Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?

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I look at him.

me-First off, I decide what and where I wanna go, second, what's up with your very stupid accent?

My bird lands on my shoulder.

I shrug,

me-I just... Got here.

My stomach grumbles and I moan.

me-I'm going to go get something to eat.

I set off into town.

I count my fingers

me-Give or take a day.

PkMn Trainer Black:
After The Oak talked to the Kitty boy, he wen't into red's house, With collette following him only to see that he was punched in the face. Moments passed and Oak was back on his feet.

Oak- oh dear. I'm getting too old for this. By the way, young lady, Take these pokeballs and start your journey.


Collette- What the heck? oh well. thanks for the pokeballs.

Collette left the house to go to route 1. once she got there, a pidgey was encountered.

Collette-Ready, budew?

Budew jumped off her head and used Extrasensory  on the pidgey, flinching it. Budew then used absorb to make it a littke bit weaker. The pidgey used a Gust to blow Budew away. Collette then took out a poke ball and walked up to the bird. it was pretty weakened, so it couldn't attack anymore.

Collette- Pidgey, I'm sorry. How about i make it up to you by having you on my team?

Collette's and the Pidgey's eyes glistened at each other, and Pidgey pecked the button to allow itself in.

Collette- Nice. Pidgey is on my side.

After the battle, Collette went a bit further to Viridian city. She decided to heal her pokes.

Joy- hello. Would you like to heal your pokemon?

Collette- Yes I would, thank you.

She handed them over to Joy and sat, waiting for their recovery.

PkMn Trainer Black:
Joy- your pokemon are done healing.

Collette- thank you.

Collette walked out of the PC and left the city to go to the Viridian forest. once in the thick of the forest after a few minutes, She ancountered a caterpie. Pidgey came out and was ready to battle.

Collette(thoughts)- alright, Pidgey should have gust, so that's what i'm gonna want him to do.

Before collette could say anything, pidgey was already using gust. the Caterpie was blown a little back. The caterpie then used String Shot to prevent the bird from flying.

Collette- Tackle!

Pidgey was up on his talons and charged for Caterpie and vice versa, the two collided and Caterpie was down. suddenly, Pidgey flashed for a moment.

Voice- Pidgey grew to level 6!

Collette-I'm So Happy! Good job, Pidgey. Now, let me get that string from around your wings...


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