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Author Topic: [RP] Rebellion: time of day: Morning Weather: Stormy Moon phase: half moon.  (Read 145017 times)

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Zer0 shrugged. "I was headed to Kai Sung for some thread, and I needd someone to sharpen my knife. Takima had other plans for me, so I left." He put his tea cup down, and rested his head on his elbow. " Apparently, they're fightin' with Kai Sung. I was the..aherm..interrogator...for a while. Who's side are you on?" He pulled the fish gits off his feet, and started to make a cat's cradle with them.
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus

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Something slipped in the subconscious of Raithen but, it was with a sickening sense of horror that Mordeon realized what happened. With his intoxicated mind Mordeon couldn't keep a good hold on Raithen, resulting in the boy stealing back control of his body, even if only temporary.

Mordeon, I must now make up for all the wrong you caused, and in little time too.

Mordeon scoffed in Raithens mind.

Foolish boy, the minute this accursed intoxication wears out of my system and quits waning my power, this body will be mine once again

Raithen sighed, he knew it was true. He tore out of the cave like hell on wheels, already fabricating lies to tell Hamon if he was caught. The flesh Drake gave him a curious look as he mounted the skeletal horse, who had returned to the cave moments ago. He was unfamilar with the whole skeletal horse thing but, it was basically like riding a regular horse. He spurred it sides and they began to tear through the woods. He could hear the sound of distant fighting and he began to rush in that direction.


Kyra sighed and sat back, she had done everything she could. It was now time to play the waiting game.

(Feel free to awaken Lubbies.)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 08:15:10 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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I open my eyes to see a girl sitting, my muscles were stiff. I let out a moan as I lifted my head, a headache throbbed my head and even my eyes hurt.

me- I over did it.

My arms and legs protested as I got up. I fumbled around for my staff, I gripped it tightly.

me-Who are you?

I looked over to the girl, ready if she tries anything.



I didn't have time to unsheath my sword as a guard flung himself at me, I swiftly stepped out the way with grace. He attacks again and I narrowly dodge the blade as it goes under my arm, I grab the handle and push the man away. He falls to the ground and I point his sword at him.


The man stands up, legs shaking he cautiously turns around and starts running.

me-Not really.

I catch up quickly and I stab the sword into the mans back. I didn't kill him but I did severly injure him. I turn onto the next man, I drop the sword. How long can I do this without using a sword I wonder.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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He rode for what seemed like an eternity before he reached any signs of life. He hid in the foliage as the one person he didn't want to see reached his line of sight. Kyra was talking to a young man, who Raithen remembered dueling earlier. He paused for a moment listening, then decided it best he make his appearance now. Slowly dismounting his horse and approaching Kyra he said.



Kyra sighed in relief as the man set up and questioned her.

I was starting to think you were dead. What exactly hapoened to you?

Then she stared in shock as Raithen appeared saying, 'surprise'. Her voice was thick wit malice as she respnded,

Leave Mordeon. Don't you think you've tortured me enough?

Raithen looked at her and respnded,

It's really me, at least for a while.


The last two guards were soon overwhelmed by the sheer number of puppets, and all four guards lie dead on the ground.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 03:39:20 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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A cloud of frosty air escaped my mouth as I said the word. A few flakes of snow started to fall.

me-I thought I made it clear for you to go away.

My knuckles turned white as I gripped my staff. I don't have any power left to fight.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Raithen and Kyra

Look their is alot to explain and little time to do so.

Kyra glared at him but, finally decided she'd listen. She watched as he turned to the young man but, she could feel him watvhing from the corners of his eyes. Raithen stared at the man, seeming to bore holes through his soul.

Have you ever heard the legend of Asdis and Mordeon?

Daylin: 35/100

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I hadn't been in town for a while, so I didn't know about the fight. "I didn't even know there was a fight.... I usually try to stay out of fights, but I guess I'm on Kai Sung's side. I'll only fight if I really have to, though. They probably have better fighters and sorcerers than me."

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me-Something tells me it's going to pull me into my destiny so I don't think I want to know.

I rolled my eyes, of course I knew but I wasn't going to tell him... I don't know why. I inspected him, half expecting an attack. I was prepared to flee at any time.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline nightshade06

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"Vixon nooo!!!"

Rushing up to his body as he laid there passed out. Quickly bandaging him. Placing her hands over his wound on his back her pendent started to Glow very bright.

"I promised myself I would bring you out of any injury you came into.....This is no exception!"

Tears start running down her slightly bruised face. As she sees the extent of his wounds...

"By the power of light and hope I purge these wounds of infection, And come back to me Vixon. Don't you dare give up!"

Could see Vixon's hand start to move a bit.

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I know your lying to me sorcerer!

Raithen snarled out the wrod sorcerer with such anger it scared Kyra. He pressed his hand into Hayls shoulder pinning him to a tree, then whispered.

You are the reincarnation of Asdis, whether you belive it or not! As am I the reincarnation of Mordeon. You must travel to Kai Sung and speak to Lord Daylin immediately it is of the utmost importance! e holds information to a spellbook that every sorcer in hhistory has thisrted for.

Then he released the man and spun arond leaping on his horse. He was shocked as he got ready to ride away a cool hand touched his shoulder. Looking down he saw Kyra wth tears in her eyes and it sofened his resolve to stay away from her. He held out his hand and Kyra took it, sitting behind him on the skeletal horse. He could tell she was scared, that this was all some cruel joke and he would turn to Mordeon at any second, by the way she clutched onto his stomach with her arms wrapped around him. They rode silently for a long while until a sing song voice split the air.

It's really you isn't it?

Raithen smiled, she was finally getting it.

Yes Kyra, it's really me.

At that moment she broke down, pressing her face into his back as she sobbed. They quickly reached the clearing where the other where and the first thing Raithen noticed were the bodies. He leaped off his horse helping Kyra down, Then he ran to where he saw a giant Golem was heading and saw a very injured man, bareky breathing. He tossed the man over his shoulder and ran back to Kyra. Laying him down Kyra set to work healing him and Raithen turned to the two people who seemed alright.

Alyx, Tyler, you are the calmest so I wish to speak to you.

Daylin: 35/100

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Alyx was finishing off the guard then sighs

"seriously... they should come at more dayly times..."

she looks arround and sees Raithen with Kyra, hearing him she nods and goes besides kyra, getting a bit in front of Kyra just in case

"what do you want now?"
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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I want you too listen, the war may depend on this. I have control of my body again but, only for a small amount of time. As Mordeon I have gained knowledge of several things which I have no time to explain.  How many of you have heard the actual legend of Mordeon and Asdis? And Kyra how's he doing?

Kyra stood standing away from Hellion.

He is healed to the full of my abilities, should wake up anytime now.

Raithen nodded then looked at everyone else awaiting answers.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Hamon was staring down the cobra, while his minion had an arrow ready to fire at a moments notice. The snake was rearing up, and flew forward to strike, just as the arrow was released and struck it in the head. Hamon had another minion extract the fang, which was leaking venom. He wrapped it up and placed the prize with the other ingredients.

Well now, that was exciting. Excellent work my minions, let's head home.

Hamon turned and his minions followed suit. He was very close to completing his plan, all he had to do was wait for the next full moon.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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me-No, no I haven't.[color]

I took a deep breath.

me-How do I know it's you and not the other you because you might not be you and might be the other you.

I'm just confusing myself further, if possible.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline nightshade06

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Slowly waking up to see many people standing near me....

"Ughhh what in the hell happened....I black out...Next thing I know I am full of holes..."

Still not knowing what happened from the incantation...
Looking up seeing Raithen there..Jolting to my feet..

"What are you doing here you traitorous scum!"

Signalling for the rest of his minions to get closer....