can't go see him, he will stop if he has to.)
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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #117 on: April 23, 2012, 12:46:36 PM »
2x heads, 1 x tails- success

The house is empty, and there is a sign that someone hunkered down here, as discarded food packages litter the floor, and a single burner is keeping a plate of food warm. It doesn't look like the owner is returning anytime soon.

"Well no reason to let it go to waste I guess."

As I sit down to rest for a bit and eat the plate of food. I notice something shiny under what appears to be a floor mat...

"Oh neat a pack of pop tarts...hah I will save those for later."
"Well I guess its time to go, Now that I think about it I bet getting some medical supplies from the hospital would be extremely valuable to Al or hell anyone.."

As I change my destination to the hospital I notice 2 zombies laying on the ground...

"Hmmm maybe they are already dead... well deader."

Right when I say that one of them looks up at me and and immediately gets up and tries to bite me...barely being able to avoid it I quickly take out my sword and slice through his neck with quite a bit of effort behind it.

"Dang it must be getting dull from cutting through all those bones earlier."

The other one looks dead but cuts its head off anyways just to be sure. Started heading towards the hospital to see if I can find anything worth on supplies.

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #118 on: April 23, 2012, 07:34:45 PM »
As I come to I blurt out the word,


But there was no one there anymore and I was in a shack on the beach. Where did he go? I looked over to a plate of food and immediately started to eat it. Why did he do this, if I saw a group of zombies I'd walk the other way. I decide it irrelevent and finish the food. Now I just need something to drink and I think I'll survive.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Random Zombie RP
« Reply #119 on: April 23, 2012, 10:01:31 PM »
   Lewis returned to his cabin after an unsuccessful day of hunting.  Sitting down, he began eating a leftover rabbit's leg and stared down at the bow lying on the table.  It was a beautifully crafted and effective weapon made by his father, but has since been rendered useless by the snapped bowstring.

   Lewis knew how to replace it, but had nothing to replace it with, though, he knew that he could get one at Al's in town.  Lewis had been there before, but not without his father.  Attempting to go would be extremely risky, but he seemed to have no other choice.  Grabbing a piece of paper and a pencil, he began to make a list of all the things he would need because verbal communication would be... a challenge.  His eyes glanced up for a moment and he caught sight of one of his old textbooks.  It was a small one simply titled "Electricity."  He glared at the book for a few more moments, and then out the window, and suddenly he was hit with an idea.  He turned back to his paper and jotted down a few more items with one of those rare smiles on his face.