Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?

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PkMn Trainer Black:
Sighing, Collette took off her jacket and carried the boy on her back. she then went to a house that said "Red's House." She entered te building and asked the mother of Red to take care of the boy. after the mother accepted the task, Collette left the house and put her jacket back on and followed who she tought was a "Kitty boy."

 (I won't be on til tomorrow, so I would like it if you, Meowth, allowed Collette to follow you. also, if starters are chosen, i'll prefer Squirtle.)

Hearing a lot of ruckus outside the lab. I had to investigate what was going on. Jumping up onto a fence on the side of the lab I see two people which appeared to be fighting each other....or something of that sort.

Dashing over to the side of them and jumping quickly onto the trainer that had the meowth as a Pokemon and landed on the trainers head.

Quickly announcing that I am there with a very serious notion "RIOOLUU" Not a big fan of people who fight for no reason. "Riolu...Riolu rio!" (Stop....Stop now!)

Sticking its head up in disapproval. Oak noticing what I was doing hurry and came over and tried to get me to stop by going into my Pokeball....Freaking out quickly dodging the beam from the pokeball and using quick attack and smacks into Prof. Oaks face....falling back down slamming onto the ground. ""Rio....Lu"

Gaining consciousness back I realize what I did and panic again bowing in front of the meowth and his trainer apologizing for that rude intro. Going behind Prof. Oak and looking back at them.

Oak: No he is fine and quite a hyper little one too. He just hatched from his egg just a few days ago and apparently hates being in his Pokeball. He is supposed to be someones starter Pokemon, but no one has chosen him yet since mainly he is still just a newborn..

Looking at the trainer and meowth's gesture to go with them....Raising an eyebrow to them..

Oak: Well I must warn you what I know about this little one is he is rather distrusting of most people. I guess its because of the color of his fur that makes him rather picky. You see the reason he hasn't been chosen yet is because he won't let them take him. He will only go if someone beats him in a battle to prove they are strong enough to train him right. So far no one could. He has a very strong will on that. IF you want you can challenge him.

Looking at the meowth gesturing to me.

"Riolu! Rio Rio Rio Riolu!" (Hey! I will only go if you battle me and win!")

Smiling with great excitement as meowth lunges at me using scratch I decide to meet him head on with Quick attack!

"Riolu...Rio Rio!" (Challenge.....acc epted!"

As I crash into meowths scratch dealing damage to both sides!

"Riolu rio rio Riolu!"     (Lets see who has more endurance!)

Starts using foresight to make my attacks more accurate and lunges back into another quick attack going after meowth again!


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