Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?

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Me-Wait, there's a whole world of these and what I've got to "catch em all"?

The bird flies around.

Me-Does it do anything?

I laugh,

Me-What, it's gonna like rugby tackle things.

The bird charges into my nuts. It hits super effectively.

Me-note to self, never underestimate tackling birds.

Me-Lemme guess from an old guy with short hair on the sides.

I smirk,

Me-If it is him then he fell off his ladder and knocked himself clean out...

The bird flies onto my shoulder.

Me-I guess because you asked so nicely I'll come with you.

PkMn Trainer Black:
Collette kept at a steady pace with the forest pokemon until they opened a pathway for her and her new friend,  Budew. They decided to go ahead but found a strange boy with cat ears and a Meowth with no ears. She decided to go to them and speak.

Collette-Sorry, but do you two boys realize where we are?

The Budew jumped on Collette's head and sat there.

(is the town like 4 buildings, if not then please can only Pallet have 4 cuz I got a funny joke.)

I look at him seriously,

Me-you're kidding right, there's only four buildings.

(if more than four)

Me-I think it's that one, the big one at the sea edge.

?-sorry, but do you two boys know where we are.

I spin around,

Me-Pallet Town... I think.


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