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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145039 times)

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx sees the spell going for her and quickly side steps evading it as she glares at him

"your not hitting me with that"

She glares at him as the necromancer comes by and casts a spell on Raithen

"So you cant beat me fairly so you get help midduel? arent you a wuss"

She runs again but this time she jumps and brings her axe down over her head with both hands.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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With new found strength Raithen managed to block the blow with his sword, and then leaped backwards. Looking at her he responded,

Fighting fair, what about your blades being poisoned?

Then he leaped forward and ducked his blade, sending it hurtling towards the girls kneecap.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx uses the long handle of the axe to jump over him to land on the other side

"thats a present for Kyra, the one that loves Raithen and wants him back"

She lunges at him

"and i meant mid battle, not before"

She swings for his legs this time
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Hamon never agreed to a duel, or any of the terms. Instead of standing by to see if his apprentice will win or lose, he decided that he should keep the other Tai Shung half wits busy. He propped himself up with his staff, and spoke into the ear of the flesh hound, which quickly ran off. With a whisper, he said:

It feels good to be bad.

(In other words, no one could hear what he just said.)
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen (Its Kai Sung, not Kai Shung.)

Raithen swore and leaped backwards, the axes edge barely cutting him and making his leg feel numb. He glared at the girl and said,

I've told you once you wench, the boy known as Raithen is no longer here!

Then he slowly whispered the word,


His sword blazed to life, and he could feel it takijg what was left of his energy. Better end this fast, he though and leaped forward swung his sword an arc at the girls neck.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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While the battle went on, a loud howl was heard, followed by a series of growls. A large group of flesh hounds appeared behind the opposition, and the one that brought them returned to the carriage.

Even if he loses this one, they will not be able to take him with.

He shouted out to his hounds.

Kill them, but leave the fighters alone!

Hamon's guards stood in formation to protect him from harm, and he got into his carriage in case things went south. All he had to wait on was a flesh titan.

Damn me for making them too slow, just last a little longer.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra looked aound wildly as her stallion whinnied in fear, then drw the Daibo she carried, cracking the whip down she injured a houn, and it growled lunging at her. It knocked her horse out from under her and sent her sprawling, she struggled to sit up, but the hound leaped onto her using its claws to pin her down.

Raithens sword stopped mid swing annd the fire extinguished as he watched the scene with Kyra unfold. Shakily his hand rose as he struggled for control. Finally, his hand was raised and his sword was pointed at the flesh hound that was pinning Kyra down.


A black bolt flew from the tip of his sword and killed the flesh hound.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 12:16:12 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Looking around Vixon could see chaos breaking out all over since hamon showed up....
Drawing out his sword and jumping back off his horse. Ready for the worst!

Vixon: Siren stay on the horse if something bad happens.....You run and don't stop!

Siren starts having tears go down her face fearing the worst...

Hellion the Soulless

Looking down at the scene of what hamon was doing...

"Prepare my minions this shall be a very fun night!"

With a quick smile on my face ordering them to fall into lines infront of the Golem.

"Alright my friend let me down from here I don't need to be getting in your way."

The Golem sets me down in front of my units.

"Spears get ready with a volley and be accurate about it!"

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx was preparing to defend but sees him going to Kyra's rescue

"Looks like your body isnt completly yours, Raithen, fight that guy out of there"

she looks at him

"if you dont i will break all your bones"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Kyra and Raithen

Kyra looked shocked as a black bolt ripped apart the flesh hound pinning her. All hell was breaking llose yet she noticed nothing as she locked eyes with Raithen. Fire burned so familarly within his eyes for a second before they glazed and returned to the cold dead look that he wore ever since he'd bbeen captured. She stood stunned as he whispered the word,


And his sword blazed to life once again and he swung at Alyx, turning his back to her.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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The hound on Hamon's carriage sniffed the air, smelling death. The other hounds stopped their attack, and sniffed as well.

Why are you stopping, I said kill them!

The hounds refused to attack, knowing a necromancer was nearby, but couldn't pinpoint it.

No, it's not possible. They are not necromancers, smell them, they don't even agree to our arts.

Still the hounds refused, and dispersed from the group, running in all directions from the duel. Anything to prevent their master from breaking a law. Hamon was furious, and looked at the hound attached to the carriage.

Take me to them, now!

His guards piled in, and the hound brought Hamon over to where he smelled the black arts. Hamon stepped out and look up, seeing a giant rock monster.

If you know what's good for you, you'll show yourself. I can tell that thing is full of souls, which means you're just like me.

Hamon smirked a bit. He had the law behind him this time.

In the meantime, a Flesh Titan was coming ever closer to the battle, but still far off from being noticeable.
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Offline nightshade06

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Hellion the Soulless

Seeing Hamon approaching....

Hamon: "If you know what's good for you, you'll show yourself. I can tell that thing is full of souls, which means you're just like me."

"Hold your fire Spears! Alright alright here I am and obviously I am like you..."
"But I don't use undead bodies.....I think they are really not my style..."
"I don't know what your plan is....But I thought this was supposed to be a 1v1 fight!"

Signalling the Spear Throwers to stand down.

Offline Tickles

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It is, but I never agreed to it, nor was I part of the decision, so I am excempt. I guess you picked up on that as well judging by how you're posted to attack at a moments notice. Let me tell you a little secret.

Hamon motioned towards Raithen, who was battling the woman.

That kid down there, he too is a necromancer, which means...

He pointed to Hellion's minions.

You have two choices. Either help him win this due to mutual respect for the dark arts, or leave now and not chance a stray spear skewering him, causing you to be blacklisted from our community.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx looked at him then sees him enchanting his sword again

"i guess i got your answer"

she swings her axe as well but to his sword, to make it clash metal with metal
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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(Your post was to short, so this is a sort of penalty)

Gm post @ Aqua

As the blades clashed the poison on the axe burst into flames as it hit the dark fire, and the fire slowly began to spread down the handle.


Raithen watche as her axe catches fire and leaps away, sword extended to block if she tried anything. He slowly circled around her, his flaming sword chipping away his energy. He finally lunged at her back, his sword swinging quickly and silently.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 02:38:23 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100