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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145056 times)

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Zer0's face turned even redder. " I-uh...I-I-I..." He frowned, and walked forward, trying to keep his eyes off the woman offering him tea. She did a double take, and looked at him now, wand extended. So, she was a sorcerer. Or, a Necromancer?
He scowled, and moved his hair, to cover his face a bit. He was blushing hard, and not only that, but he was a bit pissed that she was pointing a STICK at her. Right after offering him something to drink, too. " Hey, watch where you're  pointing that. You could poke me in the...well...eye," 02 hissed, irritably.
Zer0 put his hands up, and gave her a frustrated growl. " Look, woman. I didn't know you were here, O-Okay?"
He narrowed his eyes, but he remained very tense, stepping forward.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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He looked pretty angry, so I kept the wand pointed at him.
"Look, woman. I didn't know you were here, O-Okay?"
He started moving toward me, so I summoned my batfish army. They flew around me in a cloud, all fourty-two of them snarling at the intruder.

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Hellion the Soulless

Not getting a response from anyone I decide to go ahead and use my army for what they was created for..


(Marching down the road behind Hellion.)
Eventually seeing a road that offshoots the main one.

"Hmmm I wonder to which village this leads to."

Taking the small road and signalling for the army to branch off into the woods . Using a thin scouting pattern.
Finally reaching a very small village with looked like to have very little guards..

"Well now this doesn't seem worth it." "Wonder if there is even enough people in this village to get enough souls for my ritual."

Looking around the minions not even in a formation...


"Fall in line you maggots spears upfront 5 rows! Prepare for battle!"

Taking a deep breathe.

"Capture as many as you can but make sure they are hurt!" "I can only steal their soul if they are weak."
"Charge! Annihilate this village!"

In a fast pace the minions start to charge towards the town. Several guards noticing what was happening and sounded for the villagers to take cover. Several people taking up arms to try and fend them off. But it was no use. The melee units were superior at fighting then them. A few of the spears got destroyed. Leaving me with 8 left. After the short fight they captured quite a few of the villagers after killing the guards. Walking into the village smiling out how well they performed.

"Very nice work my friends very nice indeed."

Going up to each minion who captured someone.

"Ro Ni' Hai lock!" In a deep evil voice as I touch them with the pendent. Instantly they turn blue in the face and their soul gets sucked into the pendent.

19 villagers....

"Gah not enough seriously?? How bad can my luck get!"

Throwing a jug against one of the walls smashing against it. About that time one of the guards moved a bit.

"Oh how nice he wasn't dead yet. Maybe my luck isn't so bad after all!" "Sorry for this...Oh wait never mind hahahahahaha!"

"Ro Ni' Hai Lock!" Sucking his soul into the pendent.

"I guess that shall do..I will go inform the others where I will be heading and what I will be doing now that the "Bad" part is over with."

Heading back to the main road with what was left of my army and eventually making it back to the group.

"Well I see you guys still aren't sure what you are going to do. So I will tell you what I am going to do. I am heading to the mountains for a short time. With my minions and will be creating something of magnificent proportions. Be ready to be in shock when I return!"

Heading off the road heading north towards the mountains. Quite some time later. Finding a nice pile of boulders to start the ritual with.


Pricking his fingers to get blood to make the marks around the stones for the combination of Living and damned souls to mix into the stones. Once it was done I sat down in the middle and started chanting.

"Marionette! Eln ni' en Fe'na!"

"white is the colour of bone and ash
to speak to the dead we bathe and fast
red is the colour of blood and death
we rub the bones and give them breath
black is the colour of womb and tomb
we sit in the dark to leave the room
now take these souls into blight
so these stones can stand and fight!"

Having to repeat this several times in order to get enough souls to perfectly mix right into the stones in order for it to come to life!

(When the time change comes it will be complete I guess.)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen sighed, and walked out of the cave telling Hamon,

I shall return when the moon peaks the sky.

Then he exited the cave, the light throbbing from the wound on his hand was annoying, but bearable. He saw a pile of bones outside of Hamons layer, brown with age. Focusing for a moment, three skeletons were summoned and Raitgen ordered them to follow him. He found a clearing made up of trees long dead, and he commanded two of the skeletons too stand guard. The last followed him and Raithen commanded,

Spar with me.

The skeleton raised the halbard he wielded and charged. On instinct, Raithens shield and sword was in his hands. The halbard whistled harmlessly over his head as he ducked and rolled to the side, imbedding the spear point of the axe like spear deep into a dead oak tree. As the skeleton struggled to pull the weapon out, Raithen leaped back to his feet and bunched his muscles ready for attack. He powerfully dug his he'd into the soil, springing him forward. He slammed his shield into the skeletons body, breaking several bones. Then spinning in an angle he grabbed the skeletons back, throwing him onto the ground. He slammed his sword deep into the ground, sailing through what would have been a rib cage. Then he brought his shield down on the head, completely ground it to dust and creating a small shield imprint into the ground. He got to his feet, then pointed his sword at one of the skeletons standing guard,

You, spar with me.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 08:51:11 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Hamon got up to make some more minions, and maybe a titan.

He ruined my defenses, if anyone were to attack me, I would have very little chance to succeed.

He went up to his dark alter and called for parts, which he lay out and began to pop in place and singe together. He was muttering a spell while performing this process.

(This may take a while, and interrupting him will result in either being attacked or scolded)
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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As Kyra waited for the axe, she saw Hrllion show up and then leave. Ignoring it, she began to prepare the poison. She opened her canteen and poured a small amount of liquid into the jar. Once that was done she attached the canteen to her waist, and removed a small wooden spoon from her medical bag. She began to stir and gradually the purple powder turned into a gooey and thick liquid. She then removed her spoon, and cleaned it using a clothe and water from her canteen. She then carefully placed the spoon back in her bag and removed a small brush. The white thistle of the brush were she's purple as she dipped it into the poison.

The poison is prepared, hand me your axe when you're ready. Also, Tyler if you like, I have just enough to tip your blade with poison as well

« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 05:52:54 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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me-Uh, I guess so.

I unsheathed my sword and held it up. Once again I feel very agaisnt the idea of handing over my weapon but I guess no harm would come to it. This whole ordeal is very confusing so I'll just go along with it.


After beating that dragon I took a rest, I now feel fully charged. I make sure there are no threats to the forest and then I walk to a small stream. I bend down and take a drink, when satisfied I freeze the water and inside the ice is a salmon, I reach my hand through the ice and pull it out. I gather a few twigs and make a fire. I roast the salmon on a spit.

me-Thank you fish.

When it is nicely cooked I take it and start to eat.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra carefully grabbed the sword, and placing it on the ground she began to apply the poison. Carefully lifting her brush she traced it around the sharp edges of the blade, leaving a light trail of purple. Then slowly flipping it over she did the same once ag ain with the other side. She carefully handed itt back to him and said,

Be careful, one cut on a foe and your battle is won.


The last skeleton lie on the ground defeated and Raithen hadn't even broken a sweat. He decided to head into the forest, and after a while ran into a river. He saw a young man about his age pull a fish from the river and cook and eat it. Mordeon quickly took control, recognizing the aura that came off the individual.

The duel can wait

He whispered, then rushed out of the tree line and drew his sword and shield booming,

Face me Asdis!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 08:13:19 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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I finish up on the fish and then I hear a call behind me.

?-Face me Asdis

I spun round to see a crazy looking person charging at me, His dark aura wafting around him like a bad breeze. I grabbed my staff.

me-I must purify the darkness Yskine!

I shoot a freezing bolt at the person.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Raithen knew he needed to conserve his strength if he planned on winning the duel, so he didn't use his most powerful spell or summon any undead. Instead he whispered,


ANd a black bolt of power flew from his hands colliding with the ice bolt and causing them both to stop in an explosion of power. Shaking his head from the explosion Raithen charged again, and once he was in range he swung his sword in an arc at the mans neck.

Daylin: 35/100

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me-Swords are for cheaters, ystemora!

A barrier of ice takes the blow and a small crack is made by the sword. I whisper out the words.


The snow obscures me from view and I dart from place to place.

me-I'm over here... No I'm over here... Wait I'm over here now.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Raithen swoe, then whispered the word,


His sword blazed to life with black fire, lighting a path and melting any snow that got near him. He charged at the obscured image of the man shouting,

Die Asdis!

Daylin: 35/100

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me-Who the hell is Asdis, maybe you're killing the wrong guy here.

The blade just skins my arm and small drops of blood fall, they crystalize and shatter before they touch the ground. the skin around there burns.

me-Maybe I should take this down a notch.

The snow starts to buffet and push, I feel myself slowly drain. Nothing I can't handle.

me-You're in my territory now, Yskine!

The bolt shoots, camoflaged by the snow.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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The bolt hits Raithens shield, knocking from his hands. HE scowls as the snow fall around him and says,

No, your in mine!

He activates the flames, and feels how it taxed him, he closes his eyes searching the ground, and finds enough bones for a few skeletons. Quickly pulling the bones up, he created four skeletons, eached armed with a halbard, and commanded them each to find the sorcer. As they each ran off in a direction, he prepared his sword, in case the sorcerer tried to sneak up on him.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Efialtes sat there for like, who knows how long.Sooooo...your just gonna sit there like statues? FINE.

He gets up with his kitten and starts to walk away. THEN A FIRETRUCKING TITAN THING COMES CRASHING THROUGH! oh and five takima warriors.


He then. RUNS.LIKE. HECK. he starts running and once he's a good bit away he sits down.I have no idea what just happened..

He sudenlly feels something scratch him very hard on his arm.OUCH!

 he quickly pulls out a medical kit and starts tending to his wound. he then notices, his cat is gone.. He finishes tending to his large scratch marks,and gets back up worried.SNIPEEER! WHERE'D YOU GO!?(don't ask about the name >.>)

He starts running around frantically looking for sniper.


But I just got here..whatever.

She ran from where she had been around kai-sung, she went into the forest, she found a boy resting.


She had a evil grin. that could disturb ALL THE THINGS. she scratches the boy, and grabs his kitteh, she climbs a tree and starts petting the kitteh.Mroow...(Hello kitten.)

Mroooow(why did you take me from my friend?)

Mrow mrew.(Because he's evil kai sung.)

Mrow mrew meooow.(He's neutral. he heals ALL the sides.)


She looks down and he heard the meowing and is staring up at the top of the tree.can I has sniper back? and why did you take him?

((tell me if I need to change anything))