Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Hmm.. perhaps randomized spawn points.

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--- Quote from: Interested Listener on March 01, 2010, 05:37:52 AM ---I know this would prolong development and possibly create problems but what if the original Pokemon that is being placed in a different environment were to change. I am not talking like total evolution but maybe a different stat change or altered moves.

Maybe............. :)

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lol that has nothing to do with this topic, do a search and then please post on the correct topic  :D Plus, I doubt that will happen on a majority of implemented content.

Uh,, I don't see any reason why he posted it in the wrong topic? =]
Please explain  ???

This topic is about finding Pokemon in a certain area (i.e. Powerplant: Pikachu, Voltorbs, Jolteons,..).
Interested Listener brought in the idea that if a Pokemon is found in certain circumstances, it would have other stats than the same Pokemon who is living in other circumstances  :)


--- Quote from: Alais on February 28, 2010, 11:40:25 PM ---I don't think it was obvious what you meant to begin with. I think I see now and you have a point. Pokemon should have a set of places where they can appear, but they shouldn't always be there. Like if there were 10 different places a particular pokemon might be, they might only be in 3 of them at any one time. This would mean there might be 15-20 different species that sometimes appear in a patch of grass, but only 1/3 of them would be there at a time.

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Was it that hard to explain it like that stephenkill?

Now, that is clearer. Yes, it would be good idea to make it like that.

And yes, I agree with Dvys, Interested Listener is not off topic at all. His idea is good also.

Like say there are 10 areas to find a pikachu (the famous one), one of them being in the mountains. When the colony of pikachu will go in the mountains (which is actually frequently struck by lightning, for example), the wild pikachus there will have a higher chance of having a better than average special attack (and perhaps also increase the chance that another stat is lower than normal). This can vary from region to region of encounter.

Oh yes, explained like that I concur, it actually sounds plausible and I would like to see some type of system like that implemented as well.

Interested Listener:
Thanks, sorry stephekill I should have explained it thoroughly. :)


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