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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145033 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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The flesh drake burst into the air and flaps it's wings blowing away the smoke and Raithen smiled,

Looks like i'm just too good.

Then he charged at Alyx, the wind rustling his hair in the night sky and his armor glistened. With his sword and shield in hand, he ducked to the ground as he reached her and swung his shield at her knee while thrusting his sword upwards at her chest.The dragon roared and swooped in close to his master ready to assist if anything went wrong.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Axyl picks up a throwing knife and stops his sword swing and steps her leg back to escape his shield

"Your not good, your a coward, you dont duel 1 vs 1, you get outside help"

she gets another ash bag and smashes it agaisnt his sword hard to make it blow on his face as she steps back away from him

"You dont fight fair, you are a coward that takes control of another one to brag arround, one such as you will never beat me"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen leaped away and rubbed his eyes clearing his vision, then growled out,

You die, it's time for you to meeet my signature spell you wench!

Before he could move his body froze up and he collapsed. The drake let out a roar and swung it's tail making Alyx back off and it scooped up Raithen and flew away.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 04:28:02 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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And that is my sign to leave. have a good night, fellow necromancer.

Hamon got into his carriage, and rode off towards the cave. He had to figure out what kind of poison was used, ot else Rykan will put a bounty on his head.

Just my luck, looks like another sleepless night to save an ancient necromancer.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 04:59:23 AM by Cortex J. »
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Alyx gets knocked back by the tail of the dragon as she looks at him flying away

"Dammit... i let him escape again..."

she suddently falls on her knees and falls on the ground

"Dammit... i endured it too much... he packs a punch..."

she stays not moving on the ground as all the pain from the duel hit her all at once.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen lye unconscious on the back of his drake as it flew the through the air,  its wings amde of bone yellowed with age as it split the air with seemingly easy. Raithen seemed to be mumbling in his sleep repeating the word 'Kyra' over and over. Finally a heart broken screamed filled the cool night air and the words 'why'd you do this to her' followed soon after. His once glistening armor was dull and filled with cuts and his blade was covered in dirt. His shield was lying on his back the once visible hawk smudged with grime. The dragon swooped down, its wings sending up a shower of dirt as it landed and slowly nudged Raithen into the cave, and curled up at the entrance to guard.


Kyra watched stunned as the battle unfolded, and when Alyx collapsed she rushed to her side. Quickly bandagin and cleaning all her wounds she rummaged in her bag until she found what she was looking for. The name escaped her but it would help Alyx regain her energy faster, placing it in her mouth she forced Alyx to chew and swallow then told the others,

She'll be fine, just needs a little rest.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 04:58:13 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon gets by the cave, and notices the dragon.

Easy now, my guards will take him to his bed. I'll be back with a healer.

He orders the guards to move Raithen, and then sets off for Takima to find a healer that specializes in poisons. The one thing he wasn't hoping for was Rykan getting word of what happened, or he would be in serious trouble.

When he got to the city gates, he was let in with no problems, mostly thanks to earlier. He decided to head for the capital and let Rykan know that a group from Kai Shung is heading towards Takima. He got inside the building and promptly bowed.

My lord, I have urgent news.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 05:09:56 AM by Cortex J. »
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Gm post @ Cortex

Rykan sat in his chair with the moon shining through the small window in his office. Hearing Hamon walk in he said,

This urgent news wouldn't have to do with your new apprentice would it?

He seemed to look through Hamon with his golden colored eyes, and he laced his fingers together. The ring with the large green emerald and intricate design of a Destrai on it, that he used to as a source to channel his arcane abilities gleaming and glowing eerily.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx looks up at Kyra and gives a faint smile

"Sorry sweety, i couldnt bring him back to you..."

she moves her hand to hold Kyra's hand

"but i promised i would, and will"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Tickles

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Not at all, it has to with the Kai Shung trash we intercepted during a training exercise.

Hamon stood up and looked Rykan in the eye.

They are heading this way, probably to pull a counter strike of some sort. However, the group is too few to pull that great of a measure.

Hamon started to pace and think for a minute.

No, attacking with something short of an army is foolish. They must be on their way to spy on us. Get to know the defenses, and the like. That's it, in intelligence mission.

Hamon's mark started to glow, as his anger was getting the best of him.

But why would they send someone with great combat skill as a spy...

And there it was, the dead giveaway that something bad had happened.
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Offline nightshade06

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Looking over what happened Vixon nudges Siren.

Vixon: Hey Siren you might need to go help out on healing her.

Siren nods and hops off the horse.

Siren: Alright I can do that.

With a smile on her face for the love of being able to help others. Running over to her side seeing the bandages she places her hand on them.

Siren: By the gift given to me by my father and mother give me the strength to heal her!

As she finished saying that the pendent started to glow brightly. Enhancing her ability.

Hellion the Soulless

"Well now that isn't what I expected of this. I was hoping at least one of them would die..."
"Oh well nothing for me to do now but nap now."

Laying down on the Golems shoulder.

"Wake me when something happens...."

Offline The-Blades-slave

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GM post @ Cortex

Rykan's eyes gleamed dangerouusly, and lightning seemed to crack withing them and his ring began to give off a strange humming sound.  A small crack of electricity burst from the ring. His voice echoed around the room like a crack of thunder,

What do you mean, how do you know they are skilled in combat, do not lie to me!


Kyra smiled, then looked at Siren.

If your  attempting to heal her, I don't trust my self at the moment. Her most severe wound would be on her stomach from that shield.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon flinched from the sudden spell burst.

You're a Sorceror?!

The mark on his forehead glowed bright, but he calmed down, knowing it is not the time to fight someone who can summon lighting. He simply stood up straight and looked at Rykan with a serious expression.

It was be mere accident. She took down a large chunk of the boy's newly summoned minions. He had a flesh dragon left, so I ordered him to fly back to the cave. I summoned a group of my hounds to keep her distracted and made my escape to warn you.
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Rykan knew he wasn't telling the whole truth, he could sense it but he decuded to let it slide. Looking him dead in the eye he said,

Yes I am a sorcerer, have you never been curious as to how I've never been assasinated with all the attempts? My enemies are shocked when they find out, but surprise is always on my side because none who know liveto fin out. I shall trst you, but f you reveal my secret you die a horribly slow death. Now as of this Kai Sung squad how many were there, what were their skills, and how dd Raithen react?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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He prefers to be called Modeon. However, the boy seems to be maintaining a strong hold on his body still. As for the group, there were five of them. I had Mordeon leave because he couldn't get a handle on his new body, not to mention his minions were being cut down in front of him.

In the back of Hamon's mind, he could see Raithen about to die. He had to finish this report fast.

The only thing I can say about any of this is that they will be approaching fast, and preparations should be made. I can have some of my minions stationed around the city to work with your guards.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword