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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145025 times)

Offline Tickles

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Jack barely noticed the attack, which hit the shield as he was doing one of his signature dance moves, causing it to fly off his arm. His claw retrieved it, and held it for a second.

That actually hurt. Well, now look what you did, the value of this shield has gone down. Why don't I do you a favor.

The claw spins really fast, and launches the shield over the city wall, into the river. He recalls the shadows he used, and makes a couple springs.

As much as I would love to sit and chat, but I have to go. Have a nice day spellsword.

He starts to make his escape, and clears the wall, landing in a tree. He continues towards the direction of the Hamon's cave.


Hamon was looking through a pile of freshly slain wolves, cutting open the chest cavity to look for ingredients.

This heart is too small as well.

He has one more to cut, and slashes it open. When he pulled out the heart, he looked satisfied.

Guards, call for a hound to send a message. I want these sent back to the cave to make more flesh hounds.

They did so, and Hamon continued onward for the next ingredient on his list.

(So blades, expect a bunch of wolf bodies when you get back to the cave.)
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Offline nightshade06

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Vixon and Siren

Waking up to rain hitting on his face. Looking around dazed for a bit trying to remember what all happened.

Vixon: Man sleeping outside really does a number on you.

Looking up he seen Rioku flying up above. Whistling for him to come down.

Vixon: I wonder where Kyra is..

Rioku drops a peice of paper....towards Vixon.
Reading the parchment Vixon learned of the guards after them..

Vixon: Siren wake up! wake up! We are about to be in trouble again...

As Siren opens her eyes she sees Vixon in a panic...

Siren: Awe it's raining. This isn't going to be a good day at all. We need to wake the others and let them know whats going on.

Vixon and Siren both run over to the others to wake them up and continued to tell them about the guards coming to kill them.

Hellion the Soulless

Waking up with a terrible pain in my neck...

"Gah why did I fall asleep on this rock golem for...." "Alright set me down I need to stretch for a bit."

Getting set onto the ground and stretching I notice that it was raining and inspecting my minions noticing running rather low on ranged minions.

"Hmmm I am going to have to fix that later."

18 melee units. 8 spears and 1 rock golem.

"Alright well I guess I should go to the others and see what we are going to do now...."

Heading over to where the others he could see Vixon and Siren in a panic trying to wake the others.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Mumbling incoherently he waved for the flesh drake, which had just arrived to fish out his shield. It flew into the air, its large wings flapping and withing  few moments returned with a dripping wet and ruined shield. Raithen cursed, and slammed the shield into the ground shouting,


The bolt flew from his finger tips, slamming into the shield and splintering it into many pieces. He waved for the skeletal horse to leave, then drunkenly hobbled onto the drake. The drake burst into the air, it's wing ignoring the heavy rain and rumbling thunder as he flew. Treading air the cave had come into sight withing minutes, and the drake descended upon it. Dismounting and ordering the drake to guard, Raithen stumbled into the cave by passing the carcasses of the wolves only giving them a sparing thought. He  looked around and shouted,

Ham, arrr yaa hearr? (Yes I didn't miss type this is correct.)

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Alyx wakes up slowly and looks arround

"whats going on...?"

she looksa arround

"where is Kyra?"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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The guards stealthily crept through the woods, never once making a sound other than the light breathing that they were forced to. They reacheed th clearing were their prey awaited and were surprised to find most of them awake. Regardless with a wave of his hand a whisper of,

On three.

The guards prepared to fight, one drew his bow and notched an arrow, another drew his twin swords, and another his long sword. But atly the leader of the group drew his war hammer, and growled in anticapation. He slowly raised three fingers and the guards with the bow knocked off two arrows, one heading for a young man with jet black hair and intricate armor, the other heading for the girl with short hair beside him. With a battle cry, the guards charged from the spot and began to attack.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon and Siren

Siren looking around...

Siren: Something isn't right....

About that time you could hear the guards yelling as they charged at them. Releasing the arrows at the same time.
Fear went over Sirens face and first reaction of Vixon was to protect her... Covering her up with his body...The arrow aimed for him missed but the one aimed at Siren hit him in the back!
Slamming into his armor and going straight through it piercing his back.

Vixon: Gyah! Crap!

Falling to the ground from the pain. Knowing he needs to get back up Vixon pushes his self through the pain and faces towards the guards charging them.
Grabbing his shield and dropping it to the ground. Not being able to wield it because of the arrow.

Vixon: Well I can see this ending badly....Siren use that shield to keep anything from hitting you...
            Alyx.....Tyler......I could use some help here....

Slowly unsheathing his sword barely being able to hold it. Starts charging at them head on...Leader in front of their charge sets his eyes onto Vixon.
Readying his hammer to swing down onto Vixon. Vixon knowing he wont beable to block such a heavy weapon without a shield...Starts doing zig zag patterns as he Swings down his hammer at him Vixon dodges to the side and tackles him. The other 2 guards kept charging past them knowing their leader could handle it.

Hellion the Soulless

Seeing what was taking place Hellion could feel an enormous amount of anger come about him..

"Antoc Antrosum Novisca!"

(A spell he long forgot when he was training under his master.....But won't be able to remember using it because it puts him into a blinding rage. Which is why his true way of speaking comes out.)

Several of his minions off in the distance collapse out of nowheres and the souls fly into Hellion causing his eyes to blacken completely and a black smokey aura to appear around him on a massive level. Shortly after the souls where absorbed....(10 of the melee units to be exact.) A shadowy type sword forms in his hand from the souls power. Looking over at the archer in the woods still shooting arrows at the group. Hellion immediately sets his target to him. Walking at a fast pace towards him the Archer notices him from the side and panics seeing an extremely pissed off necromancer and starts firing arrows at him. One hitting Hellion in the shoulder. One grazing past his face cutting his cheek and another hitting him in his hip. Being in a rage it doesn't affect him much. (But will later....Adrenaline.) Coming up to the Archer he draws out a small sword and swings at Hellion. Easily dodging the attack he puts the shadow sword up to his throat!

In a very very demonic voice...
"If thou shall want to live beyond today......Thou shall lower his sword and bow....... and surrender under my power!"

Placing the sword next to his neck.

(Please tell me if I made Hellion OP in this post!)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 02:32:55 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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The leader shakes the injured boy off then swings his hammer down with incredible strength, arcing towards the boys back. The archer in a state of panic swung his knees back trying to hit the necromancer where it hurt!


He stalked through the woods looking for his prey, and found them arguing. He quietly scaled a tree a little distance from them, and once at the top he drew two of his smaller daggers and threw them. They sailed directly at the two soundlessly, heading for their spines.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Leeta moved just enough while smashing efialtes's head into the tree, so teh daggers go past her, but cutting off a bit of fur. and since she had been smashing him into the tree, the daggers missed "him" but not his coat and pinned him to the tree.

Uh....Can someone tell me what just happened? I am now pinned to a tree..

Uh...I didn't do it...

A few seconds later efialtes manages to rip his coat a bit and get "un pinned".

Uh...if you didn't do it, who did?

Weeeell crap.

efialtes and leeta start running through the woods, hoping they would get away from whoever that was.



((say if I need tochange anything))

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Aaron began to lead chase, running from tree to tree because the branches were so close. Putting on an extra burst of speed he passed the two children, and threw three small daggers, each falling right in front of their feet as a warning blow.

Unless you want that to happen to your head, I'd quit running.

THen he hid in the foiage so he could not be seen.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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they stopped after that.

What, you gonna make it fall right before it hits our he-

Efialtes whacks her.


She whacks him back.

You maybe..

she then looks around.

I'm gonna go find him..

Efialtes takes out 2 more needles and gives it to leeta.

Take this, its dangerous to go alone!

She then grabs him and drags him with her.


I know its dangerous. why I'm bringing you as a human shield..


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Aaron smiled, this was to easy. He slowly drew his two best throwing daggers, each was coated in a thick green layr of sleeping powder and he loved the things! He slowlydrew his arms back, then with a flcik of hi wrist sent them sailing at the two children. As they flew he leaped from the trees, landing on his feet, and drew his two longest jagged daggers.

Try me you children.

9Meowth he is ovr confident, use that.)
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 04:17:36 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Jack sees the dragon land somewhere ahead, and decides to turn around and head the other way. A close call indeed, but he needed to check on his rewards he left in a tree anyway.


Hamon is searching through a patch of strange plants, looking for a specific root.

One of theses has to be the right one. Ah, here we go.

He pulls out a plant with roots that have a strange gold color on them. He squeezes the oils from it into a bottle and places it in his pouch. He calls for his minions to find the next ingredient, which will be the hardest one to obtain. A fang from a cobra, still dripping with venom.
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Offline Desbear

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Leeta uses efialtes as a sheild for both the daggers and then throws him aside KO'd.

Well you work as a human shield.

I hate you..zzz

she Looks around trying to get a battle plan together.

You do realize he was just a medic, right? as far as I know the needles could have helped you, judging by his reaction they weren't. but they could have!

She runs over to efialtes and takes more needles out of his medical kit, she then starts throwing them at random places not sure where he is.

Cmon, cmon..oh great, now after this I'll be wanted at tamika...where will I go then though?!


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Aaron grunted in surprise as one of the needles hit his leg, just barely going through his armor. His leg went numb, causing him to fall from the branch he was perched on. He slowly staggered to his feet, picking up the jagged daggers from where they had fallen. He readied in a sloppy stance, his mind becoming fuzzy, and said,

Feisty little lady aren't ya?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 07:21:43 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Leeta ran over to efialtes and pulled one of the daggers out.

what do you think?

Leeta throws the dagger and a few needles at him.

Why are we even fighting? we're both takima!

runs at him ready to stab with the needles, until she messes something up. she trips on one of the needles that missed him. it doesn't inject it into her, but still, she tripped..


she dropped her needles and they fell to the ground, she starts to get back up, when her tail of all things, runs into a needle injecting it into her.

Weeeeeell crap.