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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145134 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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The strike did less than we thought, many survived and the village just lost a few buildings. As for Raithen, keep an eye on him. He appear to have list his memory, but his lover from Kai Sung might be able to bring it back.

The carriage stopped and Rykan stepped out and left.


Raithen decided to experiment while his dragon hunted for the intruder, He created a quick skeleton and instructed it to go to the corner. Raithen focused, searching his brain for ways to destroy it, a word flashed across his mind and he whispered


His hand glowed and a black bolt of power flew from his finger tips, hitting the skeleton and causing it to explode into pieces, he'd have to keep experimenting on his abilities and remember that spell.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 07:54:37 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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I sprinted inside the mansion into my room, I quickly changed sets of armour and rushed out. I hop on my horse and trot back to everyone else.


My white armour shining.



I walked through the forest, every footstep crunching on the ground.

me-This pristine environment, untouched by the drums of war, beautiful.

The birds sang sweetly and the squirrels chattered quickly, this was a wonderland. To keep it this way I must protect it, I must fight. This is one place that I will make sure never gets chopped, I will risk my life for this place. I cannot do it alone though.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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The dragon flies quickly, passing the necromancer he went after and flew into Kai Sung forest. It zooms around and then spots a sorcerer. The dragon rears back and send a blast of darkness at the sorcerer.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon ordered his hounds to turn around and take him home.

As you wish.

His hounds sped up to get back to the cave, and once there, Hamon noticed something strange, skeletons with wings.

I'm going to see a lot of that, I just know it.

He went inside seeing Raithen practicing his new powers.

Learned a new spell, did we? You'll find that those will prove useful in the future. Go get some rest, you look like hell.

Hamon went over to his throne and decided to take another nap. What a hectic sleep schedule he has, at least the cave has flying minions to defend it.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen shook his head and said

I can't sleep

He decides to try one more spell, He searches his mind for the strongest spell he can find, a word flashes across his mind and he points his hand at the throne at Hamons feet


A small black swirl forms at the feet of Hamon and begins to suck things in, Raithen knew he knew one last spell and he whispered


His sword blazed to life surrounded by dark aura and it quickly went out as Raithen collapsed from lack of energy, the black hole dissapeared and his sword stopped glowing as he hit the ground.

Daylin: 35/100

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The flapping of wings is heard in the sky, I turn round to see a skeletal dragon flying and a bolt of dark energy incoming.


The bolt is blocked and my shield is weakened.


A heavy snow falls obscuring me from view. I whisper.

me-I'd lke to see you fly in that weather, yskine!

I shoot a frosty bolt through the snow, I can see perfectly well.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Tickles

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No use trying to destroy me. You got your powers from Siraset.

Hamon was just telling a little joke. He opened his eyes and saw the mess.

Minions, clean this place up, and take him to a bed. Don't forget to feed our prisoner as well. I need her to stay alive.

They did as they were told, and got straight to work on it, cleaning up what got tossed over, and taking Raithen to a bed. Some went outside to find some food for the princess.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 08:21:10 PM by Cortex J. »
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The dragon was hit with the ice bolt and fell apart.

Daylin: 35/100

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Vixon gets ready to head out with the others heading outside stretching to the sunlight.

Vixon: Alright I am ready for this!

Getting pumped for the mission.
Looking around not seeing Siren any wheres...Going back inside she was asleep..Gently shaking her to wake her up. She just sits up and smiles.

Vixon: It's time to go.

Siren stretches and nods.
Both heading outside to join the others.


Hellion the Soulless

Finding where Daylin went.

"If you would like I could offer my services for protection on their quest if something would go down and they had to retreat fast." "I could use my army I have posted outside the city at the moment to fight back anyone trying to track them down." "But only if you wish."

Bowing down before Daylin. Trying not to answer his question of why he was there because it was pointless now....Since the city was a wreck supplies was probably out of the question at the moment.

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    • Dragon Cave.
A loud roar let me know that I had been spotted. I quickly set my puppets free to flea, each with a fake copy of the book. They each went in a different direction and I went in yet another. I knew the best place to hid, I just needed to get there.

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He nodded

You may go, their is a horse waiting for you.


Kyra smiled, everyone was on their horse. She spurred her heels into the chesnut fur and the horse reared and took off in the direction of Takima.


Raithen awoke a few hours later groggily, he set up and looked around. He walked into the room where Hamon slept and whispered,

A small bolt of power flew from his hands, striking his masters feet, then he said,

It's time to train.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Zer0 scowled at the male necromancer as he spoke. But, he looked away, to watch as the flesh was torn of the arrogant warrior by the dead female's corpse. He had to admit, it was amusing to watch. His fingers played with his left eye as he waited for the boy to give in, which wasn't long at all. The necromancer resumed speaking to him, and he scowled once again at the man. He never liked necromancers, although they smelled like death, something he liked. This one, he hated even more. But, he didn't dare speak, as the man called his torture like that of a kitten. As he walked away, Zer0 turned to roam the room. " Fire me if you will. I don't like orders anyway. Just remember that that leaves me out there, ready to destroy anything."

Zer0 sighed, and turned to the last prisoner. His smile lengthened, and he crept up behind him silently. The boy wasn't paying attention to anyone else, just the door. He drew his knife. " It's so sad..." He muttered. " That one's gone, and these two are dead. I was gonna kill that arrogant one, too..." He closed his eyes, and he felt his free arm go around the boy's neck. The human struggled, as the hand around his neck pulled his clothing up to expose his abodmen. Zer0 leaned forward. " So, I guess you're the only one I'm going to get to mess with. Have fun, Be sure to tell me how this feels, if you want to..." The inhuman leaned his head on his victim's shoulder, as his left hand brought the dull blade into a horizontal position on the human's belly. " Kehehe..."
The knife slid, rather dully, and the inhuman scowled. " I knew my knife was dull." Two fingers touched the dry skin that he had cut, no evidence of the blade at all, save for his victim's tremoring. " Shh. Now now. Think of it this way. You're gonna be put to good use...Kyehehe." The Inhuman closed his eyes again, and brought the blade tip against the human, a bit harder, but not in a stab. He was careful with his cuts. The human struggled even more, as the knife dug deeper and moved slower than he could imagine. " I have GOT to sharpen this thing up soon..." The inhuman muttered, as his fingers probed the scene of his cut again, for the moment, no blood.But, he could feel the flaps of skin opening, so he continued. Another slice, slower to cut through the thin but fatty level that protected the human's muscle. Zer0 tiltd his head back, and grinned. " Nmm~ Now, now, I haven't even gotten to the worse part.Damn this blade." He sighed again, as the knife struck the bare, and bleeding muscle. With the arm and hand around the human's neck, he started peeling the flaps of skin outward. He didn't have to worry about the boy being needed. He was abandoned to die now.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Raithen looked at Hamon, then asked,

I was wondering if their was a way to place a soul into an inanimate object?

Raithen stared at Hamon awaiting a response.

Daylin: 35/100

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I let out a scream, I watched as my skin was pierced and flapped. The pain was unbearable and I think I'm going to pass out soon.

Me-d-damn you b-bastard.

The pain intensified as he cut deeper. The burning pain felt like a white hot pole was being pressed against me. This is only the beginning I thought.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Tickles

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Hamon, who was rudely awakened again, stood up.

You know, I could destroy you easily, but I have other orders. Repeat your question, I couldn't hear it over the fact that you ruined my dream. If you don't remember, I just lead the biggest attack in my career, and have been up most of last night.

He called for some tea from his minions.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword