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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145023 times)

Offline Tickles

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Hamon woke up and seen the note.

So, decided to drown your sorrow in ale? So be it, I prefer tea myself.

He yawned deeply and stretched out his limbs. He decided he would go out and find those ingredients for his plan next full moon. He called to his three guards and left the cave, leaving a note behind for Raithen stating that he evacuate his stomach elsewhere, and not to take one step in that cave until he was sober enough to walk straight. He then walked deep into the woods to begin his search.


Jack sat in a tree, counting his profit from last night.

Twenty-seven gold pieces? I'm do used to sacks of at least seventy pieces. This new country is a strange one.

None the less, he placed the sack in a secure place in the tree, chasing away a couple squirrels, and stood in wait for any bystander, that is, he spotted someone in some fancy looking armor, riding on a skeletal horse.

He is heading back to that city, Probably not the best idea to follow him. Oh well.

He followed, and cleared the wall like before, and stayed on the rooftops until he seen the boy head into a tavern. He was going to play the waiting game.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen slammed the last glass down, the wooden handle shattering and imbedding splinters deep into his hand.  He ignored the slight pain, and began to slowly stand.

Nice looking armor you got their, maybe you should give it too us.

Raithen slowly turned to face the voice, the only visible way too tell he was drunk was a slight hitch in his step.Behind him stood three large and burly men, who Raithen assumed were the ones who had spoken. When Raithen was sober he was light hearted and messed around, but drunk he was serious, deadly, and dangerous.

Yu listening boy, I said give us youuurrrr arrrmmmmooo-

The man was purposely slowing the words down and making it seem like Raithen was deaf, and it irked him to no end, so he did the only thing that would express his feelings in his drunken stupor he punched the man in the face.. A sickening 'crack' reverberated through the tavern as the gauntlet on Raithens hand slammed into the mans face, dropping him to the floor were he stayed, his body unmoving. The mans friends glanced at each other then back at Raithen as they produced four long wicked looking daggers, the hilts  finely adorned with carvings of  skulls and bones, and swung at Raithen.  They found their daggers imbedded deeply into Raithens shield as he whipped it off his back. With the daggers stuck Raithen looked a the two, then delivered a swift kick too one of their stomachs sending them sprawling, then followed up quickly by drawing his sword and slamming it through the stomach of the last amn standing with so much force it lifted him off his feet.The blood slowly ran down Raithens sword as it drifted from the mans sromach, and Raithen slowly placed the mans body back on the floor. He sheathed his blade, and then slowly pulled all four daggers from his shield and placed them in his side bag, decided to see what a merchant would give him for those. He then slowly walked out the door and dissapeared into an alley leaving everyone in the tavern staring.


Kyra slowly walked into the forest leaving the others behind her asleep. She quietly walked, Rioku flying in front of her guiding her too were he saw something. She walked into a small clearing where she saw two young children, one who looked like she was part cat. But that was not what caught her attention, behind the children stood five men who seemed to be having a hushed conversattion. Then finally one of them drew a fine looking bow and notched an arrow aiming it at the cat shild, then spoke aloud.

Be you friend or foe?

(Meowth your basically being held at arrow point by the elites of Takima.)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 08:13:51 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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His target appeared. The shield looked like it lost a fight to a bear, and the man was staggering into an alley.

This is almost too easy.

Jack went from roof to roof, keeping him in his sights. When the opportunity arose, he jumped to the ground, just like last night, and procured his shadow claw to grab the man's gold bag. Jack was feeling like this place was full of morons just waiting to be robbed.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen walked quickly along, but after a few moments he heard a quiet 'thud' and stopped. He slowly turned around and saw a man who looked like  a bat sending some kind of shadow claw at him. He quietly raised his hand, then said,


The black bolt flew from his finger tips, leaving behind a slight trail of smoke as it flew at the intruder.

If your trying to find an easy target you should turn around, because you stand no chance in the slightest against me

Then he slowly drew his sword, and grabbed his torn up shield, ready for a fight.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Jack spotted the bolt, and ran towards the wall, placing his feet on it and flipping off of it, letting the bolt pass him.

Well, looks like someone wants to play right this time. Let's see you handle this.

His shadow transformed into a wall to block his from view, as he used the last bit to make a spring to jump over and onto a roof, ready to plan his next strike.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen sighed and in his drunken stupor turned aroun thinking the man had run. He placed his sword on his back along with his shield, then he whistled for his horse deciding to head back to Hamon. The horse came running into the alley, and Raithen mounted it with a little diffiuclty. He spurred his heels into the horses side, and it jolted as if it had been struck by lightning and took off for the cave, approaching the end of the alley quickly. Raithen mumbled under his breath as he rode,

Damn thiefs.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Jack was hot on his trail, using the spring force to move further on. He caught up, and launched a claw from above to knock the shield fro his back.

If he wasn't so drunk, he might have not let his guard down easily. Oh well, it's his loss.

He got a sinister smile from this next pinch.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen felt a slight touch on his back, but ignored it. His shield fell to the ground with a loud echoing 'clang' and Raithens horse skidded to a stop at the noise. Lightning cracked across the sky illuminating his eyes, and his head darted around searching for a culprit. Without finding one he slowly dismounted his horse and began walking toward his shield mumbling,

Damn thing i'll have to get the strap fixed.

HIs armor made a soft thud as his feet hit the ground in a slow continous pattern.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Be you friend or foe?

efialtes stepped to the side.

I am neither friend nor foe. I am neutral in this matter. aka, I heal both sides.

Leeta got in a fighting stance.

Yes. I am takima. I am good, you guys are bad.

Efialtes walked behind the soldiers and took out a medical kit.

There is no need for name calling, takima and or kai sung is neither good nor bad. they are merely two different groups dedicated to obtaining different results. and I totally just used one of my mentor's sayings.

she glared at him.

shut up medic.

Leeta was ready to move at any moment, waiting for them to attack. meanwhile efialtes pulled 5 needles form his medical kit.

*in head*Just in case they try to kill her,or she tries to kill them. though less needles will be used if she tries to kill them..

((Say if I need to change anything))

Offline The-Blades-slave

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The guard lowered his bow and placed the arrow back in the holster, then looked at the cat girl.

If you are on the side of Takima you are friendly. We are the personal guards of lord Dylan on official business of Talons to defeat a group of warriors from Kao Sung. They should not be far from here and you may either offer your services to destroy them, or you may go to Talons, what be your answer?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Leeta gets out of her fighting stance.Oh. I thought you were kai-sung, Why didn't I recognize you..

efialtes put his needles back in the medical kit.

Since maybe you are still groggy from staying up half the night on guard for in case the saber animal thing came back?

Leeta hissed at him.

You do realize I could kill you right now, right?

Efialtes looked around.

where'd sniper go?

He looks around for a few minutes than notices something. there is a purring noise coming from one of the pockets in his coat.


Is it okay if I just go to talons? I'd probably mess something up..

efialtes Looked at the warriors.

is it okay if I follow you guys? I would actually like to make it to a battle in time to help someone for once.

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Very well. You may go to Talons or as you called it talons, and you may come withus, but I won't give my word that their will be any of our enemies lefy, we fully intend to kill them.


Kyra was shocked, someone was coming after them and these people looked dangerous! She scrambled to her feet trying to be quiet, and began to creep towards the camp with Rioku on her shoulder. As she walked to camp she spotted something in a tree, or more intently someone. Quickly scrambling to him she commanded Rioku to scout and alert her if anyone was coming then she set to work, attempting to wake the man up.

(Lubbies she is talking to Hayl.)

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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pulled out his medical kit.

You plan on killing them, eh?

He then pulled out 5 needles, each filled with some "medicine" to make them go to sleep, and then tries to throw one into each of their necks. all the needles miss hit the ground not that far from efialtes.

well. that sucks for me. goodbye.

Efialtes runs into the tree line away from them.

I need to run or find some kai sung and ask for help.

Leeta saw efialtes throw needles at the guards, she ran after him.

You better run, I thought you said you were neutral!

Efialtes turns around and looks at her.

Hey, I am, I just didn't want them to kill the kai-sung!

Leeta glared at him.

If you were neutral You wouldn't have throne the needles at them!

He ran straight into a tree.

I would have done the same thing if it was kai sung attacking-*THUD*

He gets back up. but as he gets back up leeta grabs his head, and pushes it into the tree pretty hard.

...Caught you, you little traitor medic.

he flails his arms.


((say if I need to change anything.))
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 01:03:15 AM by Meowth »

Offline Tickles

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Seeing his chance, he sent out the claw once more, grabbing the shield and drawing it to him.

Serves you right. A weak minded fool, even more weak when full of the drink.

He put the shield on, and started to mock Raithen.

Oh, I am a proud magician, warrior man. Let me just drown myself in ale then be on my way.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Raithen was beyond mad, his eyes glowed illuminated by the lightning and his palm glowed, the mark shining. He did a small chant under his breath and then shouted,

You do not realize with the forces you toy with!

He drew his sword and pointed at the face of the man shouting,


the black bolt flew from the edge of the sword and at the face of the man, and a beat of wings could be heard in the distance.


As she tried to wake the man she realized she had to warn the others, torn between two decisions she improvised. She quickly pulled out a quill, ink well, and parchment. Scrolling down a quick warning she handed the note to Riolku and said,

Give this to Alyx, Siren, Vixon, or Tyler, no one else.

Rioku shot into the sky, heading for their camp.

(Rioku should arrive where you guys are anytime now.)


As the needles were launched ll drew heir respective weapons, but had no time to use them as both ran away. Looking at each other the leader of the group, the man with the large hammer said,

Aaron, go after them, leave neither alive we can't risk it.

The man with the many knives nidded and an through the trees, tracking the two children and the large man with the hammer said,

Let's kill those scouts from Kai Sung and report back to Lord Rykan.

They nodded and set out.

(Meowth I relinquish control of Aaron to you, but give us a good fight and remember he's the guard of Rykan so he's very skileld.)

Daylin: 35/100