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Author Topic: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story  (Read 11689 times)

Offline Tickles

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Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:18:30 AM »
I decided to write my own pokemon origin story. Yes, it is one of those, and I found it boring to write, but who knows, some of you guys might enjoy it.


-This is not the story-line for PU, so do not associate it with PU at all.

-I ran out of ideas about midway in the beginning part, so there is a chance I may not even continue this.

-My keyboard is not working right for me, so if there are any grammatical errors, just quote the part and let me know so i can fix it.

Well, enjoy:

Out in space, an event of catastrophic proportions was following through. A super massive black hole had formed and was engulfing entire galaxies. In didn't take long before everything in it's path was destroyed, and left nothing, not even the vacuum, of space itself. Since nothing could exist in nothing, the black hole collapsed into itself, and burned white hot for an unknown number of years, forming the shape of an egg. For ages, the egg was the only thing to exist in the eternal darkness.

After this long period of quiet, the egg began to hatch, and out came a strange being that glowed in a strong white aura, and was surrounded by ten bodies holding their own power. This being was Arceus.

For an undetermined amount of time, Arceus galloped around like a white steed through the nothingness, trying to find anything, believeing the nothing ness would evetually let up, while the ten bodies stayed fixed around his center.

"Why am I the only one who exists? What cruel fate is this to live in eternal darkness?"

In a fit of rage, Arceus let out a loud roar, the bodies around him released powerful forms of energy, causing a devisatting explosion. Arceus himself was frightened by the blast, and was blown back. When he regained his balance, he seen what was the result, many gaseous forms floating around him, teaming with great amounts of power. Arceus was amazed it was he that did this, and took a look at the bodies that let out the beam, never really looking at them before. They were flat, and without faces, but each glowed a different color, and each held a different image.

Wanting to see the limit of this new found power, Arceus let out a second wave to see if he can cause another explosion, but the beam went straight on, until it hit one of the gaseous giants he had made, causing it to dissapate.

"I don't understand. Maybe it had something to do with me yelling?

Arceus let out a second cry, and the same thing happened. The beam went straight on until it hit another one of his creations, causing that to dissipate as well.

"so it will never happen again. I should stop before I destroy allof these."

Little did he know, the orbs he destroyed sent their energies outward, and combined with adjacent ones. Arceus galloped around these for an undetermined amount of time, until he started to notice a change. Some of the orbs had become solid. Arceus decided to inspect one of these solid formations, and landed ona planet with a nearby ligt source. What he seen was a barren wasteland, seeming to have the same nothingness he was born into.

"This is what I made. More nothing."

Arceus had become saddened, and in his sorrow, one of his plates activated, this time, flooding the entire plain with water. Arceus noticed this, and discovered he could use each plate individually. When he looked at the water below, it began to boil down from the heat of the light source, and disapeared.

"That orb may prove troublesome. I should get farther."

He went to the neighboring rock, and activated the plate that brought the water, flooding it as before. The water became hot like the first, and disapeared as well.

"That lasted longer than the first. Off to the next one."

When he came to the third rock, he poured out a large amount of water, larger than the previous two. The water was warmed, but it seemed to stay put. Arceus felt pleased with himself, and dove right in, swimming in the endless ocean. When he rose from these waters, he began to experiment with the other plates, first by causing a massive eruption from deep within the planet, causing a large land mass to form at the top of the world.

From there, he caused a vast forest to form, and air to flow, making the sky turn blue, and the forests to thrive. He caused a large storm that wiped out a large part of the forest. He had made his world, something to occupy him.

Over time, Arceus became lonely again, and wondered if he could make a companion. He had used almost all his plates, except for one, which seemed like it didn't fit with the others. He thought that since water helped him start the planet, he would make a being out of water. He sed the power of the water plate, and the power of the last plate, and combined them. Another being was formed, but it remained lifeless. Arceus, in a panicked attempt, shot a bolt of lightning into it, causing it to rise. He names the being Palkia, and tasked him with organizing the heavens, but he was to leave this world, and the sun where it is. Palkia did as he was told, and Arceus was pleased.

Arceus felt like making a second servant, deciding to make him strong out of the earth. He combined the power of earth and the new element, and another being was made, but again lifeless. Arceus shot it with a bolt of electricity, but it remained lifeless.

"Why, it worked for Palkia, why not you?"

In his rage, he let loose a large flame onto the mound, burning it white hot. The being rose, and jumped out of the fire in a red streak. When the flames died down, the being showed that he was made of a different substance. A new plate had formed, and Arceus noticed the strenght in it. He named this being Dialga, and told him to cegin a cycle for the universe to follow. Dialga did so, making all the planets turn, and the passage of time began.
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Re: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2012, 09:16:50 AM »
I like it :D Hopefully you will come up with more ideas to continue it.

Offline Tickles

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Re: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2012, 06:00:07 PM »
I like it :D Hopefully you will come up with more ideas to continue it.

Yeah, probably not going to happen. My writing depends on my mood, and if I'm not in the right mood, I don't write.
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Re: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2012, 12:32:38 AM »
Since I am not known to leave anything unfinished (Except for the cretaceous hunt quest proposal, but that was for a special reason), I have decided to post the next part of this, as I found the time to write it, and was able to get in the right mood.

For five centuries, Arceus, Palkia, and Dialga roamed the land mass, watching night turn to day, and wantching the plants grow, and the stars in the sky. Palkia and Dialga were contempt, but Arceus was growing bored. He would order one to do something, and without question, they would do it. He would ask how they felt, and they would not say a thing.

"How am I supposed to know if I'm doing right, if you two never talk?"

Arceus, in his haste to create them, didn't realize that neither could think for themselves. If he didn't give a command, they would only stand there with a blank expression, so Arceus devised a plan. He was able to make this planet, and his servants, why not attempt to give them thought? When night came, Palkia and Dialga went to sleep. Arceus approached them in their slumber, and was trying to figure out which plate to use. The one he used to create them seemed logical, but another started to glow ever brighter from his thoughts alone.

"Now, my servants, it's time to act on your own terms."

Arceus used the power of the thought plate, and for the first time, Palkia and Dialga started to dream. When they awoke the next day, they took one look at Arceus, and still said nothing.

"Did it not work? I put as much energy into that plate as any other, why did it not work?

Palkia proclaimed, "Because you are weak. You're weakness prevents you from using the full potential of your power."

Dialga responded, "You have given us the ability to think, and we know how to use our power better than you know yours."

The two attacked Arceus, who had no time to react himslef. They battled until the sun set, and Arceus was on the brink of death. The two were about to destroy him, when Arceus unleashed a blast of energy from the plate of thoughts.

"You have grown wicked, and I must cleanse your minds. You will not remember me, or any of this, and shall be imprisoned in the far reaches of the universe. Begone!"

Palkia and Dialga fell unconcious from the attack, and Arceus sent them to their own domains, one wrapped in the flown of time, the other confined to an alternate space, while their contributions lived on for the planet. From fatigue, Arceus slept.

When he awoke the next morning, the scene before him was a grim one. The battle had destroyed half the forest, and left in place a massive mountain. Arceus rose to the top of it, and decided to make it his home. Lonliness would soon set in, and Arceus felt the need to make more companions. Using the rock from the mountain, he made nine creatures. They lived with him for a while, five inhabiting the ocean, one taking to the skies, and one living in what was left of the forest, and the last two stayed by the mountain. Many years passed, and the some of them would die, resulting in Arceus making a replacement. This process happened many times over, until Arceus decided to make multiple ones for each.

"I can't stand here and keep you alive. You shall have a companion, and have offspring to inhabit the world."

Over many more years, the creatures multiplied, while Arceus stood by and watched. His lonliness had subsided, and peace existed for the longest it ever has. That is, until the creatures started to become restless. There were more than the land mass could handle, and the oceans were becoming full. The creatures were in war for territory, and many died. Arceus, seeing that he couldn't take care of everyone at once, used the last bit of the mountain to create three leaders, a great green snake to rule the air, and powerful red lizard to rule the land, and a massive blue whale to rule the oceans. The creatures stopped fighting at once, and everything slowly returned to normal. Arceus named his generals Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre. He left them in charge, and left the world to rest.
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Re: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2012, 06:06:14 PM »
Here is the next part, enjoy.

For centuries, the world Arceus left behind was at peace once again, following the natural order. That is, until a hole appeared in the sky, blocking out the sun. Dialga, master of time, was taking a look at the universes history, and relearned of Arceus' betrayal. He went out and found Palkia wrapped in his dimension, and told him of a revenge plot. All the creatures and the three generals looked up to the sky, wondering what in the world was going on. Out of the portal, Palkia and Dialga appeared.

"We are the true heirs to this world, and challenge Arceus to a duel." They both stated.

Rayquaza, being the more level headed of the generals, went up to the two.

"Arceus is not here. Leave this world at once, I do not wish to fight."

Palkia and Dialga unleashed an attack on Rayquaza, sending Rayquaza crashing into the earth below. Groudon and Kyogre retaliated, and the two pairs were soon locked in combat that ripped the land mass apart. The creatures were in a panic, as they were trying to escape the turmoil, as well as avoid getting swallowed up by the sea, while the sea creatures avoided getting crushed by the rubble plunging to the depths. In the end, Palkia and Dialga won, placing Kyogre and Groudon in a dormant state. Rayquaza soon awakened, and knowing he couldn't fight the two alone, flew off into the sky, remaining hidden in the clouds.

Palka and Dialga felt right in their victory, and attempted to split what was left of the world among them. However, their greed got the best of them.

"As I was the first to be born, I have the right to more territory. You can have what is left, and the entire ocean."

Dialga argued, "You were born from water, and I from the earth. Therefore, you should have the ocean while I have the land."

The two argued until finally, they started to launch attacks at eachother. The battle was so great that two land masses were being drawn together, and eventually collided, bringing rise to a magnificent mountain. They waged battle for a hundred years, never relenting one bit.

Arceus soon returned to his world, fully rested, and with more knowledge of how to use his powers, having fifteen plates around him. He seen the return of his first creations, locked in combat, and seen the world he made transformed before his very eyes.

"I banished you two, and I shall do it again. I shall cast judgement upon the two of you."

With a fit of rage, he unleashed his greatest attack on the two, who didn't even know of Arceus's return. The two were struck, and out of their armor, fragments of their gems fell out and were embedded into the earth below. Arceus was so enraged, that darkness filled his heart, and a sixteenth plate formed in the circle.

"I shall destroy it all. My biggest failure must be obliterated."

He flew into the stars, and found an asteroid on it's way towards the sun. Arceus redirected it at the world he made, sending it crashing into the world, increasing its rotation. Every creature died, and the two, weakened from Arceus's attack, fled back to their own dimensions. Rayquaza avoided death by flying out of the way of the blast, while Groudon and Kyogre were buried deep into the earth and sea. The asteroid detached from the earth, and stayed within it's grasp. Arceus came down and seen what he had done.

"My...children. All dead, because of my anger. These plates are too much for me to bear."

Arceus had his plates float before him, and from the top of the mountain where Palkia and Dialga fought, he shattered them, causing the fragments to fly across the world. Arceus remained at the top of the mountain, hoping that death would one day claim him as well. Tired from his assault, he fell into a deep slumber, while the passage of time flowed on.

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Re: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2012, 02:06:10 AM »
Next part. And don't be afraid to comment.

The fragments still contained a strong power in them, and life was starting anew while Arceus slept. The forests started to reappear, the cloud of black smoke settled, and the world seemed to be at peace once more. Then, a small glimmer of light brought about strange pink creatures, almost baby like in appearance. They flew all over the world, populating every corner. They called themselves the Mew.

These Mew lived in peace for centuries, and some noticed that certain changes were happening to them. Eventually, they would change, and fill the world with a variety of creatures. All, except for a few, who gained a higher form of knowledge, and worked hard to remain in their first form. Overtime, one was able to survive, as the world was full of predators. Having learned how to protect itself by transforming, it was able to learn techniques from the other creatures.

Mew spent her time exploring the world, and eventually came to the mountain Arceus rested on. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she flew to the top, taking the form of the strongest bird like creature she can think of. When she seen arceus, she wanted to hide, but noticed that he was just sleeping.

"Hey, are you ok? I never seen you before?"

Arceus stirred, and opened his eyes to see a pink cat creature staring at him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm am Mew! Who are you?"

Arceus was shocked to see another living thing. He was sure he had killed everything on this planet. HE ignored Mew's question and looked to the sky, which was as clear as the first time he called the wind. He looked back at Mew, wondering if he made her, or another being.

"Hey, it's not nice to ignore someone who asks for your name."

"My apologies. I am Arceus. It is nice to meet you Mew."

Mew and Arceus started a friendship like no other. she would tell him stories from her travels, and explain all the different creatures roaming around on the world. She brought him food every day, as Arceus could no longer fly, but Arceus never needed to eat. After months of this, Arceus told mew about the creation of the world, the battle he had with his children, and the destruction of his plates.

"So, you can't do anything without your plates?"

"That is correct young one. I feel it is the best course of action to take, so that I will not destroy such a beautiful place. I've been alone for so long, the thought of returning to that makes me happy that I'm free the power."

Mew decided to go look for these plates. She said her goodbyes, and told him she wouldn't return for a while. Arceus decided to rest for the time being. After five years, she returned, with sisxteen different fragments, that seemed to glow more in the presence of their true master.

"Where did you get all of these?"

"I found them. It wasn't easy, but I was able to find the largest ones I can for each color. I know you hate your power, but there is so much more to see that a story can't tell you."

"You have grown wiser on your journey I see. Very well, bring them to me."

Mew brought over the fragments, which surrounded Arceus. Instead of changing into the plates he was born with, they attached to his body. The tips of his legs were adorned with gold, and a large golden ring grew from his torso. For the first time in centuries, Arceus took flight. He and Mew went off so that he may see the planet for all it's worth.
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Re: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2012, 02:13:58 AM »
Well in my opinion the story is well written and a nice tale on the truth that is Arceus, but hey, what do I know?

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Re: Arceus: An Alternate Origin Story
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2013, 05:32:56 PM »
Ok, so I just remembered I was in the middle of an origin story before I had computer troubles. Now that they are somewhat resolved, I decided to continue this. Enjoy.

For years, Arceus and Mew traveled together, meeting many creatures. For a time, it was peaceful. The two would return to the mountain to rest and recount their travels. However, something seemed wrong with Mew.

"Are you ok, Mew?"

"I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"Very well. Get some rest."

Mew went fell asleep, as well as Arceus. Morning broke, and Arceus awoke before Mew. He went over to his companion, and gave her a gentle nudge to wake her.

"Mew, are you feeling ok?"

There was no response. Arceus gave her another nudge. Again, no movement. He listened close, and realized she wasn't breathing. Tears began to stream form his eyes.

"Mew, please, don't leave. You're the only true friend I have."

Arceus wept over the body of mew for three days. On the final day, he decided he could bring her back. He combined the power of his plates, and with a burst, struck Mew's body with the gift of life. She remained still, but something opened up behind her. A portal to a different realm. Arceus prepared to battle, but nothing came out.

"What in my world is this?"

Arceus took a step inside, and the portal closed shut. Mew had awaken, breathing in new life, but Arceus was no where to be found. She had no memory, and couldn't speak. She flew from the mountain, and disappeared within the world.

From within the portal, Arceus sensed impending doom. This world looked like his, but twisted in different places. It was barren, and gave of a feeling of dread.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

Arceus turned around to see what has spoken to him. It was a dragon like creature, adorned with a golden mandible, and many tendrils sticking out of the side of it's worm-like body.

"Well, surprised to see me, father? I guess you are. You never even met me before today. I am Giratina, and I am master of this domain."

"How did you even come about?"

"Well, it's simple really. The day you shattered your plates of power, you also made another world, my world. And in this world, I came into being. Some of the shards ended up here, and I used them to make a better likeness of your world. There is only one problem. Nothing can be created here, unless it is created in your world. I simply used the shards to open a portal, and ask that you give me more power, so my domain can be the original, and I revered as creator."

"You're mad. Another one of my children swallowed by greed. As I did with the first, I shall banish you as well. This is a fitting prison, and you shall look with envy upon my world for eternity."

"That is the wrong answer."

Giratina attacked, and Arceus was barely caught off guard. The two battled, evenly matched due to the power of the shards, for many years. The eternal struggle would commence, while the world outside would continue to change.
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