Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?

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Following behind Schrodinger and the other trainer he was talking to I was getting rather bored....Looking around I see a Pidgey about to fly by us. Chuckling a little bit I hurry and jump on Schrodingers shoulder and lunge from top of his head at the bird.

Unfortunately it would be a rather agile Pidgey and easily dodges me and I plummet to the ground face first.....*Thump*
Sitting back up. "Riooooo" (Owwwwww)
Angry at the bird as it flies off not impressed....

PkMn Trainer Black:
right after pidggey was able to fly again, a mankey shows up along with a rattatta.

Collette- Not another one. * throws her jacket*

Warren walked along the path to virvidian with his new charmander. From what gathered something had happened when he turned on the game. He had been whisked to prof. Oak who gave him charmander and a pokedex. Be looked up when he saw a sign that said, Virvidian forest, great! He had missed the city. no use whining. He walked into the forests and walked until he heard a rustling in the grass. Looking down a yellow mouse jumped out. Warren pulled out his poke sec, and it informed him that it was a pikachu. Charmander stepped out in front if Warren

Char char (let's battle)

Pika Pika (bring it)

Warren pointed at the pikachu and said

Charmander scratch.

Charmander charged and scratched pikachu across the face, then without being told he followed up with growl. Pikachu leaped back slightly limping and then used thunder wave quickly followed by thunder shock. It hit charmander making him cry out in pain, Warren decided to use his last trick

Charnander ember

The embers hit Pikachu knocking him down, Warren threw one of the poke balls he had been given. It moved three times then stopped, Warren quickly picked up the pokr ball then recalled Charmander. He ran out of the forest heading for Virvidian cities pokemin center.

Mr. Fox:
I walked up to a group of trainers that were talking amungst themselves. "Say, do you know where I could find a Pokedex?"

Warren quickly reached the pokemon center and gave nurse Joy the pokeballs, they were healed quickly and Warren let them both out as they exited the poke Mon center. He spotted a bunch of trainers with an older man and brushed past them, not even paying attention. They entered Virvidian forest  and Warren said

Let's get to training.


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