Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?

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Metapod slams into the nidoran once more and the nidoran faints.

?-Metapod leveled up to level 8!

Cool, now to this kid.

me-Fork over da cash.

He puts the money in my hand and I leave. I go to the pokecenter to get my pokemon healed, I walk to the counter and place my pokeballs on it.

me-Please heal them.

Nurse joy takes them and a few minutes later she hands them back. I exit the pokecenter and walk towards the gym. My spirits are high and I'm phsyched. I notice a building with a yellow roof. I walk inside.

PkMn Trainer Black:
On route three, Collette was able to find a herd of Nidorans. They noticed her, and all used poison Sting. To Defend herself, She threw her jacket in front of her. She then sent out Budew.

Collette- Extrasensory!

As the burst of energy blew away most of the herd, there were only two Nidoran remaining.

Mortecai decided to walk to the tree that he figured would block the path to Violet. He got pretty far until he noticed a cave.

Wait, where is the tree?

Again, it was another thing unlike the games. No trees blocking paths, which means dark cave should be fine to walk in. He decided to step inside it, but was only greeted by darkness.

Well, that makes sense. Probably why it's called dark cave.

He turned around to the light and went outside, only to meet a trainer.

I saw you go into the cave. Thought you were pretty brave. Seeing you come out as fast as you did probably means you're a weakling. So, how about a battle? I want to see how weak you are?

Well, you're pretty confident, so why not. Let's do this.

The boy took a few steps back and tossed out a pokeball.

Go, Metapod!

The metapod popped out in silence.

Is that all you have?

Of course it is, the first pokemon I ever caught, and the strongest metapod there is.

Let's do this Houndour!

Houndour came out in a blaze of confidence.

Metapod, use Harden!

The metapod glowed bright.

Houndour, burn it up with Ember!

Houndour launched a flurry of embers.

Good luck, Metapod can't get hurt in his hardened state.

The embers hit, causing serious damage.

Wait, what?!

Harden only boosts a pokemon's defense, not their special defense. Ember is a special move. Everyone knows that.

Special or not, I can still win!

A freshly caught metapod can only use Harden, a non attacking move. I think this is game.

Suddenly the Metapod started to glow, and evolved into a Butterfree.

Aw, sweet, now I can use a new move. butterfree, use Confusion!

The move was ineffective.

Dark types are immune to Psychic type attacks.

That's cheating. You're a cheat.

I didn't cheat. Look, let's call it a draw then, there really isn't a point continuing something that will just make you mad.

NO! Butterfree, use Harden, then try to ram into Houndour!

Houndour, ember!

As the Butterfree was using it's move, Houndour launched a barrage of flames at it, causing a critical hit. The Butterfree fainted.

Are you going to be ok?

The boy handed over some cash.

Just get out of my sight. I'm really mad right now.

Hey, don't feel so bad. That looks like a strong Butterfree. If I had a pokemon that wasn't a dark type, it might have creamed me. Just keep going, and you two will make an excellent team

The boy smiled a bit, returned his butterfree, and walked off. Mortecai returned Houndour, and started back towards Violet.

Thirty dollars. Why do I feel like that means nothing?

Warren sees the kid from earlier walk inside, stepping in front of him with Charmander by his side, Warren said

When I wanted to face Brock I had to battle them,

He pointed at the two boys,

So it only makes sense you battle me, to battle him besides I need a rematch, so are you ready?

Charmander walked in front of Warren ready to battle.

(This is not what I had in mind, only one of the things. The other depends on if I can make another profile.)

me-Do I have to?

I stomp my foot immaturely, I release pidgey.

me-I didn't come here to battle the world but I guess I might as well.

Pidgey flies around.

me-I've discovered something about pidgey to.


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