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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145084 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen sat up and got off the throne, he was now in a full body suit of armor, the breast plate a glistening silver, and a large hawk emblem resided right above his heart. The metal leggings made a clank sound as he walked on the cave floorr, but the helmet of the suit was thrown to the side, his face armorless, along with his hands so his contract symbol was visible. His sword was sheathed around his waist, and the shield was strapped to his back, with dark black tresses of hair falling into his red eyes.

You wish to speak with me master?


Kyra was biting her nails, she was nervous and upset. They didn't have the supplies for proper traps, and if she showed them her ace in the hole it was almost an indefinite death for Raithen. Finally she sighed, and a few tears escaped he reyes, damping the white strands of her that touched her cheeks. She rummaged in her medicine bag and pulled out two glass container, each held a different colored powder. She carefuly opened the latch of the purple powdered on and said,

We don't have the supplies for any type of proper traps, so we might as well abadoon that idea, but I do have something that will give us an edge.

She pointed at the container with the purple powder,

That is a secet known to few healers, it is the roots  of a plant called Karamlik, also known as darkness. all you've got to do is put a litte powder on your weapon, and give your opponent a substantial cut, and within hours he will be incapicitated.

She pointed to the green powder bottle,

The only known cure for this poison is the root of the Tumaini plant, it is more common than the poison, but still rare.

She looked at Alyx and said,

I have enough of it to add it to your axe, but it will completely deplete my stash. The plant is uncommon, and chances are i'll never find another. But we need to win this duel for Kai Sung, so if you would please give me your axe Alyx?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2012, 02:55:02 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Are you Raithen, or are you Mordeon?

Hamon figured talking to the one that is most troublesome would be more beneficial. For the most part, Raithen obeys orders and never talks back. Mordeon, on the other hand, acts like an adolescent with authority issues. Hamon would have to pick and choose his battles with Mordeon.

I need to know.
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Sir i'm Raith-

His voice caught in his throat, and the sound of it changed.

You wish to speak to me, it is Mordeon.

He crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

I don't have all day here, the sun is beginning to set and I have a duel to attend./color]

Daylin: 35/100

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Alright, much better. I don't know what you're playing at, or why you choose to defy me, but no one, ancient necromancer nor even Siraset himself, takes a nap in any of my thrones without my permission.

And another thing, I don't particularly like the fact that you used my minions, that I worked hard to make only to have your body have to replace them, to do the work I ordered you to do, and to retrieve armor from who knows where. From where I stand, that body you're using is still my apprentice, whether you like it or not.

Hamon moves Mordeon aside and takes a seat.

You are extremely lucky that I can't take violent action against you like a normal person, out of mutual respect for necromancer law. By the way, did you ever consider that they will send a necromancer to fight a necromancer? If they do, you can't fight him, you would need to hold a contest between your strongest minions, and not kill the other necromancer.
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I'm well aware of the problem, but the only necromancer present was not skilled in offense or he would have challenged me when we were their.

He looked now the appreentice shall once again reappear, but at the battle, i'll be in control.

Raithens eyes flashed, and then he voiced,

What do you need my liege?

Daylin: 35/100

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Go practice with your blade for a few. You're going to need it later.

Hamon grabbed a hold of his staff, and a thought flashed in his head. How about he give Mordeon a bad time for the duel later.

And go place my staff in my chambers for me. There is a special shelf to put it on, and I don't like to carry it with me the whole time.

He held the staff outward for Raithen to retrieve it, knowing full well that the staff obeys no one but Hamon.
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Raithen nodded, and reached his hand out to take the staff. As he reached out his hand and it enclosed on the staff, it fell from his grip almost instantly. Clutching his right hand in pain, with blood coming from his hand, Mordeon took control.

You fool, would this not be considered a attack on a fellow user of the dark arts?!

The hands with out the mark was bleeding, and he raised his un-injured hand.

Give me one good reason not to attack you.

(Tell me if I need to change Cortex.)

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Quite simple. I didn't attack you.

The staff rose from the ground and glared at Mordeon.

I never made this staff. It was a gift from a wandering enchanter, in thanks of vanquishing a foe for him. The staff's loyalty knows nothing of our laws, and is therefore excluded from it.

The staff returned to its master's hand.

I also needed a reason to prevent you from getting any ideas. Go ahead, strike me if you wish to face the consequences.

Hamon showed off a smug grin.
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If that's the case, then I could strike you with this sword. It was made by a blacksmith and gifted to this ignorant boy, it knows nothing of our laws. But I cannot fight you, I must prepare.

With that he spun around and leaned against a cave wall, trying to stop the flow of blood coming from his hand.

Daylin: 35/100

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Siren looking at Kyra.

Siren: I haven't ever tried that with this stuff before..So I couldn't really tell you if it would work or not..As for those roots I heard my parents talking about something that sounded like that but I don't know much about it. I hope it works...

Vixon: I hate it when you talk about poisons...That stuff creeps me out to die like that..

Siren just chuckles.

Siren: Don't worry I know the antidotes for most poisons.

Sticking her tongue out at Vixon to get his mind off it.


Hellion the Soulless

"Well since that wont work the traps I mean I am getting quite bored of seeing my minions just stand around doing nothing I think I will pay a visit to a small Takima Village to pass the time."

"Fall back inline....We are heading out to gather....umm "materials" for a creation.."" I might not be great at offense but doesn't mean my minions aren't"

Directing his horse to go down the road a bit further.

Offline Tickles

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Think what you wish then.

Hamon got a good chuckle out of this necromancer's ignorance. Hopefully he would have a bigger laugh tonight.

Now, why don't you run along and get prepared for you battle.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen sighed, his ahdn had stopped bleeding, but it still ached. He looked at Hamon and replied,

I am prepared for the duel, I'm just waiting for nightfall.

Then he stood, dusting off his armor. He looked at HAmon and said,

And what were you up to well you were gone?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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It doesn't matter what I was doing.

Hamon leaned in his throne, and recalled his minions back in. He got his usual cup of tea and starting to drink, as well as some fruit from the forest.

Are you hungry? They will bring you anything you wish.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Zer0 scratched his head. He should've brought his map. Which way was Kai Sung? He hovered over the ground, wings tilted a bit. He wasn't high enough. After flying a few seconds, he finally gave up on looking. It had been a long time since he had gone in the direction. He sighed, and landed in the forest. He had no clue where the town was. He'd just continue on foot. Upon looking up, he noticed a treehouse carefully concealed in the branches.
"Hm. What the heck is that doing up there?"
He climbed the tree, and knocked on the door a few times, but with no answer but a loud snoring noise. "That's louder than you," 02 said, with an amused look in his eye.
"Shaddup you. At least I CAN snore. You don't even have a nose!"
He raised his foot, and slammed it into the door, knocking it down. "Hey! Who's in here? Show youself!"
The covers on the bed in the center of the room moved, and a girl sat up. She wore only a blue nightgown.
" Oh. It's a girl. I...uh.." He looked away, a bit flustered.
" Impossiderp, you moron. It's a boy."
" I don't need your sarcasm, you parasite."

Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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I half-woke up to the sound of wood splintering and breaking. I looked up through my halfway-open eyes, still mostly asleep, and saw a man-type-thing with wings, an eye on his chest, stitches all over his face and his arm, etc, etc..... I sat up, shocked, and for some reason my half asleep brain thought it was a good idea to say "'Ello, sir. Would you like some tea?" Then I glanced at him again and remembered he wasn't supposed to be in my house. In fact, nobody had been there since.... ever. "WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!?!?!?!" I grabbed my wand from under my pilow and held it ready in case he attacked or did anything else weird. I wasn't sure what to think of him, especially with his strange looks and... was he TALKING to the eye on his chest??