Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?

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PkMn Trainer Black:
The mankey came out and used scratch on Pidgey, while Rattata used tackle on Budew. Pidgey was hit, Budew dodged the attack.

Collette- Budew, Extrasensory.

A Burst of energy hit both wild pokemon.

Collette- Pidgey, Sand attack on Mankey.

Mankey suddenly had sand in it's eyes. it scratched wildly and winded up hitting rattata.

Collette- Pidgey, Gust.

Both wild pokemon were blown by gust into trees, fainting them. budew flashed.

Voice- Budew grew to Lv.6!

Collette- Awsome.

Collette continues through the forest.

Mr. Fox:
I laughed out loud at his question. "Lets just say I have somethings I need to do here. So, what's your name young man?" I held out my hand for a handshake.

Mr. Fox:
"What's the Authority? If you don't mind my asking." the kid shook my hand, not the best one I had ever gotten, but at least he had some manners.

Charmander leaped out of the way of a blast from pikachu then retaliated with a embers, pikachu dodged out of the way and shot another thunder shock. It hit Charmander paralyzing him. Charmander barely managed to use embers again , pikachu vanished then reappeared a few feet away

hold up did you just learn quick attack,

Pikachu nodded vigorously and jumped on Warrens shoulder followed closely by Charmander who came to stand by his leg.

Well let's go fund us someone to battle.

Mr. Fox:
"HAHAHA! Of course I'm not from this world! I am a humble researcher in the other world. When I learned that possibly thousands of new species had been discovered in this world I found my way in as quickly as I could, perhaps a bit too quickly... And I hold no alligence to this Authority you speak of." The kid was poking me, I almost snapped and broke his hand, but I held my composure. I gently grabbed his and and pushed it away from me, then I playfully ran my hand through his hair. "So, where might I find a Pokedex?"


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