Several months after Ash defeated the Elite Four and became "Champion of Kanto"!!!After Ash destroyed the organization known by the name of
Team Rocket. Giovanni seen no hope in becoming the world leader anymore without any minions to help out in his evil plots and disbanded Team Rocket. A few weeks past by after Ash became champion. Silph Corps became unrelenting on having world peace through Pokemon. After breaking into the old Team Rocket research labs they discovered that Team Rocket had created Mewtwo. They was able to extract the data on Mew and Mewtwo, and with an inspiring idea of having a Pokeball specifically designed just for Mewtwo they went to work in secret on this. After months hard at work on creating it finally it became a reality. The Dual Ball came into existence, and it's sole purpose was to catch Mewtwo. Silph Corp had a huge festival for this special occasion and unveiling their idea on using this ball to bring peace throughout the world and destroy all evil organizations. Giovanni seeing this ball as a sign that his terror was not over yet. Reinstating Team Rocket back in business with the new idea on this ball many people joined the organization out of spite of not wanting to be controlled by a Pokemon in power. Team Rocket became a power house at Giovanni's fingertips to control and take over Kanto and eventually the world! After a daring break in on Silph Corp again with Team Rockets new found power was able to easily over throw anyone defending the company and seized control of the Dual Ball. And just as quickly disappearing without a trace of where they have their hideout at. And now in secret they are hard at work trying to locate Mewtwo in hopes to find him before anyone can spoil their plans again.......

Dual Ball (Blades Slave idea on the name)

Sub GM Spot (If needed)>The-Blades-slave<-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Safari Zone!!!!This RP will have the safari zone open....and this section is to explain how it will work...
There is 4 areas....Entrance, Area1, Area2, Area 3....
Each Area will have a certain amount of chance encounters...Example-Entrance will have 5 encounters with pokemon. You can choose to have some of them be the water pokemon if wanted.
For each encounter depending on the Pokemon available for the encounters is how many coin flips there will be per Encounter.
Example-Entrance-Has 13 Pokemon so I will Flip a coin 13 times per encounter....
13 heads being the rarest pokemon to encounter
12 heads 1 tails being the next one up.
Once I have all your encounters set up I will do the capture flip...2 coins
2 heads-capture
1 heads,1 tails- failed capture but enables reflip.
2 tails it runs away!
(tell me what you think in OOCC)
Rules-No OPing....(As in no calling out if you hit the pokemon or not.) (And not saying you One shot KOed it either...) (You get the idea of what I mean on OP.)
-Try to keep grammar decent and readable. (Only time its acceptable other wise is if that is how your character speaks.)
-Only the first 151 Pokemon will be available in this RP.
-No flaming of any kind.
-Poke-navs are allowed(the Poke watches that can be used as a phone and such.)
-Traveling....Try to keep it as real as possible....Don't have them be in pallet and next thing in same post they are in Viridian Forest...(This is so people won't be as lost as much.)
-If you incorporate any kind of love for another character please keep it PG-13 (aka a kiss or something...)
-No one shot KOs on gym leaders. For this purpose, the GM will play as all gym leaders during battles.
-No one shot pokemon catching. The GM will decide in any way they choose if you caught one.
- A coin will be flipped 2 heads it is caught.
- 1 heads and 1 tails it was almost caught and will be caught more than likely next try.(Aka you control the catch)
- 2 Tails (If not weakened properly.) Not caught and runs off.(If weakened properly another coin flip will be in order..)
-Breaking any rule will result in strikes. After three, you're out of the RP.
------Side note I might actually eventually make Johto Available for the RP seeing how everything goes. It will be like they was recently discovered.
------I will be implementing Pokemon in the RP as was in the games red/blue and yellow....each area only has specific pokemon in it. As ex. Route 1 has pidgey rattata etc If you would like to be able to know what pokemon are in which area use this site...It has done wonders for me.. note I would like to have everyone start in pallet please...(other than team rocket obviously)(Also if you ask I might make exceptions to this rule.)
Strikes page.-
Day time control(I will be posting it in the title also this is just for my reference of available stuff

Morning Noon Evening Night
Sunny Raining Snow Cloudy
Starter Pokemon- Can be any of the first gen. Pokemon other than legendaries or Pokemon that do not evolve.
Team Rocket Starter Pokemon-Same way....
Profile Skeletons.Pokemon TrainerUser Name:(Whats your User Name?)
Character Name:(What's your RP characters name?)
Personality:(Like... Are they nice? Kind? Gentle? Things like that.)
Pokemon:(List of your Pokemon-Starter pokemon and what you have caught)
Bio:(Tell us about your character)
Age:(Tell us how old you are. When you get your first Pokemon your like... 11 or something, but you don't HAVE to be that young. Be as old as you want... Not too old...)
Appearance:(Picture would be nice!)
Team Rocket MemberUser Name:(Whats your User Name?)
Character Name:(What's your RP characters name?)
Personality:(Are they mean? Cruel? Angry?)
Pokemon:(Same thing as the trainer.)(Except yours are stored at team rocket facilities not Pokemon centers...)
Bio:(Tell us about your character)
Age:(You can be an Adult, but you can be a teenager too :3?)
Appearance:(Put a picture so we know what they look like! ^_^)!
(I have decided not to make it an option to be a Pokemon just for the fact I would like to have as many people as trainers as possible to make it a more active RP and also to where noone is stuck and has to start over if their trainer decides to quit the RP.)
JerryEDIT: Approved.