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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145155 times)

Offline Aquashin

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I was wondering, could you help me make a weapon that even I could use well, please, Raithen needs my help.

She stares at Sludge with pleading eyes. as Alyx looked and her and nooded

"Of course, and i know just the weapon, pretty easy to make"

she smiles as they get to her workshop and she turns on the forge

"but i need you to help me, i need you to get some leather ready for me, and i will showyou how"

she smiles as she shows an example to Kyra
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra smiles as they enter the workshop,

I need you to prepare some leather for me.

She smiles and does as Alyx showed her.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon leaves for his cave again. With another swift ride, he was back home. He went to his dark alter, the same one where he did the ritual before.

Bring me a heart, now.

A minion brought over a human heart. Hamon cut it open, and placed his hand inside for some blood. With it, he drew runes all around the alter, then placed the heart in the center.

There, everything is ready.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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I exit Daylins room. I've been chosen for some "secret strike force" or something. I decide to take a stroll since I have nothing better to do. I notice my old cloak that I discarded lying on the floor. I pick it up, wipe away some dust and put it on. There are tatters near the bottom but the whole thing is more or less in one piece. I remember my parents and how I defied them.

Me-I'm in so much trouble.

I decide to go to the training ground to let off some steam.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx keeps working on her metal, making it thin and tempered, to ensure its toughness, as well as long, for larger reach, then gets it on a table and starts hammering it down carefully as she adds two tenis ball sized orbs of metal, as she ends she places it in water, letting it cool down, after a bit she takes it out and looks at it, inspecting it carefully

"Mmmm... looks good, are you done there Kyra?"

she looks back at her wondering if she was done.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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The inhuman danced around a hbit, as he dodged the sharp stone being used as a knife. That thing hurt when it cut, he was very sure of that. They also caught fire.
" Settle down, and be a good tormentee, or I'll use her again..."
He grinned, and pointed at the once-limp woman, who was slowly starting to crawl, using her stomach and working leg. " You seem to have a thing for the innocent, so I'm sure you don't want her involved."
He then glared at the younger prisoner from before. " You there. Don't think that just because I'm occupied, that I won't come after you. You're next, and I think I'm going to stick to the idea of making you choke your inmates with your stomach. So stay put. You too, wou lughead."
The warrior growled, but backed down.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra smiles and hands Alyx the leather,

Yes, i'm done.


Raithen tucked the stone back into his side bag, then picked up the other stone and did the same.

Sad, you've got to threaten someone else to get to me, what are you not afaid to torture me like you do them?

Raithen smiled at the young woman and said,

He won't touch you again, I promise.

Then Raithens head whipped around and he glared at the inhuman.

GM post @ WTP

A guard walks into the room,

The boss aid break the boy, fast!

Then he walked out.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx goes to her and smiles looking at it

"Great job, thanks"

she smiles then starts putting the leather on the bar, making it to be handled at any lenght of the bar then starts designing it the leather, 5 minutes later she was done, she goes to Kyra and presents her with her weapon

"Here you go, its called a Daibo, its light, it has two balls on each tip to smash what you want, for example, bone or zombies heads, and its long so you can keep your distance and hit them."

she smilesproud of her work
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra smiles an picks the DAibo up bi its leather handle, it was kinda like a forked whip with a steel ball on each end. She spins it above her head in a quick circle, then brought it sailing down onto the counter, causing a large dent to appear. She quickly flipped the length and steel balls around the leather and placed it on her side were her dagger use to be. She took the dagger and placed it in the small bag she carried on her that held simple medical items, She turned to Alyx and smiled

Thank you, it's perfect! Now you need to gather up all the supplies you'll need on the trip so we can report back.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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After heading out of the council Vixon figures now would be a good time to find a blacksmith to give his weapon and armor a tune up. Make sure everything is still OK on it and not worn out.
Heading to the middle part of town or what is left of it..... Siren and him come up onto a blacksmith shop. Looking inside he could see it was the girl at the meeting in there.

Vixon: Well she did say she was a good blacksmith.

Siren: Too bad I don't know how to do all of that....Then we wouldn't need anyone's help.  (With a sad look on her face of Vixon depending on another girl.)

Vixon notices how she is acting. Placing his hand on her head.

Vixon: Haha don't worry Siren I owe my life to you and no one else. (With a smile in to try and cheer her up a bit.)
             C'mon now you don't want my armor or sword breaking mid fight do you?

Siren shakes her head.

Vixon: Alright then lets see if she will help us out a bit.

Walking up to the door and knocking on it. *knock knock knock*

Vixon: Hello there.. was wondering if we could acquire your services on my sword and armor.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 11:11:09 PM by nightshade06 »

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Kyra smiles and opens the door as she hears the knock,

Hey I recognize you, your going on the team with us right?
She moves away from the door to let them in.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Mr. Fox

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    • Dragon Cave.
As I sat in a local tavern in on of the smaller towns outlying Kai Sung, a few thugs began to sit around me; one to my left, two to my right, and a moment later at least one behind me. The one behind me put a hand on my shoulder, it was rough and callused from either many years working a farm, or many years of wielding a weapon, he massaged it for a second before he began to speak. "Your new in town aren't you?"

I brushed his hand from my shoulder then turned so I could face him, he was just as big and muscular as I had expected. He had a scar running the length of his face, perhaps twenty or so years old; then I took note of the ax he had on his back, quite large and clearly it had seen quite a few battles; the blade had numerous chips in it, but other then that it look as though it could still easily remove a limb with no effort. "Yes, but I am simply passing through; I should be on my way by morning."

"In that case I'm going to be nice to you, but you've still got to pay a toll." He seemed genuine in his message, but something was off in his voice.

"Very well, how much do I owe in order to pass though your town?"
"I like that book of yours, looks pretty valuable." And it was reviled, he wanted my book; the only material possession I had.
"I fear you are mistaken, this book is simply a journal that I keep as I travel from town to town. It's only value is in it's worth as kindling." He wasn't buying my story, he must have a necromancer in his family some where.
"I'm sorry buddy, but if you don't pay you don't live..."
"Very well." I stood up and walked towards the door, "It's best if we keep our quarling out of this establishment."

I left and waited for them to emerge, which they did very quickly. They quickly surrounded me and each drew their weapons in sync. For a brief moment we all stood still, just sizing each other up; then it was broken when one of them began to rush me from behind. Quickly I side stepped his clumsily attack, then opened the book in one motion. I quickly shifted through the pages until I found the one I wanted. I began to use it when I was forced to dodge yet another attack, this one landed, slicing my arm open, it wasn't bad enough to render is useless; but it caused a great deal of pain. Finally I managed to finish the spell "Tormented souls, I call you to this world again!" Knowing this one required an empty vessel to do correctly it wouldn't work perfectly, but the souls would be enraged and attack everything they could find; at least until they were driven out.

One of the thugs screamed and ran off trying to get away from my attack, the others stood their ground, but were still shaken by the screaming souls. Two of them started swinging their swords madly around, trying to stop the screaming, but it was to no avail, in their madness they drove their own weapons through their skulls. The ax wielder was on his knees clenching his head in his hands. I walked up to him then drove the spirits off "Your job here is done, go torment another person." I helped him to his feet then walked back towards the tavern.

Then the pain from my wound kicked in, I needed to be a little more careful from now on. I returned to the tavern and requested a healer, I dropped the amount it would cost to patch my arm up then ordered a stout drink; what a night...
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 11:31:58 PM by Mr. Fox »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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GM post @ Fox

The tavern owner calls for a healer who sets to work on the mans arm, as he's being healed the owner passes him a drink then says

You hear what just happened in Kai Sung?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Mr. Fox

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    • Dragon Cave.
"No, but I have a feeling that you feel the need to inform me." I grab the glass that my drink is in and take a long drink, wonderfully delicious. "This is a wonderful beverage here, and your healers are quite skilled." As I finished speaking the healer finished their work, I inspected it; a very through job, I don't think this will scar at all.

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GM post @ Fox
The owner nods,

Thank you, and word is Kai SUng was completely crushed by an undead army and the Takima forces, they said the necromancer was so powerful because it was a full moon and they get stronger then, but I wouldn't know.

Daylin: 35/100