Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[profiles]Generic pokemon rp!...or Is it?

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You are to PM me your profile, Do not post it here.

Human trainer.

--- Code: ---[b]Username:[/b]
[b]Profile name:[/b]
[b]Starter:[/b](It can be anything that’s a “baby” pokemon I.E.gible, just nothing TOO powerfull, if its to powerful I will reject it.):
[b]Bio:[/b](It explains all the above, and explains how you were transported, as in why you turned a pokemon game on):
--- End code ---

Team Rocket:

--- Code: ---[b]Username:[/b]
[b]Pokemon you have:[/b](You can have like a golbat, raticate, something like that, better pokemon better rank you are.):
[b]Rank in Team rocket:[/b]
[b]Bio:[/b](You gotta say why you were with the authority, and why you turned it on.)
--- End code ---

Pokemon(In some rare cases people have been turned into pokemon.):

--- Code: ---[b]Username:[/b]
[b]What pokemon:[/b]
[b]Level:[/b] (No 100 off the bat, be reasonable)
--- End code ---


--- Quote from: nightshade06 on May 15, 2012, 09:23:16 PM ---Pokemon(In some rare cases people have been turned into pokemon.):
IRL Name: Tio Novinski
What Pokemon:Riolu
Bio:At a young age he loved playing Pokemon games. When they where outlawed and pretty much destroyed he never thought about playing it anymore. One day he seen a kid run by and hurry and throw something into the trash with the police a little ways down not seeing what he threw. Finding out it was a Pokemon game excited about it hurrying home to play it. As he turns it on it instantly sucks him into the game into complete darkness. Not knowing what is going on he can feel he is trapped in something very small...Being scared of tight spaces like that pushing through to the outside world he was met with a really old man. After a few seconds he realizes its Prof. Oak. Freaking out Prof. Oak addressing him as Riolu. Now just waiting to be someones starter pokemon as Prof. Oak claims I am going to be.
IRL Age: 32
Age:New born
Personality:Very scared of being in tight, inclosed, dark places. (ex. Poke-ball.) Also rather hyper from being a huge Pokemon fan as a kid and actually being able to be one. Not very accepting of others..(Yes I am a shiny.) :D

--- End quote ---


edit:no longer a starter, someone already took him.


--- Quote from: Mr. Fox on May 15, 2012, 09:58:41 PM ---Team Rocket:
Username: Mr. Fox
Profile: Fernando
Pokemon you have: Crobat
Rank in Team rocket: Admin
Picture: His clothing style:
Personality:Clever and cunning are the best words to describe his personality. He is very skilled in the art of deception, lying and cheating to get what he wants rather then fighting. He also had a taste for despair, claiming it has a bitter sweet flavor akin to dark chocolate.
Bio: A skilled negotiator in the real world he quickly worked his way up to the position of Public Relations. He was content for a while to feed the public full of lies, it satisfied his craving for despair. Then somehow the world of Pokemon became reality, and the Government was in need of a public relations person in that world, they chose fernando. Never ever having been a fan of Pokemon he was repulsed at the idea, but conceded to this superiors on the promise of a large sum of money when his job was done. His top priory is finding a way to reverse the transportation process to destroy the Pokemon World.

--- End quote ---
Le approved.


--- Quote from: lubbies on May 16, 2012, 09:46:10 PM ---Human trainer

Username: Lubbies
Profile name: Stephen
Starter: pidgey
Age: 16
Personality: Creative, good since of humor but hot headed.
Bio: After Pokemon games were outlawed he didn't know what it was when he found one on the side of the street an old man came up to him and gave him a machine and winked. Stephen but the chip into the machine and in an instant he was somewhere else. He landed on a figure with brownish hair. An old man is infringing of him, he turns around.

?-Wait a minute.... You're my grandson but there's a problem, what was his name again?

A boy standing next to me with a red cap responds with a smile.

Boy-His name is ******.

I angrily look at him.

Old man-That's right his name is ******.

I punched them both out and took some red balls off the boy, wild I ran out the town into the grass a bird with a look to it wanted to fight. I didn't want to fight so I chucked one of the balls at it. It dissapears into the ball and rolls and clicks. I pick up the ball and head down the road.

(lol yeah this is my old red story of calling my rival funny stuff.)

--- End quote ---

Approved, but just know, I had to edit your profile so they didn't say *ahem* certain. words, Please. no profanity in this RP.


--- Quote from: PkMn Trainer Black on May 16, 2012, 10:51:09 PM ---Human trainer.
Username: PkMn Trainer Black
Profile name: Collette Brunel (also known as Black Rose)
Starter: Budew(Raiden)


Personality: quite cheerful, knows when to get serious, apologizes for plenty, and cares for others.


this is what she looks like with her jacket.(cheerful mode)

this is what she looks like without her jacket(serious mode)

Bio: Having to escape from the government, she was running out places to hide. Finally, the government caught up to her. In Collette’s last desire before she was taken away, she cut her DS on, and a blinding light came to be. Suddenly she was in the middle of a forest and plenty of pokemon surrounded her fro m both trees and ground. One Budew in particular got close to her. Collette smiled and apologized for landing in their home. They smiled back and signaled Collette to follow them, with Budew on her shoulder.

--- End quote ---



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