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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145141 times)

Offline Tickles

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Hamon gets to the capitol building to see the town leader.

What is taking so long? Morning will come at any moment, and the ritual needs to be done now. Where is the boy?

Hamon was fuming at this moment. He prepared the ritual, and now he spent his entire time waiting for someone that may have already gotten second thoughts.

(Hamon does not know it is a prisoner who needs his spirit broken.)
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra smiled at Alyx, by then they had reached the leaders building, approaching the door Kyra opened it and entered. She saw a man that looked like a necromancer talking to Daylin.

Who's that man?


Daylin shook his head and said

As far as I know the man was Hamon a renowned necromancer for Takima.

He could see Kyra,Alyx,Vixon, and Siren from his seat and he beckoned for them,

Take a seat all of you.


Raithen growled out

Eleven because the more the merrier!

(WTP hurry up and break him.)

GM post @ Cortex

We have a good torturer working on the prisoner now, your free to visit and assist him.

He beckoned for a guard to lead Hamon to the prisoner.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx looks at the man and looks at Kyra

"Go sit sweety, i will stay standing"

she looks at Daylin

"So why is he here?"
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Offline nightshade06

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Vixon: Who are you? I have never seen you before...

Siren hiding behind Vixon poking out to look at the man.

Whispering up to Vixon.
Siren: I don't like this man...


Hellion the Soulless

"I have a small army outside waiting to invade at my command I am here to finish you all off....(pausing for a moment to see their reactions..)"Just kidding I am on your side...I just came in to see what was going on."

Turning back to Dalyn and started to think to himself..

"Hamon....Hamon....Oh him....I am sure he used the full moon in order to amass such a huge army."

Started walking into one of the corners to find out what fully was going on.

"Also..My name is Hellion the Soulless master at using puppets instead of undead."

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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    • WhatThePumpkin's dA
Zer0 grinned a bit, and slowly liftd up the crumpled flap labled 11. He knew that wasn't how it was supposed to work, but he HAD been told to hurry. He looked down.
" Kehehe. Kehehe...KEHAHAHAH!"
His body shook as he laughed. " You MORON! Look what your ridiculous counting has done! You just sacrificed everyone's left arm! How are you feeling now? Kehehahahahahah!" Wich a quick and fluid move, Zer0's palms were on his prisoner's left arm. " I'll just break this until it's too limp to protest my dull blade. Ssslice~"
The eye on the inhuman's chest glanced behind him. " You two. Get over here, and lay down, arms spead out. Now. Don't make me have to ask a second time, or you'll loose more than an arm."
Zer0 grinned, and giggled, as both of his hands went to the chained forearms. He pushed genbtly at first, then looked up. "I suggest you grit your teeth. I'm gonna hit you below the wrist." He grinned, pulled his arm back, and slammed his elbow at full-force into the arm. Maybe a fracture, but no extreme damage.
The warrior, in the meantime, glared at Jayter, then Raithen. " You fools..." He crawled forward, and splayed out his arms, laying on the floor. zer0 smirked.
"You humans are SO obedient when you have no other option.  That's what pisses me off about your inferior race...However, all the more fun to break~" He grinned, and giggled, as he slammed into Raithen's arm, and jumped, forcing his full weight onto the warrior below him's left arm.
" Get over here, you putrid piece of crap," The eye spat at Jayter.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline Tickles

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The guard led Hamon to the area where they were being tortured. He seen an inhuman taking his sweet time, and something in Hamon snapped. He went into the room and knocked the inhuman aside.

Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting? Do you know what happens when people waste my time?

He looked at the body of the dead woman, and pointed his staff at her.


The woman got up, a zombie minion for his next phase.

This is how you break someone!

He grabbed one of the prisoners from the ground, and brought it in front of Raithen. He beckoned the zombie over to him.

Start ripping the skin of this one, right in front of him. You, if you close you eyes, I will kill someone and have them feast upon another.

The mark on Hamon's head started to glow bright, his anger was at the boiling point.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen felt sick, his stomach was doing turns, he would stay strong if someone was torturing him, but he couldn't see the helpless in pain because of him.

Fine i'll do as you ask, just let them go!

He felt the blood searing down his arms and he whispered as tears rolled off hi cheeks,

I'm sorry Kyra, i'm so sorry.


Kyra sat down on to a chair, and looked at the puppet wielder.

It's nice to meet you Hellion.

She nodded curtly and politely, but fingered the daibo on her waist cautiously with one hand, while the other stroked Rioku who was on her shoulder.

She then turned to Daylin,

Who are we waiting for?


Daylin crossed his hands and said

We are only waiting for Tyler Leore, now Hellion, it's a good question miss Alyx proposes, what are you doing here?

GM post @ lubbies

A guard walked to the training ground,

Young Leore, your presence is required at sir Daylin's quarters.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 04:05:04 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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I striked the wooden mannequinne again and again, I hit it so hard that my hands started to bleed. A guard walks up to me.

Guard-Young Leore, your presence is required at sir Daylin's quarters.

I release my stance and my muscles were relieved of stress.

me-Lead the way.

I wiped sweat from my brow and sheathed my sword.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Tickles

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Don't worry, child, when tonight is done, you will feel better about what has happened. Guards, place him in my carriage and inform the higher ups that the job is done.

He released the soul of the woman, causing the servant to fall back limp, and the prisoner it ripped to shreds fell on the ground, dead. Hamon went over to the inhuman.

You see that. That is progress. A kitten could do a better job than you, and I will make it my high priority to have you replaced. Good night!

Hamon left for his carriage.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen was ushered into a carriage, and handed his sword and shield back being told,

you'll need this, but try anything and you'll die.

He quietly sheathed the sword and strapped the shield across his back, then he wiped away the tears. A man he knew as the leader of Takima approached and told the necromancer,

I'll be accompanying you to witness the, could you say coronation of this boy?

Then the man stepped into the carriage awaiting the necromancer to leave.

GM post @ lubbies

The guard lead Tyler to the quarter opened the door for him and left.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 05:04:13 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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To my cave.

The hounds started to speed up, and head back to the cavern.

That inhuman you put in charge, is a joke. He spends too much time playing with the prisoners, and giving into their demands. If I were you, I would have him fired, and cast out of the city.

The hounds reached the cave, as they knew their master was not in the mood for a slow ride.

Child, step out of the carriage and follow me. Esteemed leader, I shall lead you to the ceremonial alter to watch.

Hamon stepped out of the carriage, and began to walk into the cave.

(Blades, you can respond, and say when we reach the alter, I need to think up the incantation.)
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen and Takima leader

Raithen was thrown out of the carriage and the leader stepped out of the carriage as well,

Raithen my name is Rykan, leader of Takima now, are either you or Hamon familar with the tale of Asdis and Mordeon?

Raithen shook his head no.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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I believe I have heard the tale, but don't recall exactly what happened.

Hamon was keeping an eye on the boy, his anger disappeared, and almost felt pity for him. He tried to remember where he saw him from. Could it have been during the attack? He was moving too fast to really pay attention.
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me-I'm here, what do you want?

My bandaged arm didn't matter to me until now, it throbbed lightly. This discomforted me slightly but I tried to focus on the matter at hand.

me-I've got things to do so can we hurry this up.

My patience levels have dropped dramatically since the battle.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen and Tyran

Tyran looked at both of them then said

Then lsiten well,long ago a sorcerer ruled the lands of Beringan, his name was Asdis and he was renowned for his abilities light speels. He could destroy whole villages with a wave of his hand. Yet one day a necromancer be the name of Modeon emerged, he was well known for his strength and abilities to create skeletal monsters such as a Skeleal dragon, as expected the powers oof Asdis and Modeon clashed eventually. The ancient battle of light against darkness began that day,, they met on hallowed ground in a duel to the death. The battle lasted three longs day and finally both sorcerer and necromancer fell to the ground exhausted, with the last of their strength Asdis summoned a water elemantal and Modeon created a skeletal dragon, each died in the other creaton grip, and their spell books full of their knowledge fell to the ground coded in only a language they could read. With their dying strength each whisked away their books to a hidden location and swore they would be reincarnated and only their reincrnates could decrypt their spell books. I believe this boy in front of us maybe the legended reincarnation of Modeon, and I have an idea where Modeons spell nook maybe. His powers should come in after the ritual, now Hamon are you ready to begin?

Raithen stood their shocked as they reached the Alter.


Daylin waved for Tyler to sit down

Be patient, we're just about to discuss you all's mission.

Daylin: 35/100