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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145032 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Rykan shook his head and said,

No, i'll send my personal guards to deal with this.

Then with a wave of his hand six guards heavily armored emerged. Each was covered in blood red armor from head to toe, the breastplates covered by large black Destrai. The largest guard lifted the front of hs helm and said,

What are your wishes liege?

The guard that spoke had a large hammer strapped across his back, the long steel hilt was covered with the intricate design of a death angel and ended with a finely crafted steel square with the edges shaved off. The other guards all wore the same armor, but each wielded a different weapon. One held a long sword, the hilt held the design of a Saber dog, and the blade was long with a double edged joining and razor sharp edges. The next held a long bow made of yew, the string polished to perfection and on his back was a quiver made of fine  leather, and filled o the brim with finely crafted feather fledged arrows. The next had two leather strps crossing in an  X across his armor, filled with slots  that held daggers, the top held long curved ones meant for close range fighting, while the bottom of the straps held small straight daggers meant for throwing. The last warrior held two long swords, the hilt made of pure sillver and the blades double edged and deadly, they were sheathed in two leather straps that crossed in an X on his back.   

You are to intercept a group of spies, last spotted near the out skirts of the forest  

Then Rykan turned back to Hamon,

You are dismissed, my personal healer wil accompany you to check up on the boy.

With a wave of his hand the healer emerged, ready to leave.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 06:04:00 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon became nervous. He never asked for a healer, so it meant that Rykan new better than to believe his lie. No matter though, he had to hurry. He bowed again and left the building, healer in tow, and headed back to the cave. Hamon couldn't help but stare at them, knowing they will report to Rykan about the boy's condition.

After a while, they came to the cave, but before the went in, Hamon turned to the healer.

I will pay you any amount of gold you wish so long as you do not let Rykan know that this boy was seriously injured. Make up anything, I don't really care.

They both went into the cave to see Raithen.
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GM post @ Cortex

The healer smiled and said,

I think a hundred gold would seal my lips, now what is wrong with this boy?

The healer young seemngly only in his twenties and wore a worn sandals and a billowing pale cloak. On his hip there was a leather pouch and he had a mop of pale straw colored hair with dazzling silver eyes.

Daylin: 35/100

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Greedy aren't you?

Hamon went over to some of the old items he would  store from unsuspecting travelers. He found enough gold to pay off the healer.

Take your money. The boy was poisoned, I'm not sure with what kind, and I'm sure he doesn't have much time. Do everything you can, because your life depends on if he lives.

Hamon's mark glowed again, in an intimidating way.
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The healer took the money and walked over to the boy. As he reached him reached, he pulled out a small needle and began to lower it toward Rauthens skin. Seconds before the needle reached his skin Raithen groggily sat up, and the healer looked at Hamon ad said,

Their ya go good day.

Then he bolted out the entrance and Raithen asked,

Where am I?

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Offline nightshade06

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Siren nods at Kyra.

Siren: Sure she will be healed very shortly. This pendent makes my healing go a lot faster.

She smiles at Alyx.

Siren: No worries I am sure this will all come out for the greater good eventually...

Vixon walks over and starts to think for a moment....

Vixon: Hey Siren now that I think about it when I was cleaning the stables why did it take you so long to heal that man?

Siren just chuckles a little bit. Smiling up at Vixon.

Siren: Hey gave me some tea and cookies I couldn't say no.

Sticking her tongue out at him.

Vixon: Uh huh yea leave me with all the work while you relax. (annoyed look on his face.)

Hellion the Soulless


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Kyra sighed then looked at the other, her pupiless eye looking drained.

Get some sleep you all, we'll reach Takima tommorow. I'll  take first watch.

She slowly leaned against a tree, her eyes scanning the horizon, she began to ponder the days events.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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When Raithen wakes up, the healer got out of there with all the gold, and not doing a single thing.

I would have him hunted down, but Rykan would get suspicious.

He walks over to Raithen, a little peeved that he has been alright this whole time.

You're back home. Let Mordeon know that he better be more careful, because he almost had you killed as well.

This was a close call, especially since he knew Rykan was a sorcerer. If he wished, he could have struck down Hamon whenever he pleased. All this time avoiding them like the plague, when he was working for one all these years.

Get some rest, because tomorrow, you're going to work and pay me back the gold that healer ran off with.

Hamon left Raithen to check on the princess, who was sleeping for now. He left her and went to his thrown.

Bring me tea, I have a headache, and I just want to relax.
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Alyx looks at them and sighs

"thanks you two... but i sitll need some rest... getting all the pain hit at once its hard ..."

she looks at them

you all get some rest as well"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Rathen looked at Hamon, then rummaged in his waist pouch, pulling out a large bag of gold he didn't  remember receiving. He tiredly handed it to Hamon whispering,

That should cove your money and more.

Then he fell back on the cot, promptly falling asleep.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon and Siren

"Well if you are hurting try this. It is my last one but hey that is what it's there for."[/color]

Looking in her pouch and taking out a leaflike herb.

"It will help the pain subside a little." "Just chew on it do not swallow it!"

"Alright Siren that is enough I guess she should be fine..."

Siren nods and stands up.

"You are about the only one who needs rest we all just stood by and watched pretty much...."
Hellion the Soulless


Hellion is having a bad dream of his God he made a pact with took away his powers for not helping out a fellow necromancer in need...

In a mumbling voice...

"Please don't I beg.....No I will be bett.......I promise..."

Offline Tickles

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Hamon drifted off to sleep after having his tea. He felt safe enough to know his minions could handle any threats, and he was sure Rykan can handle a few spies. He started to have a dream.

Charlette, it's really you. The ritual worked, it worked!

A smile started on Hamon's face while he slept.
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Kyra stood pondering the days event, but more imoptantly thinking about Raithen. How he confused her so, one minute he was trying to kill and the next he was saving her! She didn't know what they had put him through when they captured him, but whatever it was had completely shattered his once strong will power, and left nothing but a cold dead stare behind his once firey red eyes. She knew in her heart she loved him, but she also knew if something didn't change she would have to help kill him, and she wasn't sure she could to that without losing her mind. Strands of snow white hair fell into her porcelian like face, giving the illusion she was a beatiful glass doll, but glass or not nothing could stop the lump of emotions that formed in her chest, or how her breathng became quickl and croaky.

Damn him, why couldn't he have just died in that attack! It would have all been so much simpler than this, but the boy always did like too toy with people.

Her eyes glistened with tears as she stared up at the night sky, each star glistening like a sun itself! She raised her hand to her temples, slowly massaging them as she remembered all the nights just like this spent out by the river that surrounded Kai Sung just sitting beneath the stars with out a care in the world. Lookiing up she saw a small arrow of color zip down and land on her shoulder and she stroked it's ruffled feathers whispering,

Hey Rioku.

she hated him, she hated everything, but most of all she hated the before yesterday, when her life was ruined.


Raithen tossed and turned his deams filled with strange time he couldn't remember living.

The sword in his hand flashed in and out weaving a psttern and eliminating guard after guard until he came to the last, who leaped into the air bringing his sword sailing down in an arc and Raithen blocked with one hand and and pinned the man to the ground with the other.

I win.

He stood helping the guard up, then walked out and into a village. He saw the white haired girl rush over and hug him, and was shocked when he felt the words


Come from his lips, then he stroked the hawk on his shoulder and was once again shocked when he whispered,

Good job Rioku.

Soon the world turned dark, and he felt like he was being ripped away from something, it hurt and he screamed and screamed and....


He bolted up in the cot, covered in sweat and screamed, his head ached, his eyes hurt and he felt like something was shredding all his memories because he didn't remember were he was born or anything. He panted and wiped sweat off his forehead, then laid down, taking a painfully long time to drif tback to sleep.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 01:41:18 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Jack was on a house in Takima, watching the people below. This was going to be his first pinch, and we was looking for someone rich looking, and drunk enough to never notice his claw.

Where, oh where can my drunken friend be? Is he here, is he there, is he passed out by some stairs? Oh where, oh where can he be?

He spotted a man, who just got out of what looked like a pub, staggering down the road, gold sack looking heavy. Jack stayed in pursuit, making his shadow transform into springs, jumping from one roof to the next. Eventually, the man turned down an alley, and Jack made his move, he dropped down, transforming the shadow into a blanket (parachute), and drifted softly behind him. Once on the ground, he had the shadow transform into the claw, and it honed in on the gold bag, snatching it right off the man's belt.

What in the...?

The man turned around only to see someone that resembled a bat, and was too afraid to call the guards.

Thanks for the donation my friend, now if you'll excuse me, I have important business that happens to be not here.

Using the claw to get some leverage, Jack flung himself high into the air, had the shadow stiffen his cape, and he landed safely on a roof, where he made his escape to the north wall of the city, clearing it, and disappearing into the woods while letting out a hearty laugh.
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Kyra awoke to small drops of rain tickling her nose. She quickly scurried under the shelter if the more thick leafed trees and told the other,

You should probably wake up and get out of the rain.

A loud persistent to 'cawing' filled the area and Rioku hrutled down landing on Kyra shoulder. Kyra had seen him act like this before and she knew what it meant. She quietly glanced at the others who were all sleeping and decided she would see who was coming before she woke them. She quietly slipped off into the woods to see who was their.


Raithen awoke and his body ached all over. He looked around for some pain herbs or something but found none. Sighing he scrolled Hamon a quick note saying he was going to a tavern, and then layed it in the mans lap. He strolled out of the cave and mounted his skeletal horse, ignoring the annoying rain, and thinking, what better way to ease pain then a few glasses of ale? He rode to the town of Takima quickly, and found a large tavern that he strolled through the doors and sat down by the counter, plopping several gold coins down and dried himself off saying to the bartender,

Four glasses of your strongest ale.

The man slid the large jugs filled with the liquid to him and Raithen began to drink, the vile liquid stinging his throat as he chugged it down.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 06:16:50 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100