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Author Topic: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]  (Read 181105 times)

Offline nightshade06

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[RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« on: June 18, 2012, 05:08:15 AM »
Several months after Ash defeated the Elite Four and became "Champion of Kanto"!!!

After Ash destroyed the organization known by the name of Team Rocket. Giovanni seen no hope in becoming the world leader anymore without any minions to help out in his evil plots and disbanded Team Rocket. A few weeks past by after Ash became champion. Silph Corps became unrelenting on having world peace through Pokemon. After breaking into the old Team Rocket research labs they discovered that Team Rocket had created Mewtwo. They was able to extract the data on Mew and Mewtwo, and with an inspiring idea of having a Pokeball specifically designed just for Mewtwo they went to work in secret on this. After months hard at work on creating it finally it became a reality. The Dual Ball came into existence, and it's sole purpose was to catch Mewtwo. Silph Corp had a huge festival for this special occasion and unveiling their idea on using this ball to bring peace throughout the world and destroy all evil organizations. Giovanni seeing this ball as a sign that his terror was not over yet. Reinstating Team Rocket back in business with the new idea on this ball many people joined the organization out of spite of not wanting to be controlled by a Pokemon in power. Team Rocket became a power house at Giovanni's fingertips to control and take over Kanto and eventually the world! After a daring break in on Silph Corp again with Team Rockets new found power was able to easily over throw anyone defending the company and seized control of the Dual Ball. And just as quickly disappearing without a trace of where they have their hideout at. And now in secret they are hard at work trying to locate Mewtwo in hopes to find him before anyone can spoil their plans again.......

Dual Ball (Blades Slave idea on the name)

Sub GM Spot (If needed)


Safari Zone!!!!
This RP will have the safari zone open....and this section is to explain how it will work...
There is 4 areas....Entrance, Area1, Area2, Area 3....
Each Area will have a certain amount of chance encounters...Example-Entrance will have 5 encounters with pokemon. You can choose to have some of them be the water pokemon if wanted.
For each encounter depending on the Pokemon available for the encounters is how many coin flips there will be per Encounter.
Example-Entrance-Has 13 Pokemon so I will Flip a coin 13 times per encounter....
13 heads being the rarest pokemon to encounter
12 heads 1 tails being the next one up.

Once I have all your encounters set up I will do the capture flip...2 coins
2 heads-capture
1 heads,1 tails- failed capture but enables reflip.
2 tails it runs away!
(tell me what you think in OOCC)

-No OPing....(As in no calling out if you hit the pokemon or not.) (And not saying you One shot KOed it either...) (You get the idea of what I mean on OP.)
-Try to keep grammar decent and readable. (Only time its acceptable other wise is if that is how your character speaks.)
-Only the first 151 Pokemon will be available in this RP.
-No flaming of any kind.
-Poke-navs are allowed(the Poke watches that can be used as a phone and such.)
-Traveling....Try to keep it as real as possible....Don't have them be in pallet and next thing in same post they are in Viridian Forest...(This is so people won't be as lost as much.)
-If you incorporate any kind of love for another character please keep it PG-13 (aka a kiss or something...)
-No one shot KOs on gym leaders. For this purpose, the GM will play as all gym leaders during battles.
-No one shot pokemon catching. The GM will decide in any way they choose if you caught one.
                                               -  A coin will be flipped 2 heads it is caught.
                                               -  1 heads and 1 tails it was almost caught and will be caught more than likely next try.(Aka you control the catch)
                                               -  2 Tails (If not weakened properly.) Not caught and runs off.(If weakened properly another coin flip will be in order..)
-Breaking any rule will result in strikes. After three, you're out of the RP.
------Side note I might actually eventually make Johto Available for the RP seeing how everything goes. It will be like they was recently discovered.
------I will be implementing Pokemon in the RP as was in the games red/blue and yellow....each area only has specific pokemon in it. As ex. Route 1 has pidgey rattata etc If you would like to be able to know what pokemon are in which area use this site...It has done wonders for me.. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pallet_Town
------Another note I would like to have everyone start in pallet please...(other than team rocket obviously)(Also if you ask I might make exceptions to this rule.)

Strikes page.
Day time control(I will be posting it in the title also this is just for my reference of available stuff :P)

Morning     Noon     Evening    Night
  Sunny  Raining  Snow  Cloudy 
Starter Pokemon
- Can be any of the first gen. Pokemon other than legendaries or Pokemon that do not evolve.

Team Rocket Starter Pokemon
-Same way....
Profile Skeletons.

Pokemon Trainer
User Name:(Whats your User Name?)
Character Name:(What's your RP characters name?)
Personality:(Like... Are they nice? Kind? Gentle? Things like that.)
Pokemon:(List of your Pokemon-Starter pokemon and what you have caught)
Bio:(Tell us about your character)
Age:(Tell us how old you are. When you get your first Pokemon your like... 11 or something, but you don't HAVE to be that young. Be as old as you want... Not too old...)
Appearance:(Picture would be nice!)

Team Rocket Member
User Name:(Whats your User Name?)
Character Name:(What's your RP characters name?)
Personality:(Are they mean? Cruel? Angry?)
Pokemon:(Same thing as the trainer.)(Except yours are stored at team rocket facilities not Pokemon centers...)
Bio:(Tell us about your character)
Age:(You can be an Adult, but you can be a teenager too :3?)
Appearance:(Put a picture so we know what they look like! ^_^)!

(I have decided not to make it an option to be a Pokemon just for the fact I would like to have as many people as trainers as possible to make it a more active RP and also to where noone is stuck and has to start over if their trainer decides to quit the RP.)

JerryEDIT: Approved.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 05:09:36 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2012, 10:05:50 PM »
Well seeing as we now have 6 profiles up and running for this I would have to say....

THE RP IS NOW OFFICIALLY OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@ Meowth!
A helicopter flies down infront of Phillip.....A man in a black suit walks out and motions for him to come over. Holding a laptop in his hand it turns on. It's Giovanni with a mission.

"I want you to take this helicopter to Viridian Forest. I have a plan in the works there. Several members are already on ground working on this project. Go there and steal every Caterpie you can in Viridian Forest...I have big plans for when they evolve into Butterfree."

The man motions for Phillip to head into the helicopter to take him to the Forest...

(Obviously stealing all the caterpie in the Forest would upset the balance of nature so it would be wise to stop them.) :)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 10:14:33 PM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2012, 11:22:09 PM »

Warren leaped out of bed, one word flashing across his mind.

Damn, I was supposed to be their thirty minutes ago!

He quickly stripped out his night clothes and scrambled around for his adventuring outfit. He hurriedly pulled on his shorts, followed by his T-shirt, then his poke-belt , tennis shoes, and lastly his bandana and back pack. He then leaped up, running out the door as fast as he could. He gave his mom a hug and kiss bye, grabbed the bottle of water and toast she had layed out for him and bolted. He had reached the lab of the renowned Prof. Oak surprisingly quickly and taking a deep breath he walked in. The first step of  his journey had begun!


Silene crept through the forest, her Gstly following close behind. She began to search for pokemon and sighed saying.

I'm never going to find one.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 09:47:36 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2012, 11:39:43 PM »
Phillip got on the helicopter and then looked at the guy holding the laptop.

Is it truly stealing If they're already in the wild?

Phillip's zubat face wings.


Phillip flailed his arms.

what?! it was a legitimate question! and that brings metoo my second point, how do you even land?!seriously! you don't have le-OW!

Zubat used leechlife on phillip! its super effective! phillip used suck on Thumb that was bitten.phillip restored some HP!

remind me not to remind you that you don't have legs...


during zubat bitting Phillip the helicopter had lifted up into the air and started towards viridian.

((say if I need to change anything ._.))

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2012, 11:45:50 PM »

Having waken up very early in the morning even before the sun was out yet. Timmy had plenty of time to get ready for his journey...Getting his backpack and running shoes on and had arrived at Prof. Oaks lab just in time for the Pokemon selection from the trainers.

Prof Oak: Ah glad you could make it Timmy. If you would stand with the others I have an announcement to make about how the pokemon will be selected this year.

About that time Warren walked through the door with a slight panic on his face.

Prof Oak: Glad you made it Warren was beginning to worry. I was just about to announce how you will be getting your pokemon. I have decided to do things differently this year instead of it just being Charmander, Bulbasaur, and squirtle I have made the selection much larger....I have any pokemon to choose from that can evolve into a stronger pokemon to choose from.

The look on Timmy's face lit up.

"Wow I am glad for that! I didn't know what I wanted till now then! You wouldn't happen to have a Male Nidoran would you?"

GM Post

@ Meowth

The man sitting next to him.

"Well we wouldn't call it stealing its just I am sure the "Good" people would frown upon us taking all of them from nature. Also this is how you will be getting out."

Handing the kid a parachute.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2012, 12:02:02 AM »

Warren sighed in relief, then glanced at Timmy.

You're Timmy right? Nice to meet ya, names Warren.

Then he turned towards Prof. Oak and said.

It's good to be here, so what's this new system?


Gastly Lick!

A long, ghostly tongue snaked out of Gastly motuh, wrapping around the Caterpie they had found moments before. The Caterpie gave a cry, then broke free and began to slither away.

Gastly, Mean Look!

The Gastly's eyes narrowed and the CAterpie froze in its tracks. It spun around and shot a string of thread, which missed Gastly by an inch.

Now, end this with Hypnosis!

Small beams of purple light hit the Caterpie and caused it to fall asleep. Silene soundlessly threw a pokeball and watchd as it sucked the Caterpie in. She then began to wait impatiently to see if it was caught.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2012, 12:10:48 AM »
as the helicopter hovered over viridian forest Phillip had his parachute on, and was Supposed to be jumping out.

I am going to die, don't make me do it don't ma-

Zubat rammed into him knocking him down

Zubaaaat!(I regret nothing!)

Phillip fiddled with the parachute for a bit.


Mid air zubat face winged, the zubat then grabbed hold of the thingy that usesthe parachute with its mouth and pulls.

Oh. thanks Zubat. You can have a bit of blood after we get all the catpie's M'kay?

the zubat was happy to hear that, it for some reason liked his blood..

A few seconds later they landed and Phillip ran over to a caterpie.

Come here little caterpie all we'regoing to do is capture and enslave you!

the caterpie starts to use string shot on phillip but the string gets blocked, Zubat wants to fight!

Zubat, use supersonic then go in for a leech life!

(Could you control the caterpie Nightshade?)

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2012, 12:14:18 AM »
GM Post
@ Blades

Several seconds later it clicked as signalling it was caught....

Off in the distance you could hear the person in charge of the operation yell out.

??: We need to be faster about this before anyone realizes what is happening. Pick up the pace people! We need a lot more than just a few of them!

@ Meowth
The caterpie becomes confused and is bitten by the zubat and starts draining its life. The caterpie tries using string shot to scare off the Zubat but doesn't work.
Eventually the caterpie collapses from exhaustion...



Prof Oak: As I was saying you have way more Pokemon to choose from other than just the 3. They are still choices but I can get more studies done this way. You all will be getting a PokeDex and 5 Pokeballs also when you choose your Pokemon.

"Awesome I want a Male Nidoran as my pokemon please! please! please!" ""Stop saying please you idiot.....I think he heard you the first time""

Prof Oak looks at Timmy.

Prof Oak: Yes I have many of those....They aren't really all that rare but can go into a very powerful Pokemon treat him well.

Handing him a Pokeball that had the Nidoran in it along with the Pokedex and 5 Pokeballs.

"Awesome! thank you so much! Oh hey warren it is nice to meet you too...Have you decided what Pokemon you wanted?"

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2012, 12:20:07 AM »

Warren smiled.

If we're choosing pokemon may I have a Seel? I've always been fascinated by ice pokemon.

Warren looked at Prof. Oak awaiting an answer.


Silene smiled and picked up the poke-ball. She clipped it ot her belt and whispred to Gastly.

I think I might just keep this one for myself.

Then with Gastly behind her she began to runoff, looking for another Caterpie.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 12:38:00 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2012, 12:37:40 AM »
Phillip grabbed and put the caterpie onwhere the parachute had landed, he then went around theparachute grabbing the edge.

aaaand bam! I have a bag!

Now, a few caterpie saw him capture the one caterpie, and weren't happy.


The caterpie all tackle phillip and knock him into a tree.


Zubat saw this and was not pleased at all, it enraged lets out a high frequency screech and tries to bite one

« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 12:40:40 AM by Meowth »

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2012, 12:40:38 AM »

"Alright I can't wait to meet the little guy!!!!"

Bolting outside and throwing the pokeball into the air....But forgetting to prime it...The pokeball just falls back down and slams into his face!

"Owwwwwww owwwwww" ""You idiot....do you not know how to use a pokeball?""

"Yes I do now shut up!"

Hitting the button he primes it and out pops the Nidoran. His eyes showing true brute force behind it.

"Hi little guy nice to meet you I am your trainer I hope we can become very gre....."

As the Nidoran slams into his stomache....reacting to him being called a "little guy"

"Sorry I guess I shouldn't insult you like that." "Hahhhaaha I like you already!!"

Meanwhile back inside....

Warren:If we're choosing pokemon may I havea Seel? I've always been fascinated by ice pokemon.

Prof Oak: Hmmmm I think....I might have one....somewheres.....where did I put that one at...

Looking around for a bit he finally remembers where he put it.

Prof Oak: Haha I was getting worried there. Here you go he is out back in the little pond I have playing.

Handing him Seel's Pokeball and 5 pokeballs and the Pokedex.

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2012, 12:48:57 AM »

Warren smiles and clips all six poke-balls to his belt. Then he slowly walks outside. In the pond a small white creature was swimming around and Warren aproached it smiling.

Hey Seel, looks like me and you are gonna have a great adventure!

Seel claps it fins happily shouting,

See, Seel!

In its over excitement a small blue orb had gathered in its mouth and formed into a beam which hit Warren freezing him. Seel floppedout of the pond and began to mnuzzle him, cerulean blue eyes filled with concern for his new friend. He lookeda round and noticed a boy and his Nidoran. He began to exclaim loudly.

See, See, Seel!

He was tryin to get the trainers attention.


Silene walked slowly, dragging behind her a net with several Caterpie in it. SHe finally reached the leader of the opertation and placed the bag at his feet saying.

Sir, i've collect as many as instructed.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2012, 01:05:42 AM »
GM Post

@ Blades

??: Well done subordinate. These will do fine in our masters plan.

Grabbing several pokeballs and capturing them inside..

??: Good good this is going very well now..We just need a few more good catches like this one.

Looking over his shoulder for a moment he chuckles a bit..

??: It sounds like a new recruit could use a bit of help in that direction...Do you mind?


Looking over at a Seel trying to get his attention. Having a confused look on his face as he sees a huge block of ice....

"What in the world.....did that Seel do?"

Getting closer he could see that it was Warren inside it....

"Oh my...Nidoran tackle the ice and break him free out of it!"

The Nidoran takes an attack position and slams into the ice breaking it.

"What happened? Are you ok?"

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2012, 01:12:40 AM »

Warren looked at Timmy his skinturning a slight shade of pink as the heat rushed back to him.

Man, what did you do Seel?

Seel gave him a questioning stare, then let out a confused 'Seel'.

Look, it's okay dude, i'll be fine just careful where you shoot off those...Whatever that was.

He then turned to Timmy and said.

Since it is kinda tradition would you like to battle?


Silene nodded and ran in the diretion of the boy. She quickly reached him and saw the situation.

You are an idiot kid.

She caled Gastly out in  front of her and with out a command Gastly used Hypnosis, putting most of the attacking Caterpie to sleep. She threw out her Caterpie and ordered him to chew threw the thread binding the boy, Caterpie nodded and went to work. A few seconds later the thread was broken and the boy was free.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Morning /Weather: Sunny]
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2012, 01:17:10 AM »
Phillip got up.

Idiot my...They jumped me!

the caterpie that was fighting zubat hand't gotten hit by the hypnosis, zubat used astonish on it once more knocking it out.

Good job zubat, we should be d-OOWOWOW

Zubat used leech life on phillip! its super effective.



started gathering the caterpie and putting them all into the bag, a few minutes later he then looked at the girl.

So where do I take these?