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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145135 times)

Offline Tickles

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Yes, we can begin.

Hamon hand Raithen the knife and a piece of paper:

Meum sanguinem atramentum. Hoc ferro et litteris. ut sunt dirige me ad, Magister Siraset.

Stand on the alter, then read this out loud. Once the incantation is complete, thrust this knife into your heart. You will meet Master Siraset, and form a contract with him.

Hamon called for some skeletal minions.

Minions, form into a throne for Lord Rykan.

The skeletons took themselvs apart and built a throne of bones for Rykan to have a seat.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen stepped onto the alter, he rad the piece of paper aloud,

Meum sanguinem atramentum. Hoc ferro et litteris. ut sunt dirige me ad, Magister Siraset.

Then without hesitation he thrust the knife flawlessly through his heart. Raithen's world went black for a moment and when he came to a strange and skeletal looking being floated in front of him, he was in a barren mountain.

I'm am the lich king Siraset, you wish to gain the powers of the lich, what makes you worthy!

Raithen leaped to his feet and said

I have no idea what your talking about, I just want the power to sav my friends, i'll give you anything.

The lich king paused and seemed to bore through Raithens soul with a glare.

You seem familar, is that you Mordeon, no you must be the reincarnate he promised.

The lich king paused and the air seemed to glow,

Where do you wish the mark of your contract to be?

Raithen was confused, then he realized that he must talking about the emblem on Hamons head.

Upon my left palm.

Raithens hand felt a searing pain, and an emblem appeared on his palm.

Your contract is done, you have the powers of a lich Mordeon.

WHy did they keep calling me Mordeon? Raithen thought. Then his vision disorted and when he could see again he was back where he stood before. He could sense the life force of everything around him, and somethin was telling him if he tried he could steal it and focus it into something else. His meories felt fuzzy, and he could only remeber a hawk and a white haired girl, but he couldn't remeber what they had to do with him.

What's going on?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Welcome, young necromancer. How was your meeting with Siraset?

Hamon could not help but make a smile. He had made another necromancer, and this one may be the strongest one yet.

You are here to receive training in the dark arts, as your mark is like mine. I am more experienced than you. Now...

Some minions brought Raithen some parts.

Attempt to craft a minion for your first test.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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With the parts laid in fron of him he looked at them, something was missing. He could feel what he needed buried deep beneath the earth pulling at him. He attempted to call it up to him and two large skeletal wings shot from the ground and landed at his feet. With that done he began to work with the bones, after a few moments it was formed into a shape, he stole the life force of several of Hamons minions and transferred it too the form. Instantly a skeletal dragon the size of Raaithen shot from the ground alive, and Raithen looked at Hamo.

Is this correct?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon looked around as his minions fell.

Well, you seriously placed a hole in my defenses and killed about two months work of work, but that is correct. So you're a life drinker. We should find you a more sustainable source than my minions.

Hamon was surprised. He managed to make a dragon, and even called parts from deep within the earth.

You have access to the alter when making any of you minions. There is also a lodge for necromancers nearby. We have a law, if someone follows the dark arts, we do not attack them for any purpose. The ones that break that law are no longer called necromancers.
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Raithen placed his hand on the dragon, then looked at HAmon

I have two questions, one do you know a white haired girl and a hawk, I feel like i'm connected to them, also do you know of a sustainable power source?

Raithen looked on awating an answer.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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I do not know about any white haired girl, or any hawk. What kind of absurd question is that. And about a power source, anything that has life in it, just do not use my minions. Look at them, the ones you drained are no longer usable anymore.

Hamon looked to Lord Rayken.

So, are you satisfied with this new necromancer? He was able to bring about a dragon, like Mordeon.
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Raithen and Rayken

Rayken nodded,

That proves it, the boy has to be the reincarnate, Hamon it's now your responsibility to make sure this boy is trained.

Raithen looked at Hamon,

I don't know, they just seem to be imprinted on my brain, now what should I do next.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Tt is getting late. But, since you so decided to sap my minions, you shall have them replaced by morning. I have urgent matters to discuss, and I must escort Lord Rykan home.

Hamon started for the carriage. He turned back to call to the reincarnate.

Remember, by morning. There are spare parts in the back room. The alter is your main area for resurrecting.

He continued onward to prepare the carriage.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen and Rykan

Raithen nodded and set to work pulling the supplies to the main alter. Dylan got into the carriage awaiting Hamon, and Raithen stared then went back to work. He qui kly created two skeletal soldiers and a zombie, but found theast two skeletons missing something. He focused and two sets of wings shot from the ground, creating the last two skeletons with wings on their backs. By the
time he was finished the sun was in the sky and the full moon gone.

Daylin (I'm fling a bit and making everyone to have fallen asleep in the muddle of the night)

Daylin quickly stirred the sleeping team saying

Get up now, stallions await you outside.

Then he sat down in his seat


Kyra awoke to Daylin shouting, she fish't remember falling asleep but she myst have. She stood and stretched then walked outside, she found severral horses awaiting her and she quickly jumped on the saddle of a chestnut mare, claiming him.

Get out here, we've got to leave!

Daylin: 35/100

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I walk outside and mount the same white thoroughbred that I rode the day before. I feel the soft thump of its heart. I stroke its mane, the soft fur gliding between my fingers.

me-I agree we should go.

Tranced by the mares white fur I shake myself back to reality. Wait, shouldn't I fix my armour before I go? It's still breached in many places and most of the chain mail have broken.

me-I'll be right back.

I grind my feet into the horses body and it gallops off towards the Leore estate.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Mr. Fox

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    • Dragon Cave.
As I reached the forest the tracks died out. I looked, but I couldn't find any trace of them. I was about to turn around and leave when I decided to look again, and to my amazement I found a single track, and a few yards away another; guess this was my lucky night. I followed the tracks for quite a while, sometimes losing them again; but they always reappeared once I took a second look. Eventually they led to a cave reeking of death, a Necromancer lair for sure.

I crept to the entrance, I could see an alter and two people. One of them handed the other a knife then told him something I couldn't quite hear. The second person said something that stood out much clearer then any thing else that had been said "Meum sanguinem atramentum. Hoc ferro et litteris. ut sunt dirige me ad, Magister Siraset." Then he plunged the knife into his own heart. He swayed for a moment before falling dead to the floor. A few moments passed, I didn't move a muscle; in all my years I had never seen a Necromancer perform a ritual that required a person to kill themselves, what was the meaning of this.

As numerous thoughts ran through my head, the second man got back up and looked around confused. The first man said something then instructed him in the ways of something. The second looked at the parts laid infront of him, he seemed to shake his head; then he called wings of sorts from the ground and formed the pieces into a dragon; this was all too creepy, my master warned me to beware the Man who can call pieces to him... As I fled the incantation he said kept running through my head, "Meum sanguinem atramentum. Hoc ferro et litteris. ut sunt dirige me ad, Magister Siraset..." I had heard that before; then I realized, it was one of the forbidden spells hidden in the very book I carried...

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Alyx followed Kyra and jumped on the horse next to hers, a black one, as she looks back

"Come on lets go, we need to go before sun down"

she looks at Kyra and smiles

"We well bring him back"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra looked at Alyx,

Somethings changed in Raithen

She paused to look at the ground,

I can feel it.


Raithen felt a presence, it carried something he needed., desperately. Without thinking he commanded

Dragon, go find that presence.

The dragon flew out of the cave searching.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon and Rykan were in the carriage, heading back to Takima.

Any word about Kai shung? Did it all burn to the ground?

Hamon noticed the sun coming up. The mark on his head glowed less bright, and then stopped.

If their are any survivors, they might take it upon themselves to strike back. I can have patrols around the forest, and with a few dragons from our new necromancer, we will have a hard time losing.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword