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Author Topic: [GUILD] Elemental Elites  (Read 873701 times)

Offline Roloc

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[GUILD] Elemental Elites
« on: May 09, 2012, 01:17:18 AM »

This is the official guild thread for the Elemental Elites, branching off from the 17 trainers thread. That thread has posts from people just posting what their teams would be, but not everyone who posts in it are on the team. This is a new thread just for future guildies, and I'll want everyone to sign in. Just post your name and the pokemon type you'll specialize in. Roloc, the guild leader, will then post you. Otherwise this thread will be used to discuss things about the guild.

There are no restrictions about joining Elemental Elites!
Each member will only use one chosen type. If a pokemon is at least part X type, then it can be used. If not, then you don't use it. For example, I'm a water trainer. I train anything that's purely or partly water, while I avoid other types. One exception is if a non water type evolves into a water type. Bidoof and Azurill are both normal types, for example, but they evolve into part or pure water types. Meaning it's ok for a water trainer to train one for the purpose of evolving it. Remember, you only have to use your mono team when asked to represent the Elemental Elites. Other then that you are free to use any team you want.

There will be 17 leaders, but the guild will have as many members as possible. Anyone who is not one of the 17 leaders can challenge a leader of their type and try to take the title. Three matches. Best two out of three wins. You can challenge other trainers if you'd like, but you can't take the title of top steel trainer if you're a water trainer.

In the beginning of the game, we will just have to take whatever pokemon we can find. However trainers will switch to a pokemon of their type as soon as possible. I don't expect to have immediate access to all types right from the start of the game.

We're using Pokemon Online as our way of battling online aside from within the MMO. This way we can hold guild tournaments without the hassle of having trained pokemon of a certain level and such. IN PO, the pokemon used will already be exactly as you'd like them. It's free for download from here

Important note. You may choose whatever type you like Even if it's taken. we'd like all the types to be covered, but you don't have to avoid a type just because someone else has it. There will be more than 17 trainers in the guild if we can help it. You'll just have to compete for the title of Elite Trainer from time to time.

Go ahead and advertise in the metagame server of your choice. There's no harm in inviting people to the guild, or just to the MMO.

A new note is that we don't all have to be competitive battlers. You can use whatever pokemon you want. This should be made easier with what the balance team is doing, making the pokemon in general more balanced instead of having tiers and only about 20% of the roster being commonly used.

Another nice thing to know is the different clauses (rules and regulations) for competitive battling and official Pokémon Universe tournaments. You can find the different clauses with their explanation here.

NOTE to help out our breeders. Every guild member should try to make the breeders' job as easy as possible. If you come across a ditto, catch it and store it on the guild's box so breeders have access to dittos from every nature which will help to speed up the breeding process. Also, if you want a breeder to make you a good EV'd pokemon with certain moves, you should at least bring him the basic pokemon (for example: bring a pidgeotto to breed an EV'd pidgey with a certain nature).

EE Rank Information:(More info to come.)
Guild Leader: Obviously this person is the leader of the guild
Officer: These people are trusted members of the guild and help oversee Elite battles and keep our guild clean. You must listen to these people.
Head Coordinator / Event Coordinator: These people set up events for the guild.

Elite Title(More info to come.)
  • Sleep, Freeze, Species and Self KO are to be enabled on ALL Elite battles.
  • Best 2 out of 3 style battles
  • An officer or myself must be witness to any Elite battle that takes place to avoid any problems
  • There will be no switching teams, pokemon or even moves on a pokemon during the title battle.

Wild Card title
  • "Wild Card" will be a separate title that EVERYONE can get even if you already have the Elite title for a type. It will NOT be a lesser title.
  • There will NOT be a Wild Card type so everyone will still be picking a type to specialize in.
  • In order to get the Wild Card title you have have to do a first to 9 wins battle system. You can use any type you'd like but, each round you must choose a different team.  You may not repeat types during the match.  (The most battles you could have in a first to 9, is 17 battles.
  • When battling to get the Wild Card title, both players will need to hide their teams so the battles are kept random
  • Just like the Elite battles, an officer must be present to witness the battle. Either before the battles or afterwards, BEFORE the title is awarded to the victor they must show all 17 teams or if after the battles then they simply have to show the ones they didn't get to use
  • There will be a maximum of 3 Wild Cards at a time. If you want the title then you will have to challenge someone that has it and try to take it from them.
  • An officer or myself must be witness to any Wild Card battle that takes place to avoid any problems
  • Sleep, Freeze, Species and Self KO are to be enabled on ALL of the matches.

The Twelve Days of Christmas Circuit

This special, Christmas-themed battle competition event, hosted by the Elemental Elites, will take place on the PU server in Pokemon Online, and is open to everyone who has an account on Pokemon Universe, regardless of what guild you're in (or your lack of being in one). In this event, which spans over multiple days, you will battle against other participants in a number of battles, of which there will be a minimum (but no max). The winners will be determined by their win ratio, or their number wins divided by their number of losses. Each participant will used a single, Christmas-themed team that must be created under specific guidelines. You will have to choose from a limited number of pokemon that represent some aspect of Christmas, and to even further increase the difficulty, there will be restrictions placed on nearly each pokemon, whether it be movesets, abilities, or items. In addition to that, some of the pokemon allowed can only be used when other specific pokemon are on your team, and there are even some others that cannot be used together. The event will take place over two phases. During the first phase, which takes place on December 20-23, participants will be allowed to create and test their teams using the guidelines given. Battles using these teams during these four days will not count for or against you in the event, as they are purely for testing and team construction. The second phase then takes place from December 26-January 2, and once this phase begins, you may not alter or change your event team in any way, shape, or form. All battles will count for your "record" during this phase, but only if both participants are using their Christmas themed team. A few participants will also be named as judges, and at least one judge must spectate a match for it to count, but a judge is not allowed to spectate their own match. If you are discovered to be cheating, you will be kicked from the event, and the opponent(s) that you have cheated against, if you beat them, will have those losses automatically converted into wins. The winners will be recognized on the guild home page.

Pokemon Allowed

3 Wisemen/3 Kings: Slowking, Empoleon,and Jellicent. If any of them is used on a team, the other two must be used as well. Each of these pokemon must hold one of the following items, and no two can hold the same item: Gold Nugget, Lax Incense, Miracle Berry

Reindeer: Stantler OR Winter Sawsbuck, you cannot use both. For the sake of Christmas spirit, it must also be male and named after one of the reindeer that pulls Santa's sleigh. No matter which you choose, it must learn Double Team. Additionally, Stantler must learn Me First, and Sawsbuck must learn Camouflage.

Christmas Tree and Decorations: Abomasnow OR Torterra AND Sylveon OR Starmie, You must either choose Abomasnow or Torterra to represent your tree, and either Sylveon or Starmie to represent the decorations on star. If used, Abomasnow must learn Natural Gift, and Torterra must learn Synthesis. As an alternative, you can remove this restriction by having them not hold an item instead. Sylveon must learn both Charm and Dazzling Gleam, and Starmie must learn Power Gem, but cannot learn Recover.

Santa Clause: What is the Christmas to most people without the holiday's most famous mascot, Santa Clause? Similarly, your Christmas-themed team wouldn't be complete without a pokemon that resembles Santa. Because of this, EVERY participant is required to have either a Delibird or a Snorlax on their team. Delibird must know the move Present, and Snorlax must have Gluttony as its ability.

Santa's Elves: Sableye, Whimsicott, or Clefable, you may only have one of these, if you want any, but other than that, there are no restrictions!

An Elegant Side of Christmas: Smeargle, Swanna or Gardevoir, you can only have 1 on your team if you want either of them. Smeargle must learn Magic Coat, Swanna must learn Feather Dance, and Gardevoir must learn Captivate.

The Grinch/Scrooge: Cacturne OR Grumpig. Too much of a bad attitude would ruin Christmas, so you can only have one of these pokemon, should you choose to have either of them. Cacturne must learn Growth or Thief, but cannot have Sunny Day. Grumpig, on the other hand, must know the move Rest.

The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future: Golurk, Gengar, AND Dusknoir. If you want any of them, all three must be on your team. All of them must know at least one ghost type move, and one of them can learn ONLY ghost type moves.

Christmas Carolers: Seismitoad, Chatot, AND Swoobat. If you have any of them, you must have all of them. They must all learn round. Also, two of these restrictions must also be added: Chatot must learn Synchronoise, Seimitoad must learn Echoed Voice, and Swoobat must learn Attract.

Snowflake: Cryogonal. If used, it must know the move Hail. It can also only learn Ice type and other non-damaging moves. Cannot learn any moves that only inflict status effects.

Church Bells: Bronzong OR Chimecho. You can only use one of these pokemon, if any. If used, it must know Round, and cannot learn any ghost type moves.

Miss Wednesday
GameBoy Advanced

EE Team (Noah, Chad, Roloc) - September 25, 2011 - Winners of the Pokemon Universe Community Tournament
Roloc - Dec. 2013 -Jan 2014 - Winner of the EE Xmas event created by GrizzlyEatsKids

Other major guild details will be posted as new info comes in.

Member list:

Roloc (Guild Leader/Elite/Mentor): Bug
Miss Wednesday (Officer/Breeder/Mentor): Poison
The-Blades-slave(Officer/Wild Card/Elite/Mentor): Ice
GrizzlyEatsKids(Head Coordinator/Mentor): Flying
Ponge (Elite): Water
Noah_Road (Elite): Psychic
Bing (Elite): Fire
Shadowfred (Elite): Electric
Chad29: Water
xhizor8201 (Elite): Steel
The Fox (Elite): Fighting
shad0wxlk: Ice
Flynt (Wild Card): Fire
CelaGhost: Ghost
MyTh: Poison
Miserybiz: Flying
Lord Hoofenganger: Normal
Piston: Rock
Rockbreaker: Dark
Shadow of Darkness: Dragon
Dusknoir: Ghost
Dag242: Dragon
Timaus: Poison
TheOmega1: Steel
Pokemaster MAC: Grass / Breeder
Swiush: Undecided
jigamaflurg7: Steel
Maizox: Dragon
rathen123: Ghost
Fustyv: Bug
Redthebeast: Electric
WeavileKing: Ice
GoofyGoober: Water
dagreatnain: Fighting
Desbear(Mentor): undecided
Tickles(Mentor): Dark
Mr. Blue: Undecided
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 09:14:52 AM by Tickles »
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"Gimmicks only get you so far in a fight without the skill set to back them up."

Offline Miss Wednesday

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 01:21:00 AM »
First!!!!=w=(Besides Roloc ofc C;)
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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2012, 01:26:13 AM »
N00B! you double posted! 8)

Offline Miss Wednesday

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2012, 01:29:21 AM »
N00B! you double posted! 8)
Idc meanie face! I can do that because I'm a Pirate, and because I'm awesomesauce ;D lmfao
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2012, 03:15:45 PM »
I just noticed something, we just need an ice type trainer and we'll have all types covered ;) Feel free to recruit on PU or PO.

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2012, 09:31:08 PM »
I'll try to get on later today and find a good ice trainer.  :)

Offline Roloc

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2012, 09:40:04 PM »
Ice is such a good type too. I made a team that was all holding bright powder and had the snow cloak ability. it was awesome to see all those misses XD
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"Gimmicks only get you so far in a fight without the skill set to back them up."

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2012, 06:06:06 AM »
I could be an ice trainer if you want I'm pretty good with them.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2012, 06:14:00 AM »
Look what I found! He's prefect!  ;)

Offline Miss Wednesday

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2012, 06:16:50 AM »
=w= Welcome aboard The-Blades-slave
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2012, 06:28:13 AM »
I haven't been accepted yet. But thanks for the warm welcome.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2012, 02:00:53 PM »
Welcome to EE, The-Blades-slave! I'll add ya to the first post :)
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"Gimmicks only get you so far in a fight without the skill set to back them up."

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2012, 02:45:05 PM »
I haven't been accepted yet. But thanks for the warm welcome.
We wouldn't deny you anyways! =w=
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2012, 05:33:53 PM »
Who would I have to battle on PO to become an elite?

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [GUILD] Elemental Elites
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2012, 05:40:19 PM »
Another ice trainer. Your the only one we have right now though.
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"Gimmicks only get you so far in a fight without the skill set to back them up."