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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145055 times)

Offline Tickles

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There, that's the last of my available parts.

In this whole time, Hamon managed to make five zombies, eight skeletons, and four flesh hounds. He wasn't the least bit tired and had them all stationed around the cave to replace his defenses, and a few to entourage with him.

You three, come with me, we're heading to Takima for a break. I'm in the mood for cake. The rest of you, continue your rounds, and make sure the princess is well.

Two skeletons and a zombie followed Hamon to his carriage, where he left a note with the guard at the entrance.

Gone to Takima. Do not mess up my guards, they have been given specific instructions. I am out of body parts as well, so you'll need to find some to make your own. Will be back by sunset.


Make sure my apprentice gets that. And inform the others that they are not to follow any of his orders.

Hamon got into the carriage with his guards and was on his way.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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GM post @ Cortex

As the necromancers carriage approached the wall, a guard posted on top of the stone wall the surrounded Takima spotted him. Aiming his long bow made of oak, he shouted,

Who goes their?

Upon hearing this several others archer upon the wall aimed their bows at him, and the two guards posted at the gate crossed their large double edged battle axes in an X blocking the gate, and you could havve heard a pin drop as they awaited his answer.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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It's Hamon you morons. You can't tell that this is one of my flesh hounds pulling this thing?

Hamon was going to have these guys fired, he is the whole reason they were able to infiltrate Kai Shung, and to not be able to tell it's his carriage was just disrespectful. All he wanted was just a bit of cake, not a damn gate to be ready to strike.
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Offline nightshade06

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Vixon: Siren stay here for a bit I am going out to get some firewood for us.

Heading out into the woods picking up several branches and putting them into a pile. Eventually having enough for a decent fire.
Taking the animals Hellion gave him. He cleaned them up and started roasting them on a spit over the fire.

Vixon: Ah this should make a nice little meal before long.

Looking at Siren motioning for her to come sit with him next to the fire.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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GM post @ Cortex

The guards stiffened when they found out who it was. In an instant, the weapons had been pointed else where, and the gates had been opened allowing passage.

GM post @ Meowth

A loud roar splits the air, and a large dog like figure burst from the trees. It's long dirty yellow fangs dripped with saliva, and its light black fur and blood red eyes made it seem very predatory. It roared once again and then charged the two humanoid figures that it saw.

(It's basically a large saber tooth tiger, but thicker and mire dog like.)

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon had the carriage move forward, and as soon as he was able to see a guard out the window, he glared at him while the mark on his head glowed, giving the man a sense of doom. The carriage went down the street for a bit before stopping in front of a bakery. Hamon stepped out of the vehicle along with his guards.

Keep an eye out for thieves. Don't kill, just scare him off.

Hamon went inside with his minions.

Hello, Jenna, one slice of your strawberry filled lemeon cake.

The woman, knowing Hamon's reputation for being both a necromancer, and a gentleman, felt both terrified and fascinated at his request, and quickly got his a plate. He dropped enough money on the counter for the sweet and proceeded to an outside table to enjoy it.

This could be a little sweeter, but it's better than what I get in the woods.
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Offline Desbear

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The cat girl after seeing this and hearing from the kitten that the boy is neutral grabs him and they start running as fast as they can.

May I ask what just happened?!

I really don't know,giant dog thing, run.

as they were running it caught up to them, and tried to bite leeta,  she managed to move so only her sleeve was caught by the fangs.

I liked this dress too, and since we can't outrun it, lets fight it.

Efialtes climbed a tree and went through his medical stuff.

Do I have anything here that can if not used correctly kill it? well, it will be being used correctly but..

He continued to look through his stuff while leeta tried to dodge what it was doing, and trying to land a hit on it..

((Tell me if I need to change anything.))

Offline Aquashin

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Axyl look at Kyra and hands her her Axe and two of her daggers

"there you go, make it snappy,"

she smiles to Kyra

"lets make this in our favor"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra took the weapons and began to work, she carefuly applied poison to both the tips of the daggers saying,

I only have enough to add poison to the tips of those.

Then she took the battle axe onto her crossed legs and pulled the jar of poison closer. She carefully dipped the white brush in and slowly, but surely applied poison to the left edge. She gave it a moment to set, then she slowly flipped it over and began slathering poison onto the right edge. After a moment it was complete and she slowly handed the axe back to Alyx as well.

One substantial cut and the battle is won, remember that.

Then she stood up and placed the cap back onto her now empty container, followed suit by the antidote which she would keep. She carefully cleaned the brush with what was left of the water from the canteen , and then put it back in her bag. She looked around at the others and said,

I propose we get some rest until tonight when the moon touches the peak of the sky.

Daylin: 35/100

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Axyl takes the weapons back and puts them on her again

"your right"

she looks arround

"get some rest, i will stand watch"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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me-You make me sick.

One of the fumbling skeletons grab my arm and I quickly and quietly cast a barrier around the skeleton, it makes noise but it is blocked by the ice. It strikes at the ice making small chips. I lower the temperature in the barrier and when it was freezing I released the barrier and shattered the skeleton. My power was draining quickly, I'll have to escape. I'll leave him a suprise.


My eyes droop and my bones strain, my legs tremble and I feel very weak. A portal appears in front of me and out steps an ice elemental.

me-Hold him off.

I run off in the direction of the forest border and when I can't hold up the snow any longer I release the spell. My muscles ached as I ran and my heart thumped quickly. I climb a tree and when I feel that I'm safely out of view I fall asleep.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen  swore, then whispered the word,


His sword blazed to life and he felt it slowly sucking away his power. The ice elemental roared, saliva flying his outh and showing impressive canine like fangs. Raithen knew he'd need  help, and he summoned the last if the bones from the ground elow him. Whispering a tinkering for a second, the pile  of bones where transformed into a skeleton holding an old cross bow.

Aim for its eyes!

The skeleton began firing, aand imbedded an arrow into a groove of skin right beside the eye of the elemental. Bellowing in rage the elemental pulled a large log off the green grass beside him and swung. The skeleton fired off one last arrow that reached its mark going into the elementals right eye before he was smashed by the log. Screeching in pain, the elemental placed it left eye on Raithen and sung the log. Rithen just managed to roll out of the way as the log hit the ground, creating a large crater. Whispering the word,


A small lack hole formed under the let foot of the beast, stoppin it from moving, and Raithen charged, climbing up the elemantals back he stabbedi it in the neck, with the flaming sword. Bellowing in pain the giant tried to shake him off. Raithen clung tight, then raised his sword and struck the finishing blw, imbedding his flaming blade into the skull of the beast. With and llast cry the beast fell to the ground dead, and Raithens word stopped flaming. Whispering,

Just a quick rest.

Raithen passed out against a tree his energy thoroughly gone.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Some flesh hounds who were still on the hunt for materials noticed Raithen, and ran off to a nearby flesh titan to retrieve him. When the flesh titan noticed the boy, he picked him up and headed for the cave. He placed the body at the entrance, and the guards signaled to have him moved to his bed, and handed off the note for Raithen that Hamon left for him. Raithen was placed down and skeleton stood guard, note in hand.

(If people are wondering why, blades said I could.)
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen awoke groggily, the memory of fighing the elemantal coming back to him. Probing himself for a moment, he realized that he had only recoveed a litle of is energy, physially he felt fine othe than is injured hand, but magically he felt depleted. Sitting up, a skeleton handed him a note and stood to attention once again.

So he went out ?

Standing up Raithen noticed his armor lying in the corner of the room. He quickly slid it on, then sheathed his sword in the in the leather holster that went across his back, last he strapped his shield over his swod on his back, an sworewhen he looked outside. The sun wasn't visible and the moon was close to peaking. He quickly found his seletal horse and mounted it, spurring it out of the cave, galloping towards the clearing.

GM post @ Meowth

The saber-dog chased them untill the sun set and the moon beganto peak. Finally it eft whenit smelled blood coming from the west. It eft leaving the children relatively unharmed

« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 07:08:16 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon, who sat pondering for a while, decided to he would just head back to the cave, since everyone was either too afraid or too fascinated to approach him. He piled into the carriage with his guards and was on his way.

A sweet treat was all I needed after all that craziness with Raithen.

He would reach the cave eventually.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword