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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145065 times)

Offline Tickles

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Alright, you failed the test. As punishment, you will be cleaning out the cave. I have to go find some ingredients for a ritual next full moon, so I will be gone for a while.

Hamon has the hounds hide the carriage and his minions cover up the cave entrance with moss and leaves. He sets out on foot to find his ingredients, deciding to just drop whatever the hell just happened.

(He figures Raithen is back to "Normal")
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen smiled, Hamon was a fool! Regardless, he had to get ready for tonights fight. He pulled a pile of bones from the ground, and made several skeletons. He Pointed at the first,

You, find me a suitable weapon, Necromancers do not wield swords!

Then he pointed at the second,

Find me a suit of armor, to keep up appearance place a hawk emblem on it!

Then he pointed at the last two,

Clean this cave!

As the skeletons bustled off to work, Raithen sat down onto the throne made of bones.


Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Zer0 sighed, the struggling, dying man in his hands. He moved his hand from the man;s throat, and up to his mouth, forcing it open. He grinned, and shoved the thick, rope-like intestines down his captive's throat. He forced the man to close his mouth, chew and swallow. " THere. I'm done with you. You can die now"
He dropped the man to the ground, and walked away, to get his coat. He wasn't needed, apparently. They were all tortured. So what. Nothing left to do here.
He picked up the cloak, and looked over at his bloody, dying victim. " I think I'm gonna take you home. I'm not gonna leave you here..."
He looked to his cloak, and grinned. " Once again, I dub you Headbag. Today, you will carry a body. DON'T break."
He scooped the dying prisoner up, and dumped him onto the makeshift bag, and kicked the door open, then left.

Tony was rather relieved to see that Zer0 had come back.
" One hour, you said. I'll be back, you said."
" SHattup."
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline The-Blades-slave

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KYra looked at the others then whistled, calling Rioku to her. She reached into the bag she kept her medical supplies in and pulled out a piece of parchment, a quill feather, and an ink well full of ink. Carefully removing the lid and placing it beside her she dipped the quill into the ink and wrote,

We were ambushed outside the forest of Kai Sung,
the necromancer responsible for the damage on Kai Sung has taken an apprentice,,
we've been issued a challenge,
we must choose a champion and fight against the apprentice,
any guidance you could offer would be well,

She let the ink dry for a moment, then carefully s not to smear it, she rolled it up and placed it into Rioku's claws whispering,

To Daylin.

The bird gave a loud and prideful 'caw', then shot into the sky like brown arrow. Kyra turned back to the others and said,

Who's going to fight as our champion?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon was using the bottom of his staff to write runes into the dirt. Once he was done, he pricked his finger with the staff head's fang, and dropped the blood in the center.

I may not be able to head to Sireset's realm, but I can still contact him.

The runes started to glow purple, And Hamon slammed his staff on the front most one, revealing a type of portal into his master's realm.

Master, I wish to speak with you. It's about Mordeon.

(Blades, control Siraset for me. Remember, he is supposed to be fair to all his contract takers.)
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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A voice echoed in the head of Hamon,

what do you wish to discuss about Mordeon, my servant?

Kyra looked at the other, then cast a sparing glance at Vixon and Siren,

What we do now is prepare, as muchas I hate to say it, we must not fight with honor. With your approval Alyx, you should face off against Raithen, kill him if you see an opening, f the battle go's south, we shall all intervene and assist.

As she spoke A small brown blur appeared in the sky and a scroll fell into her hands. Rioku landed on her shoulder, and slumped down from exhaustion. She slowly petted him and he 'cooed' in approval. Opening the scroll she read aloud,

The situation is dire and you musn't turn back.
Be wary of this challenge, and use brains not brawns to win the battle.
~Daylin Hakima, leader of Kai Sung

Kyra looked at the others, and an idea struck her,

We need to move fast, darkness approachs. Raithen told us to prepare, never did he say prepare only the warrior. we need to set traps, something to give are warrior a fighting chance, and I know just the thing.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 02:17:17 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon nods at Kyra.

Vixon: Alright lets go.....Now just one more question....Do you know where they will be fighting at?

Siren looks up at Vixon.

Siren: That is a good point. If we are going to be setting traps it would be wise to know where the fight will take place. If you think about it placing a trap where no one walks is pointless.

Hellion the Soulless

"C'mon out guys and fall into formation NOW!"

His army of minions falls into 3 lines of 10...

"My army is at your disposal for setting them up faster. Or distractions they are mere pawns for what I have planned to create"

With an evil smile on his face he looks down and grabs onto his pendent.

"Just a few more and I will have you at my side again my Ultimate creation."

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra looked at Vixon and said,

You might want to help Alyx prepare for battle, as long as she agreed to fight for us. As for were the fight will take place, if their is even an ounce of Raithen left in that necromancer, the fight will take place right here, in this opening we're standing in right now, away from the foliage.

She points out that they're standing in a treeless clearing in the forest.. Then she looks at Siren and said,

If you could help me find the right type of roots for a stink bomb or something, it would be great.

Then she turned to Hellion and said,

Could you have your minions half you minions search for as many vines as they can find, while the other half dig a large pit?

Then she turned to Alyx,

Do you think you're able to fight against Raithen?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon: All I could do to help is maybe help refine her fighting abilities....Training partner.

Siren looks at Kyra..

Siren: Well as far as I know there isn't a root that can make a "stink bomb", but there is a rare herb and a fruit that could make it. The herb is pointless to look for because its extremely rare to find..On the other hand there is something called Ginkgo fruit. It has a very very foul smell to it and can be created into one.

Taking out a small book out of her pouch that she keeps drawings of different roots, herbs, fruits and flowers she has encounted and what they did.
(it was the only pic I could find of it lol...just imagine it is a black and white drawing hahaha)

Siren: Here is what it looks like so you know what to look for...It wont be near any villages or cities because well it stinks...

Hellion the Soulless

"You heard her get to it you sack of ....."

Stopping before he finished.....

"Alright Melee units start digging. Spears go out and find the vines and it wouldn't hurt to kill me something to eat while you are out."
"Alright I am going out to get some wood to make a few Archers if you don't mind."

Mumbling under his breathe.

"It would be nice to have something for better range than spears."
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 03:51:32 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline Tickles

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Master, I fear he is close to breaking the most sacred law of necromancy. He has issued a challenge to Kai Shung, and they might send a necromancer to battle him. I have told him once that attacking a necromancer is strictly forbidden, but he refuses to listen.

Hamon was feeling a twinge of fear, which only Siraset can make him feel.

I can hope all I want that Kai Shung is not wise to our laws, but even by accident, we could lose the most powerful necromancer there is.
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Offline Aquashin

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Alyx looked at everyone then at kyra as she spoke, and nods

"Sure, i will fight him"

then looks at everyone

"The problem isnt getting traps, the problem is if there are allready traps made by them, you should think  of that as well"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyr looked at Alyx then nods,

Siren if you would, will you please go find  a Gingko fruit or two?

Then she turned to the minions that were digging the pit, then spoke

That should be deep enough.

As the minions stopped she inspected it, the pit was around six feet deep and four feet wide.

This should do, Alyx I wouldn't worry about traps, they wouldn't have had time to set them.

Then she walked away from the pit and said,

We must hurry, I'll need the fruit and as many vines as possible soon, the sun is getting closer to setting.

Then she whispered to Alyx,

Don't hold back on Raithen on my behalf, if you get the chance kill him.

He set up off the throne, the skeletons had cleaned the cave, and on had returned with silver armor, a hawk glistening on the breast plate. The last came bustling through the door, his hands were empty and Raithen bellowed

Were is my weapon!

The skeleton just sat their and Raitehn leaped up and slashed him in half. He'd have to fight with this sword and shield. He sat back on the throne, and gently fell asleep.


I hear your complaints, and Kai Sung would do well to send a necromancer to battle him. But I think they shan't, their are not wise to our law, but if not careful, you may still lose the necromancer called Mordeon.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon looked at Alyx.

Vixon: Alright Alyx ready to train up a bit? But first Hellion can I ask to borrow a few of your melee minions a few to escort Siren and a few to help Alyx out.

Siren looking a little creeped out being alone with those things....

Siren: Um it's ok I don't need those things following me....

Vixon: I am sorry I would rather be safe than sorry. Or have you forgotten the last time you went into this forest by yourself?

Siren sighs.

Siren: Ok ok...


Hellion the Soulless

"Ok for one.....These are warriors not babysitters.....Two if they attack someone its for the kill not practice....Alyx would literally have to fight them for the kill..."
"I can send a few with Siren but there is no telling what they might do....They might kill anything that comes near her..."

Looking at Kyra.

"Well since it seems you have taken over this group I guess it's your call if you want them to do that with each of them...But I must warn you there might be consequences to it."
"At the same time I need some of them to finish my ritual for taking some living souls for my creation I want because well....I am not an offensive Necromancer. More of a strategist."

About that time my Spear minions came back with bunchs of stuff in their hands.....Some had Vines. 5 of them had some Bloody Armor, But lost their spears. One had a clump of dirt..Some of them had assortment of foods. Fruits, Rabbits, A snake.

"Here Vixon since you have nothing to do at the moment you can have these..." (handing him the dead animals.)

Looking one of them that had the fruit..

"Well what do you know Siren you don't have to go after all this idiot actually thought this was edible.."

 Holding up the fruit she had in the drawing.

"Can I borrow someones sword right quick? Or could you cut down this mentally unstable Spear minion for me...."
« Last Edit: June 11, 2012, 01:31:27 AM by nightshade06 »

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Kyra smiled, then took the vines from the minion. She walked up to Siren and said,

Do you think if we burn this fruit the smell would travel with the smoke created by a fire? Also Alyx, is their anything you require to prepare for this fight?
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:45:00 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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As much as I would love that pompous fool to die, he has become a new pawn in my plan for revenge. I will contact with new details when I can.

Hamon closed the portal and returned to his cave. When he seen Mordeon lounging on his throne, he became furious.

This is an outrage! How dare you seat in any of my thrones without my consent!

He also noticed his minions waiting on hand and foot for this wretch.

Cease what you all are doing. I am your master, not him. All of you, OUT! I have to speak with my "apprentice."
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword