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Author Topic: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?  (Read 91568 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #90 on: May 21, 2012, 04:39:10 PM »
Mortecai reaches the start of the city, and notices a sign to his left that says, "Welcome to Pallet Town."

Well, at least I know where I am now. That was kind of anti-climatic. Nothing to do here really but talk to, wait. I'm in Pallet Town, home of Prof. Oak. Maybe talking to him will point me in the right direction, or at least help me make sense of all this.

He looked out into the town. It was a lot bigger than from the game, and had more buildings.

It could take me forever to find the lab. Maybe Houndour knows something. Let's go, Houndour!

Mortecai primed the ball and threw it in the air, allowing Houndour to pop out.


Houndour, do you remember being here before?

Houndour sniffed around, but recognized no scent.

Nothing? Well, it was worth a shot. How about we walk around for a bit. I think you would enjoy walking around outside.

Houndour's stumped tail began to wag in agreement, and stood beside his trainer. Mortecai walked straight down the road, looking for any sign that can lead to the lab. He wasn't ready to speak to anyone, not until he was sure of what's going on.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #91 on: May 21, 2012, 07:06:26 PM »
Warren smiled and patted his stomach as he, Charmander, and Pikachu, finished their food. Then Pikachu jumped on his shoulder, and Charmander started tugging on his pant leg pointing at the door. He chuckled and finally strolled out the door with Charmander waving his blazing tail, and strolled out the door. He looked at both his pokemon and questioned

You guys think your ready for virvidian forest?

Pika Pi (Yep!)

Char Charmander (Yes sir!)

Warren smiled as Pikachu bounced on his shoulder enthusiasticly, and Charmander saluted him from the ground. He may not originally be from this world, but he sure loved it. Warren set a brisk pace heading for Virvidian forest, and reached their quickly with Charmander following close behind and Pikachu on his shoulder. As he strolled into the forest he heard a rustling and expected it to be a pokemon but when he whirled around he was confronted by a trainer in a white shirt, blue shorts and a straw hat holding a net

I challenge you to a battle

Warren laughed a little when the boy asked him but charmander leaped in ready to battle, the boy called out a Weedle and shouted

Weedle you can do this, use poison sting!

Warren started taking the battle seriously after he saw just how fast the Weedle was. With a barrage of poison stings heading at Charmander, Warren shouted

Charmander stop that Poison sting with ember!

Charmander spit a large bout of ember in front of him, the attacks canceling each other out as a the ashes from both attacks flew away  in the wind. Warren quickly assesed Charmander, seeing no damage Warren shouted

Charmander use Smoke screen!

Charmander snorted and smoke billowed out of his mouth and nose, surrounding Weedle and completely blocking his view of Charmander. Then Warren smirked, this battle was over. He quickly shouted

Charmander, use Ember!

Charmander shot a quick blast of embers, clearing the smoke and blasting into Weedls turned back. Weedle dropped to the ground finished, the weakness to fire really hit it hard. Charmander ran back to Warrens side and Warren shouted

Hey kid, you got a powerful Weedle but work on his endurance and strength, not just his speed.

The kid nodded and picked up Weedle, and ran off to town. Warren patted Charmander on the back and whispered

Your getting powerful buddy.

Then they continued onward through the forest.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 07:12:53 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #92 on: May 21, 2012, 08:39:53 PM »
Schrodinger: "Lets rest here a bit, K?"

Me: "Riolu!"

In agreement....As Schrodinger looks at the map I go around to the other side to practice my counter swings a little bit to try not to show off to him just yet...
Looking every once in a while making sure he isn't looking. Out of no where a curious Ralts comes up to me asking me what I was doing. A little confused of why a wild Pokemon would just come up to me like that...Then it hit me...I almost forgot I was a Pokemon too..

Ralts: You seem to be enjoying yourself alot over here but I sense you are hiding....why?

Hearing all this in my head coming from the Ralts must be her Telepathy...

Me: "Rio Riolu Ri Ri Rio Riolu." (It's because I don't want my trainer to see I know this move yet.)

Ralts: Well that is kind of a dumb reason I sense that he is a rather happy person also....

Me: "Rio.....Ri Riolu Rio Riolu?" (Wait....How did you get to this region?)

Ralts: I was hatched here...Not really sure how I got here myself..

Me: "Rio Rio Ri Ri Riolu!" (Well it's very nice to meet such a beautiful pokemon!)

Having always loved the way the Ralts looked as a person when I played the game...and her evolutions were just majestic..I started to think....

Me: "Riolu Rio Rio Ri...Riolu RI!" (Well since you are kinda lost I guess you could say..You are welcome to join us!"
Me: "Rio Riolu Ri Riolu!" (He is a rather great person!"

Going back around to alert Schrodinger of my new friend.

: "RIOLU!!"

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #93 on: May 21, 2012, 09:31:08 PM »
After searching for what seemed like an hour, Mortecai finally came to Prof. Oak's lab. He went up to the entrance when someone stopped him randomly.

Excuse me, but I'm afraid I have to stop you right there. No one sees Oak without getting past me first.

Hey, I don't want any trouble, I'm just here to ask some questions. You see, I'm not from here and..

You're from Johto, and you're here to get a pokemon from Oak. Not a chance buddy, I'm the only one deserving to get a rare pokemon, and a pokedex, so back off!

Houndour didn't like the person's tone and stood in front of him and Mortecai.


Well, it looks like we're going to have a battle then aren't we. Very well.

The trainer took a step back and pulled out a pokeball. He threw it high in the air.

Manky, let's show this loser who's boss!

The Manky popped out, ready to pounce on Houndour.

Wait, I never agreed to a battle. I just want to get some answers, not a pokemon.

Liar! Now get ready, Manky, focus energy.

Manky powered up, ready to hit as hard as it could.

Now, Karate Chop!

It ran in fast. Mortecai didn't know what to do.

Uh, Houndour, watch out.

Houndour barely evaded the attack. Manky turned on it's target.

Karate chop, again!

It hit the mark, critical hit. Houndour fainted on the spot.

No, but I wasn't battling. He never even gave me a chance to attack.

Karate chop once more, send this loser a message.

Mortecai was astounded, he won, but is still attacking?!


Mortecai ran in and took the hit for Houndour. It hurt, a lot, and he was sure his leg was broken.

The battle is done. Please, just stop.

Not a chance. Keep hammering away.

Knock it off, this instant!

An older woman came out of a house.

Robert, shame on you, bullying a new trainer. What would your mother say?

You got lucky punk. Manky, Return!

He recalled his pokemon and left. Mortecai was hurt, but he turned to his Houndour.

Hey buddy, are you ok?

Houndour opened his eyes and seemed to be smiling.

Houndour. Hound.

Ok, return, get some rest.

Mortecai recalled Houndour. The old woman came out to assist him.

He sure did pull a number on you. Come inside and we'll see what the damage is.

She helped him up, and slowly, but surely, he was seated in the house. She lifted the left pant leg to see a large bruise on it.

Just a bruise, but it will hurt for a bit. Just take some rest until the pain dies down. You and your Houndour hungry?

Mortecai was too deep in thought. He heard hungry, and thought that maybe Houndour may want some food.

I'm ok, but he might. He isn't my pokemon though, I'm looking for his trainer.

Mortecai brought out Houndour, who seemed a little better. The woman went into her kitchen and started to prepare something for him.

Take it easy buddy, we may be here for a bit.
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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #94 on: May 21, 2012, 09:55:50 PM »
Scratching my head with an Oops look on my face.....

Pointing on the other side of the tree.

Me: "Riolu Rio Rio Ri Rio Riolu!"(Hey I want you to meet my new friend that came out of nowhere!)

Running back to the other side seen the Ralts rather puzzled at my energy...

With a great smile ^_^....

Me: "Riolu Riolu Rio Ri Rio Rio Rio." (Ralts I would like you to meet my trainer Schrodinger.)

The Ralts looking rather timid at the person standing before her not really knowing what to do...

Me: "Rio Ri Riolu Ri Ri Riolu." (Don't be afraid he is a good guy and I personally would love to have you as a friend.) ^_^

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #95 on: May 21, 2012, 10:20:57 PM »
I dashed as fast as I could. This time my accessories saved me from being captured. However I should pay more attention to my surroundings and think less. 'Viridian Forest' I read on a sign. I dashed in right away. A forest would be easier to stay for now. Less attention would be drawn towards me. I ran a bit too fast and couldn't turn in time. I ran into a tree and screamed loudly in pain. Quickly I silenced myself. It wasn't the kind of idea I had in mind for keeping low profile...

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #96 on: May 21, 2012, 10:42:22 PM »
The Ralts looks at the meowth and Schrodinger and freaks out a bit and uses Teleport into the tree.

Ralts: Sorry not used to people...

Me: "Rio Riolu Rio Rio Rio." (I promise he isn't a bad person.)

The Ralts slowly comes back down and greets Schrodinger and Meowth. And bows before them.

Me: "Riolu Riolu Ri Ri Ri Rio!" (Now come on it would be great to have you on our team and fun!"

Seeing an Oran berry bush in the distance I run over there and pick a few of them giving one to the Ralts.

Me: "Rio" (Here) "Riolu Rio Rio Riolu." (This is for you.)

With a big smile on my face. Being super excited from actually meeting a Ralts. Running over to Schrodinger I grab one of the empty Pokeballs...

Me: "Riolu Rio Ri Rio Riolu." (Here it's your decision if you would like us as your friends."

Setting the Pokeball down next to her she looks up at Schrodinger trying to get a read of what he is thinking on all this..

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #97 on: May 21, 2012, 10:56:03 PM »
The woman brought out two bowls of food. She set one down in front of Houdnour, who began to eat, and the other in front of Mortecai.

I can tell you'll be hungry eventually, so it's there is you want it.

Hmm, oh, thank you.

Mortecai reached into his pocket to look at the pokedex, but he pulled out bits of metal and plastic.

What, when, how? I just got this today. Just my luck I guess.

Did that use to be a pokedex?

You can say that. I just don;t think I did anything that could have broke it. Unless i fell on it when that trainer attacked me. I don;t even now what I did wrong, all i wanted to do is figure out where I am, what I'm doing here, and why this Houndour's poke ball was near me. Where I come from, pokemon don't even exist, it's a video game...You probably think I'm crazy or something.

No, I think you're just in shock.

Yeah, in shock. Let's go with that.

Mortecai looks at the broken pieces. What if this belonged to Houndour's trainer, and he stole it while passed out or something, and took Houndour from them? What if the trainer found him unconscious and left Houndour there, and slipped the pokedex in the pocket? Either way, he had to get this fixed and make things right.

You said you're looking for Houndour's trainer, right?

Yeah, that's why I wanted to see Oak. I thought maybe he would look up the trainer or knew someone that went through with a Houndour, and ask some other questions that are just too unbelievable.

Well, he seems attached to you. I seen the way he tried to defend you when Robert was doing one of his famous rants. Maybe you're meant to train him.

I don't even know the first thing about raising a pokemon that lives, and breathes. Someone else would be better suited than me.

We all have our doubts, the key is to look past them and see what is truly important.

Mortecai looked at Houndour, who was finishing his bowl of pokemon food. He met him today, and already, he felt as though they were connected somehow. The pokedex even said that the original trainer was unknown.

Mortecai's stomach growled a bit.

You know what, I think I will have something to eat. Thank you for the meal.

You're welcome, and when you're ready, we both will head to the lab.

Mortecai began to eat. He felt as though it has been days since his last meal, but it could have just been all the excitement.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #98 on: May 21, 2012, 11:06:00 PM »
Right as Collette was about to leave the forest,She heard a loud cry and turned  back and went towards the sound of the cry. She sent out budew.

Collette- Budew, Continuously use Growth to the maximum just in case this is a trap.

Budew did as ordered while they made thier way to the sound cautiously.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #99 on: May 21, 2012, 11:11:29 PM »
I was a bit dizzy. When I turned around I saw a budew coming out of the brushes. It was continuously growing and stopped after a while. When I looked up from the Budew I saw a trainer. That was quite obvious that this would be coming after I shouted that loud...

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #100 on: May 21, 2012, 11:20:35 PM »
Collette- Are you hurt?
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #101 on: May 21, 2012, 11:24:57 PM »
It's a trainer with a grass-type pokémon. That shouldn't be a big deal for me. But it does mean that I have to hurt other creatures right? But even if I do, I can't really kill them since it's a game right? I could also run away but with all the trees around it's hard to manouver my way through, my head still aches from the last crash. I stood my ground as I stared at the trainer. If she was planning to do anything I would be ready to take her on.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 10:17:24 AM by Yukimenoko »

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #102 on: May 21, 2012, 11:35:55 PM »
(Collette is a 'She.')

The pokemon was staring at Collette. Colllette was undetered and she just closed her eyes, tilted her head, and smiled. Budew was just standing there smiling and used one of its buds to wave hello.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #103 on: May 21, 2012, 11:41:35 PM »
(NVM I messed up xD)

The Budew seemed to wave friendly at me. It made me feel bad of my ideas I just had... I guess I can't do it. I backed off and nodded politely.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 10:17:51 AM by Yukimenoko »

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] GENERIC POKEMON RP!...or is it?
« Reply #104 on: May 22, 2012, 12:00:19 AM »
Collette opened her eyes and seen that the pokemon was calmed. From a quick glance she thought that the Arcanine was powerful, more powerful than budew's Extrasesory at full power. She knew that she would have to get a lot stronger to battle this one.

Collette- We may meet again, my august friend.*cursties* 'Till then.

Collette and her budew turned and walked slowly towards the direction of Pewter City.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

Showdown Username: Shining Darkness