Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Hmm.. perhaps randomized spawn points.

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--- Quote from: Alais on February 28, 2010, 09:04:04 PM ---I never found this to be particularly an issue. Pokemon are mostly where you expect them, and why not have a few colonies which have moved to unexpected locations? It happens in the real world after all. As for only finding a few species in one patch of grass (it is normally around 8-10, which isn't really that few), there are a few reasons for it: 1) It makes the trainer travel and makes working out where to find a particular pokemon more of a challenge, 2) species tend to stick together in groups and compete with other species, meaning that it makes sense only a few can tolerate being near each other, and 3) you don't find an even distribution of a ton of different species in every similar-looking habitat, there is differentiation.

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Ok , so, it would be nice if a few colonies moved around, but they're always in the same boring location, I would like to see randomization in a swarm type manner in which pokemon of various sorts travel, and are more frequently flocked together habitually.

1) I agree with the travel, but that's not really the main focus of this, it's the habitual spawning tendencies. Travel was never an issue, as in my idea it just changes tendencies and eliminates set spawn points, ergo, it would in fact increase travel.

2)I believe this is true as well, but in a forest would you not expect to find a plethora of bug and plant pokemon and perhaps even a few miscellaneous ones? I'm just throwing out an opt for a little realism. In reality, there would be around 50 different species roaming a few habitats, although I guess what you're saying is that would alter travel and a few other things. I see where you're right, but I also see a slight potential in this as well, which is why I am trying my best to defend it.  ::)

3) I would like you to elaborate on this in a little more detail if possible please.

Overall, it seems like not too many people understand, nor even accept the main concept of this idea, so I'm actually starting to lose interest myself.

I don't think it was obvious what you meant to begin with. I think I see now and you have a point. Pokemon should have a set of places where they can appear, but they shouldn't always be there. Like if there were 10 different places a particular pokemon might be, they might only be in 3 of them at any one time. This would mean there might be 15-20 different species that sometimes appear in a patch of grass, but only 1/3 of them would be there at a time.

YESSS  ;D Thank you for being the one  to understand, I mean there can be multiple spawn locations with a random chance to get one of the spawn sets. I mean it would be easy to implement three different spawn sets or so that could be used for one area through variable chance, that's what I am mainly going for. Just a little randomization to make the player feel more immersed in a real type of world  :D

an idea like that is what i hopeing the real pokemon company would do but now thats there is this thats just another thing to make it better

Interested Listener:
I know this would prolong development and possibly create problems but what if the original Pokemon that is being placed in a different environment were to change. I am not talking like total evolution but maybe a different stat change or altered moves.

Maybe............. :)


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