Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?

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Startled by the growl...makes me unable to avoid the scratch. Having only one chance I use endure.

Bracing for the impact of the scratches in hopes the endure will hold.

"Rio...!" (C'mon) Thinking to myself "Am I really going to lose to a cat??"

Finally the barrage of scratches is over and the endure holds but barely hanging on...

Uses quick attack one last time at full strength!! Dashing at meowth at high speed!
"Riolu rio RIO!" (Ok, this end NOW!) "Rio Rio" (All or nothing)

Getting hit with the scratch at the last moment and does enough damage and I end up fainting as well..."Rio pant lu"
As I fall to the ground.

Oak: Well now that is the first time someone was able to make him faint since he was hatched a few days ago I am Impressed. Now I wonder what he is going to think about it when he wakes up from this. I must say it was a great battle for both sides!

Waking up several minutes later seeing that meowth woke up before me and was already recovering...I knew who took the most damage from a points wise. Being a fairly decent fan of boxing when I was human I knew I really had been beaten even though we both fainted..

Looking up at the trainer putting a careless gesture up as a front...."Riolu Rio Rio" (Well you won in my book)

Slowly walking over to him sitting down next to him looking at meowth and with a happy notion "RIO! Rio RIOLU!" (YOU! that WAS FUN!)
Nodding at the trainer in approval.

Oak: Well I guess that settles it then I think he would like to go with you on your journey. Treat this one well not everyday you see a Riolu like this..Color and spirit!

Oak hands Schrodinger the Pokeball that goes to Riolu!

Tilting my head at Meowth has he puts his hand up to me...."Rio?" (huh?)

With a confused look on my face I just shrug it off as it was not clicking to what Meowth was trying to do.

Seeing an apple tree next to the lab my eyes light up. Quickly scurrying to the tree and up to one of the branches to sit on and starts eating on one of the apples.

With a mouth full from the apple.."Rioouush Riolshu" (Very tasty!)

Looking down I see Schrodinger sighing...Thinking quickly I pick 2 apples and throw them to Meowth and Schrodinger. "Rio!"

Looking at Schrodinger. Thinking of something to do. Eyes light up and I start chuckling a little bit. Jumping out of the tree I go over to him take out my Pokeball and make it bigger. Starts balancing it on my head as if it was a circus act. Trying to do a circus theme music "Rio ri ri ri Rio Rio.............." "Rio Rio Rio riolu ri riolu." (Man its hard when all he can understand is Riolu as of what I am saying...)

Thinking back I really didn't care too much about what was happening in my life in the other world so it didn't do much to me feelings wise. Notices the Pokeball fell "Rio" Picking it back and and tries to balance it again!

"rio rio rio Riolu ri rio riolu rio rio...." (Yea I am from another world too so this is rather odd for me too.....)

Thinking to myself...'well no matter this is a once in a lifetime chance I am a freaking Pokemon how cool is that!"

Stoked from what I was think in a pumped up gesture "RIO RIOLU!" Doing a fist pump at Schrodinger to show he is ready! Pointing at a road that appeared to lead out of the town. "Riolu!"


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