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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145016 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Aaron limped past the cat girl, dragging his left leg along. He slowly reached the unconscious healer and bent down, throwing him over his shoulder he grunted from the extra weight and turned around. He limped over to the cat girl, and with his one open hand placed a dagger against her throat saying,

You shall be taken in front of the mighty lord Rykan and passed for judgement, only one question remains, do you yield?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Leeta pushed her self away about to be knocked out.

Yes...I yield...

she falls to the ground unconscious. now in efialtes's coat pocket the kitten squirms a bit and manages to get out.


it went up to the guy and looked at him after tilting head to the side.


the kitten then goes over to leeta and plays with her tail.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Aaron sighed, another wench he had to carry. He slowly picked her up and placed her on his shoulder over the boy. He was a strong and agile man but, with his leg in the condition it was he struggled for a moment to hold them before regaining his balance. He looked down and noticed a small cat, grunting the man spat at it, hoping do get it to leave. Taking extra precaution he snarled out,

Leave you manfully beast!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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the kitten raised its paw, and the middle claw was sticking out.


It then kept following him.


It pointed at efialtes in a "I'm with him" fashion.


Offline The-Blades-slave

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Aaron sighed, so the cat was gonna follow him. He normally would'be killed the thing but, he just didn't have the energy. He began to walk in the direction of Takima, if he was lucky he'd find a stable merchant along the way. He glanced back at the cat as he walked and said,

You're dead if ya try anything.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon and Siren

Vixon laying face first in the dirt could hear the leader make a loud grunt as he swung his hammer down on him. Only reaction was to roll out of the way. Looking up at him slamming the hammer into the dirt making a small crater. Vixon swings his legs around to try to kick the leaders legs out from under him to give him a chance to stab him.

Vixon: Ahh!

Hellion the Soulless

Set in a blinding rage on this ambush from the guards. As the archer swings his knee. Quickly removing the sword from his neck and facing it straight down to stab his leg.
Hellions eyes started having black smoke come out of them. From the souls leaking out.

"Thou will not do such a lowly thing to me! If thou want to die then so be it! I shall grant your wish and you will become part of my army with your soul!"

Offline The-Blades-slave

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The guard leaped back, just barely avoiding the mans legs. He looked around thinking of a way to torture the boy,

Ahh, you see that little girl over their holding your shield? How would you like it if my hammer had a mishap and crushed her skull?

The guard slowly turned around a wicked smile gracing his lips, and he began to walk towards the girl.


Panicking the archer shouted,


The guard wielding the long sword turned around, and seeing his friend in trouble rushed to his defense. He drew his blade back and brought it sailing down in an angle where the necromancer would be hit or have to jump back.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon and Siren

Vixon looking up at the leader as he spoke to him.

"Ahh, you see that little girl over their holding your shield? How would you like it if my hammer had a mishap and crushed her skull?"

"I will not let you lay one hand on her! I will destroy you however I can!"

Siren hearing what was being said and hid behind the shield a bit.

Vixon slowly standing back up.

"I am your opponent not her you coward!"

Hellion the Soulless

Barely able to avoid the swing from his sword. But getting cut a bit on his arm.

"Alright if this is how you want to play...."

Coming to his senses a bit.

"Why is thee trying to kill us!" "I will not let you harm anyone anymore!"

"I'rin ni" "Come my soldiers come to my aid and slaughter these fools for challenging me!"

You could feel the ground start to shake  as the golem started walking. A few seconds later the melee units burst through the trees ready to charge at the 2 guards.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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(Got permission to do this.)

The leader ignored the man and approached the girl, he slowly got right beside her and whispered,

You see that boy over their? He's gonna watch you die.

Then he drew back his fist and punched her in the face.


The archer turned and began firing arrows into the minions and the guard that wielded to swords came rushing over to assist. The two swords man went back to back, while the archer fired arrows over their head. The wave of puppets poured over them and the soldier began to fight in earnest. One warrior swung his long sword and took a puppet from behind, killing it. The dual wielder swung his first blade, which was parried, and brought his second around slicing the puppet in two. They glanced at each other communicating with their eyes, 'This was going to be a tough fight'.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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He looked pretty angry, so I kept the wand pointed at him.
"Look, woman. I didn't know you were here, O-Okay?"
He started moving toward me, so I summoned my batfish army. They flew around me in a cloud, all fourty-two of them snarling at the intruder.
Zer0 hissed like a startled cat. " What the heck, lady! What's with all those damned fish!?"
" Shield your face. We don't need one of those getting stuck in your eye, now do we!?"
Zer0 covered his face, and angrily slashed at the cloud of fish around the sorceress. " Look, I didn't even know you were here, and now you're attacking me! Right after offering tea! What the heck, man!?"
He scowled, and glared at her.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 12:18:33 AM by WhatThePumpkin »
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline nightshade06

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Vixon and Siren

As the leader walks away from Vixon.

"You coward stand and fight me...."

Vixons eyes widen as he grabs Siren.

"You see that boy over their? He's gonna watch you die."

As the leader punched her and sent her flying back a bit. You could see the tears run down her face...


Reaching back Vixon grabbed the arrow still in his back and ripped it out. Holding it in his off hand.

"I warned you not to hurt her!"

His face turning red from anger. Wanting to protect Siren at any cost....He charges at the Leader doing a false swing with his sword over head....As the Leader tries to block Vixon immediately barrels underneath and uses his momentum from the charge to tackle him and shove the arrow in his side right below his arm...In the joint of the connecting armor from the chest plate to the arms. The leader stumbles but doesn't fall...Grabbing Vixon's face and pushing him back and swings his hammer sideways at Vixon in hopes he would duck. Vixon seeing through this immediately instead of ducking runs towards him and getting hit with the handle instead. Taking a lot less damage from the blow and able to stay on his feet putting the hammer under his arm. And jabbing side ways into the Leaders side. Piercing him. You can hear the Leader grunt a little bit but not really very much harmed him. The Leader head butts Vixon sending him falling down...

"This ends now!"

Pulling his hammer above his head.

"You are truly no match for my might!"

About that time Siren runs full force with the shield in front of her slamming into his back startling him and making him stumble a bit. His grip on the hammer loosens and it falls to the ground. Vixon seeing this immediately gets up and charges at him sword first grabbing ontop of his armor and shoving the blade into his stomache.

"GYAAAAHHHH!!!" (As he forces the sword into him.)

"Apparently you forgot about her..."

The leader falls over backwards blood coming from the wounds.....Vixon walking over to his hammer....and picking it up...

"How about we see how I feel when I crush your skull."

Swinging it over his head with every ounce of strength he had left and slamming it into the Leaders skull smashing it.
Shortly after Vixon collapses to the ground from blood loss of the arrow wound and exhaustion.

Hellion the Soulless

About the time that the minions started to fight. The black smoke in his eyes vanished along with the aura around him. The souls power ran out...
Collapsing to his knees feeling the pain from the arrows. Noticing his minions in front of him. He figured he must of been in a fight. Not remembering what happened. He could feel the ground shaking getting harder and harder. Out of no wheres you could see trees falling over and you hear a loud moan coming from his Rock Golem sensing his masters weakened state.

"Don't worry my friend I will see this through."

Offline kayleero

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"Look, I didn't even know you were here, and now you're attacking me! Right after offering tea! What the heck, man!?"
"Alright, I suppose the batfish were a teensy bit uncalled for, considering you haven't done anything yet. But don't try anything sneaky, alright? These batfish have the teeth of a shark, and they'll poke that eye right out."
I send the batfish away and put my wand into my boot, far enough away that he can feel safe but close enough that I can get it if he pulls out a knife or something.
(Just think of the batfish as swordfish with bat wings and 5 rows of sharp teeth, k?)
I go over to the kitchen... just a corner of the room with a stove and a table with two chairs, and I start brewing some tea. Unfortunately, there were some fish guts on the table from dinner last night that I was too lazy to clan off, so I had to clear some room so we would be able to sit down.
"How about that tea? Sorry 'bout the smell, I'm not a big fan of cleaning, and since it's just me here it doesn't really matter. I don't really get guests very often... Haha, or ever." I smile at him as I tidy up the kitchen, and the tea finishes so I grab some teacups and put them on the table, and gesture for him to sit down.  "What's your name? Mine's Aerwynna, but you can call me Wynna."

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Zer0 stepped back in confusion as she called off the fish. He better remember not to mess with them. He DID value his only eyes left.
He sat down at the table quietly, as she went to go make the tea she had offered. He couldn't help but notice the fish guts all over the table, and he had to summon all his strength to keep him from wearing them like a scarf. Instead, he slid some off the table, and onto his bare feet, acting as if he was helping her clean them off.
" Lotta guts....I don't care about the smell. I like it."
He took ahold of a teacup, and looked suspiciously of it. " I'm Zer0. Nice to meet you...Wynna...I guess..." He made sure not to look at her. His face was extremely red.
" And I'm 02. But NO ONE ever introduces me."
"You, I'm ignoring."
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

Offline kayleero

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"I'm Zer0. Nice to meet you...Wynna...I guess..."
" And I'm 02. But NO ONE ever introduces me."
I wasn't looking, but I assumed that was that extra eye.... talking.... a talking eye.... wow... That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen I thought. I tried not to show how weird I thought it was.
Nice to meet ya. So, why are you here?

Offline Aquashin

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Meanwhile Alyx was allready in the second group of guards and keeps smashing their bones with her axe or cutting them in half a she looks arround

"Damn dont they have an end?"

she goes to another group and lunges swinging her axe horizontaly, doing a clean cut at the first guard, cutting both arms and his body in half as she looks at the others

"you both want to be next? too bad, because you WILL be next"

she grins and lunges at one as she swings her axe with the flat surface and smashes the guard's head like piece of fruit and goes to the other one.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^