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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145124 times)

Offline nightshade06

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As Vixon gets on the horse and pulls Siren up on the back of it. Siren started blushing a lot. Being able to wrap her arms around him while they rode to Takima.

Looking back Vixon seen the necromancer Hellion talking to Daylin and he nodded towards Hellion.

Vixon: I wonder what that was about..

Shrugging it off he got beside the others and was ready to head off..


Hellion the Soulless

"Thank you for this opportunity....It will help on their success and allow me to find out how well these designs work in real combat if it should arrise"

Heading outside he sees a pure black horse waiting. Stepping up onto the horse he started muttering a spell.

"I'rin ni' " "Come to my aid my soldiers!"

In the distance you could hear marching eventually at the gate you could see Hellions little army march past it.

"Don't worry they wont be doing anything unless something bad was to happen. They will be stationed outside hidden."

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen paused then said

I was wondering if you could placea soul into an inanimate object?

Raithen looked at him,

Where did you attack last night and how'd it go?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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It doesn't matter, it wasn't really a success.

he drank down the tea.

Dead bodies are inanimate objects, so you can place a soul in pretty much anything if it is built to hold it. Now start packing some things, you're going to take down a village. Nothing too big, just a few buildings, to see the limit of your powers.

Hamon starts to walk outside.

When you're ready, meet me by the carriages. Oh, and you can't use any of my minions. you'll need to make your own. About ten will do.

He heads out of the cave.
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I trotted slowly behind everyone else, I don't know what ol wise man Daylin expects us to do. How can such a small group of people do such a thing. I wasn't even filled in on what we were going to do.

Me-What were we meant to do again.

We must first go through the Kai Sung forest then straight to Takima.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen focused, and a pile of parts shot from the ground. The first thing he did was quickly create five skeletal dragons, then he made a skeletal horse and attached a saddle. Then he found a pile of flesh and after several failed attempts he managed to create four large flesh lizards. Then to too it all off he made a skeletal dragon that barely fit into the large cave. The dragon was easily four times bigger than Hamons carriage, and Raithen added an outer layer of flesh for protection. He hopped onto the horse and his creations followed him outside, the dragons in the air, the lizards on the ground, and the giant dragon crawled out of the cave and shot into the air,

This good?

Raithen questioned as he rose up beside the carriage.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon was almost impressed.

Good, now they'll see you from a mile away. It will have to do, we're burning daylight. Follow me.

His hounds started to pull the carriage towards the northwest. They would reach the village soon.

(Blades, say when we reach there, and what the village is called.)
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen and Hamon rode for several minutes, then they reached the village of Silepa. Raithen was quick to spur  the horse faster, his flesh dragon shot into the air and spewed flames from its mouth. The skeletal dragons shot into the air and begin snatching villagers while the flesh lizard just plainly devoured them. Seeing the main building, Raithebln rode up and pouted his palm at it.

On your command this place will be no more.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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This kid lacks subtlety, but you got to love his enthusiasm.

Hamon called out:
Finish them, leave nothing left.

Hamon watched the destruction from a safe distance, his hounds seemed to want to join in.

This is his village to take, we had our fun yesterday.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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As the words escaped Raithen lips a bolt of darkness flew from his palm. The building was destroyed on contact, and Raithens servants backed away, each carrying several corpses.

Master it's done, my minions have acquired corpses for you.

He awaited his next command.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Not bad, needs to learn a little more, but not bad.

Hamon has the carriage ride up to Raithen.

Congrats, your power is immense, but you lack control. Imagine doing this with a vast army, you may end up getting killed by your own dragon. Now, before that thing...

He points to the large flying dragon.

gets back in my cave, have it dismantled or at least have it wait outside out of sight. I want my cave to stay clean, which you didn't help with that black hole from earlier.

Hamon notices one survivor struggling to get up.

Trahant vitam!

A flash of red finished him off.

Alright, onward to Takima to celebrate. I'm sure Rykan will be pleased to know of this as well.

The carriage rode off towards Takima, allowing Riathen to think before catching up.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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What were we meant to do again.

Alyx looks at him and smiles

"Its simple, get inside undetected, come out undetected with every prisioner inside"

she smiles to them as she makes her horse start walking forward

"lets go everyone"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen pondered for a moment, then commanded the flesh dragon to hide outside the entrance of Hamons cave. Then with the skeletal dragons and flesh lizard following him he caught up to Hamon on the skeletal horse.


Kyra smiled and shouted back,

catch me if you can Alyx.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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You couldn't just tell them to head home? You don't see me running around with undead bodyguards all day, it makes too much if a target. As intimidating as it looks, some people are not too nice to Necromancers.

He thought of one tale.

Like this paladin, who came storming into my cave, claiming they he would slay me and my army. Unfortunately for him, he disturbed my tea time, and didn't take into account that I was conversing with a couple my minions. Long story short, his armor wasn't blessed, and I had him ripped down the middle, and now he works for me. I named him Sam, he serves me tea.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx keeps riding with the others as she looked forward

catch me if you can Alyx.

she smiles and nods

"I would catch you in a instant if i was on foot, but this works too"

she giggles and starts making her horse running after Kyra
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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    • WhatThePumpkin's dA
Zer0 inhaled, and smiled. " Ahh.. That familiar, sweet coppery smell. That'll have to do for now. Your screams aren't good enough yet~"
As the knife plunged a little deeper into his victim's exposed muscle, he started to make small talk. "I never did like being told what to do. Neither did you, if you ended up here. Or, is there another reason? Well, you don't have to tell me if you don't have to. I'm slightly curious about Takima itself. The people, their training. I don't remember this place well. Tell me about it."
He positioned his knee to hold the prisoner up, and backed up against the wall, to make it a bit easier to cut. From behind the human, he could see the muscles, thin and either red, or white, splitting open. " Ah. This stupid thing. Remind me to sharpen it, m'kay?"
He forced his fingers in the deepest spot, and grinned in satisfaction at a soft squelch. "There it is. Feel this? It's the sack that protects your intestines and anything else here. It's actually pretty easy to cut. My bare fingers could do that. But, the hole isn't big enough to pull anything out of..." He glanced downward at the blood pooling at the ground, and scratched his head with the knife hand. " This will only take a sec."
The knife was moving painfully slow, as Zer0 was cutting the flesh carefully, as not to puncture what he was aiming for. Once he deemed the hole wide enough, he pressed fingers in again, and they went deeper.
" Okay, now I'm about to pull them out...~" A sickening SHLOOORP was heard, and the skin-like sac opened. Zer0 grinned, his fingers pressing into the organs. " I can feel your heart beating...~"
Without waiting for a reply, he drew his hand out, his hand tugging gently at the throbbing flesh he held in his hand. He now used both hands to pull it out, where he grinned. " Try not to squirm too much. You don't want to snap this. It's pretty important."
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus