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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145086 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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He nodded, and waved for the dragon to destroy the white haired girl. It swooped, opening its jaws to kill her with flames. The flames flew from its mouth and before they could hit the girl, Raithen whispered the word,


The small black swirl formed above the girls head stopping the flames. Raithen sat confused, why did he just save someone he should'be killed?

Kyra closed her eyes, anticipating the flames, but they never came. She saw Raithen whisper something and a small black portal stopped the flames. That was dark magic, she thought,

Raithen, how could you agree to a dark magic, such a vile thing?!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 04:10:13 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx gets in front of Kyra and looked at Raithen, glaring at them

"Your starting with me, no one else"

She looked back for a bit at Kyra

"Run... i will deal with this..."

she looked again at Raithen and the dragon
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Offline Tickles

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I choose who I very damn well want to choose. Raithen, kill the girl I told you to kill, NOW!

Hamon was getting furious, his mark was starting to glow, and his patience was wearing thin. One simple command is all he asked.
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I unsheathed my sword.

I swear I will sue you, leave miss Cilone.

I slash at the hound, cutting its throat open and blood splatters my face. The smell intoxicates me, I choke and my eyes burn.

Me-You're the only trash here.

I wipe the blood off my face.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon looking at Raithen in amazement in the power he attained..

Vixon: Siren please  stay by me. This might turn ugly soon and I don't want you getting hurt.

Unsheathing his sword and dismounting.

Vixon: I don't know what you want or why you are here but I am sworn to protect people of Kai Sung. I will not have you killing anyone today!

Keeping in his mind of the giant dragon flying above.
Siren looks over and sees an herb that when grounded up and mixed with a small amount of liquid can become a very potent stink bomb. Jumping off the horse and picking what she can runs to the back and starts grinding it into a powder..


Hellion the Soulless

"C'mon now can't we solve this another way without so much bloodshed?"

Looking up at the dragon terrified of its power and no way to fight it even with his army at the ready to rush in.

Mumbling under his breathe...

"It sure would be nice to have studied attack spells more."

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen and Kyra

Raithen looked from his master to Kyra, then finally clutched his head in confusion. After a moment of pulling out his hair he shouted


And whipped his sword and shield out. His sword blazed to life, glowing with dark flames and he charged at Kyra, swinging his sword in an arc for her neck. Her hair white hair flew behind her head as she looked at Raithen, tears glistening in her eyes as she ducked the sword. She loooked at Hamon with hatreeed then turned to Raithen and whispered to only him,

How could you do this, how could you betray Kai Sung, how could you betray?

She ran to him, wrapping him into an embrace tears streaming down her face and onto his shoulder. He froze, what wa he supposed to do, his master told him to kill her, but his instincts told him to comfort her?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx seeying that Raithen was busy with Kyra, she looked at the necromancer ready to strike

"He is the one at fault here, if we deal with him, Raithen will be back to normal"

she lunges at the carriage and swings to destroy one of the wheels

"Your not going anywhere"
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Offline Tickles

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A hound pounces on the girl.

Oh, but that's where you're wrong. You see, you friend here sold his soul to Siraset, who happens to be my master as well. Destroying me will not bring your friend back, all it will do is send me to my master, who I can ask to return back to the living.

Hamon let's out a laugh.

You obviously have no clue how this form of magic works. Once you sold your soul, you can't get it back.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen and Kyra

Kyra clung to Raithen for dear life, not letting him go even as he tried to pry her off.  Raithen eventually pried heroff, but by then the spell on his blade had quit, and he sheathed it. He waved for the flesh Drake to leave, and it flew away. Then he turned and in a voice that sounded beyond his years he said aloud,

This will be settled fairly, you shall choose a champion to represent you. If you win, we let you go freely and don't inform lord Rykan of your approach, but if we win, your souls serve us for eternity. You have till the moon rises to the top of the sky tonight to prepare your champion,  who shall fight me.

Then Raithen leaped atop the skeletal horse and rode to Hamon, leaving Kyra crying over him as he rode away.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Fool, do you honestly believe they will agree to that?

Hamon looked at his prey and called off the hounds.

As much as I would like to stay and have you gutted by my minions, we have to leave.

Hamon got back into the carriage and sped off. He didn't go in the direction of his cave, but through the trees in case he gets a curious enemy.

I am going to have to send a messenger to Rykan now, they will still make their approach.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithens voice still sounded strange as he rode beside the carriage and spoke to Hamon

Hamon, who are you too defy the commands of I, Mordeon!

His voice echoed through the forest,

Do you honestly think I plan on playing by my word?

He glared at Jim through thee carriage,

Even now, we ride to inform Rykan of my plan, it was just a plot to lure the fool with my spell book out of hiding!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Ok, let's get a couple things straight. You are not my master, Siraset is, and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be back.

Hamon was getting furious.

Not to mention, unlike you, I don't have something inside me that makes me hesitate to kill. Since you are a necromancer, I am not to attack you for mutual reasons, but I'll be damned if you start ordering me around.

They were getting towards the cave, after taking a long detour.

Now, "Mordeon", figure out why you hesitated to kill that girl by cleaning out the cave, while I go and speak with Rykan. The last I checked, you are to listen to me. Or do I need Siraset to take away the boy's soul, and your power in one go.

The carriage stopped in front of the cave and Hamon stepped out, mark glowing brighter than ever.

As long as we share a mark, he can't touch me.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon standing there quite confused on what just happened.....

Vixon: Umm what just.....why he......what the? Champion of what? Who do we have to could actually fight on equal grounds with a necromancer?

About that time Siren was finished grinding the herb into a powder and putting it into a piece of cloth to save for later.
Vixon turning around seeing Siren no wheres to be found....Starts to panic..

Vixon: Siren! Siren! Where are you?? (with an elevated voice.)

Siren: Sorry! Sorry! I seen a rather rare herb hehe.

Vixon sighs and gets back on the horse and helps her back on it.

In unison both Vixon and Siren ask.

Vixon/Siren: Alright now what?

Hellion the Soulless

"I wonder who he is talking about.....Not many people can stand up to a necromancer when they are prepared for a battle..."

Looking around for a moment. Thinking about what Hamon said about not being able to die...
(Muttering under his breathe not to let the others hear this part.)
"Heh how naive of him and yet he is so experienced.....He does realize if someone kills him and performs and exorcism on the body right then and there its impossible to come back..."

"I suggest we still go to Takima but be extremely cautious this might be a trap."
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 11:17:28 PM by nightshade06 »

Offline Aquashin

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Axyl cuts the hound in half and sees the necromancer and Raithen fly way, she look arround at the others

"We should go back and report, if this is the best option we have, we have to take it"

she then goes to Kyra and gently hugs her gently, petting her

"Its ok... remember, he is being controled, and he didn't hit you, that means he can still control himself .
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Hamon, we need to discuss what is supposed to happen tonight. You musn't inform lord Rykan of the plan because he would never approve.

He stopped,

I shall relinquish control of the boy, he shall have no recollection of the past few moments.


Kyras face darkened,

We must prepare for tonight, starting with choosing a champion to combat Raithen.

Daylin: 35/100