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Author Topic: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]  (Read 181192 times)

Offline shad0wxlk

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #105 on: June 22, 2012, 05:08:32 PM »
Karrick watched them take off in a run and thought

"Well so much for sticking together, but i expect ill see them in pewter city"

He sets off along the road to viridian forest and enters

"I think ill train a bit here before i make my way to the pewter gym"

He is walking down a path when suddenly a large number of caterpie were heading toward him it looked like they were running from something that they had just escaped from

"I think its about time to add another pokemon to my team and a caterpie will do nicely"

"Ok dratini lets go twister!"

The fierce tornado strikes one caterpie full on and it falls to the floor

"Right go pokeball"

Offline PkMn Trainer Black

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #106 on: June 22, 2012, 06:54:41 PM »
Daveto- I see. Thank you for the information and my starting pokemon.

He took the pokeball and went out back to find staryu there were plenty of water pokemon in the pond. He then signaled his thoughts to any staryu there.

Daveto(telepathy)-Can all Staryu here come from the pond?

After a while only one came up. It was sort of intimidated by him.

Daveto- That's different, your center is blue insted of red. But don't worry, if you want, you can come with me.

the top point of Staryu used water gun in the air. Somehow, it ended up spelling "Yes, I would like to go with you, but i'd like to stay out of my pokeball every once in a while."

Daveto nodded and walked aside Staryu out of the building.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

Showdown Username: Shining Darkness

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #107 on: June 22, 2012, 11:07:20 PM »
Gm Coin Flip

@ Shadow

1 heads 1 tails....The caterpie bursts out of the Pokeball almost instantly rather mad and started using string shot.

GM Post
@ Lubbies @ Pkmn trainer Black

Prof Oak
: Ah you must be here for your Pokemon also right? Well come on in don't be shy! Oh I almost forgot something...

Running outside to give Daveto his 5 extra Pokeballs and his Pokedex.

Prof Oak: Whew almost missed you. Alright now.

Looking back at Kyle.Seeing he had a Poliwag with him.

Prof Oak: Oh I see then you just need the Pokedex and I will be nice and give you 5 Pokeballs also.


A young guy walks up to him at the entrance.

Young trainer: If you want to fight brock you will have to fight me first! Sorry that is just how it is... Go Geodude.

Walking over to the arena area.

Young trainer: If you accept call out your first Pokemon and we will begin it will be a 1 v 1 single win match!



Walking back into the forest I could see Karrick fighting a caterpie. Walking up behind him watching the battle.

"I hope you catch it man! Go for it!"

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #108 on: June 22, 2012, 11:33:21 PM »

Warren removed a poke-ball from his waist and clicked the button enlarging it. He drew back his hand and tossed it into the air. It opened to reveal Mankey, squealing and ready to fight! Warren pointed at the opponents Geodude and said,

End this quickly with low kick!

Mankey charged up and swung his foot at Geodude!

(Your move nightshade.)

Daylin: 35/100

Offline shad0wxlk

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #109 on: June 23, 2012, 12:03:16 AM »
Dratini was caught in the sticky string and was stuck to the ground. Karrick heard Timmy shout from behind him which renewed his confidence

"C'mon dratini use twister to break free!"

Dratini fired the powerful tornado at the webs which were destroyed

"Yes dratini!""Now use thunder wave"

Dratini launched the weak electrical charge which paralyzed the caterpie

"Now wrap" "Go pokeball! hopefully its second time lucky"

The pokeball wobbles back and forth on the ground, Karrick watches with anticipation

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #110 on: June 23, 2012, 12:11:20 AM »
Pewter Gym
@ Blades

The young trainer pretty much was expecting either a fighting type or a water type to come out....

Young Trainer: Alright Geodude use Rock Throw on the mankey!

About that time Mankey had connected with Low Kick...Being super effective....Hanging on barely...Geodude started throwing rocks at Mankey!

GM Post
@ shadow
(When it comes up heads and tails you can control the capture the second time as in rules but. I will do it this time :P)

The pokeball falls to the ground shaking back and forth as the caterpie tries to get out....But clicks showing it was caught.


Looking excited as he caught it finally.

"Woohoo grats on your caterpie Karrick."

Going up to pat him on the back.

"I got a weedle myself just a while back."

Offline shad0wxlk

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #111 on: June 23, 2012, 12:54:46 AM »
Karrick turned to Timmy

"Thanks and congrats on your weedle too"

"Are you going to pewter city now as well?" "Also do you know where Warren went to?"

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #112 on: June 23, 2012, 01:13:01 AM »

Mankey watch out!

Warrens cries were in vain as rock after rock slammed into Mankey knocking him into a wall.

Mankey, please get up!

Mankey felt the cry and plees from his master- nay his friend and wanted to make him happy. Mankey struggled to his feet and began to focus a red light glowing from his body.

Mankey is that focus energy?

Mankey began to dance in anger and Warren took it as a yes. With a grim smile Warren shouted

Finsihs this mankey, low kick!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #113 on: June 23, 2012, 01:43:48 AM »

"Ummmm I am not sure I thought he would be back in here..."
"Oh well lets get to Pewter maybe we can find him there..."

Walking into the forest deeper....

"C'mon out weedle we haven't been introduced yet!"

Weedle popping out of his Pokeball and started to shine in the little bit of sunlight shining through the trees.

"Hahaha come on up on my shoulder little guy it's ok I am your friend now."

The weedle climbs up onto my shoulder looking around at the scenery.
Pewter Gym

Young Trainer: Nooooo Geodude..

As the Mankey connects with the low kick knocking out the Geodude...

Young Trainer: Geodude return! Alright you pass....You can challenge Brock.

Brock coming out of the darkness from watching the battle.

Brock: Alright then you wish to get a Gym badge from me right? Well then if you are ready lets begin....I do things a little different....It will be a 2v2 battle first one to lose both pokemon loses....In my travels with Ash I was lucky and came across a very nice Pokemon on my way back to my Gym....Onix Go! Rhyhorn Go!

The ground shaking from them both landing onto the arena ready for battle!

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #114 on: June 23, 2012, 01:51:40 AM »

Warren called out Seel and Mankey and Seel stepped out in front of him. Then caleed out

Mankey focus energy! Seel Icy Wind!

They did as told and as the wind and ice buts flew at his opponents Warren said

Next time you see Champion Ketchum tell him I think I took his job as twerp and also that i'm going to kill Jessie and James!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #115 on: June 23, 2012, 02:16:20 AM »
Pewter Gym

Brock just grins as the attacks fly towards him...Puts on a set of goggles.

Brock: Rhyhorn Sandstorm now! Onix Screech!

The sandstorm collides with the Icy wind.

Brock: I am not as easy as I used to be back in the day when Ash challenged me!


A wild Metapod appears!

"Weedle you are up! Go!'

Weedle jumps down on the ground ready to fight!

"Weedle use poison sting on it as much as you can."

The metapod starts to glow as it uses harden.

"Keep it up Weedle!"

Eventually the metapod falls over passing out.

"Yea good job weedle!"

Pewter City

Meanwhile outside in Pewter City a random man had just opened up a new Stand selling TM's to the public....He didn't have many but he was sure they would sell to someone....And he had prizes for those who bought from him...

On the sign wrote....I currently have ....TM 1, 5, 7, 11, 23, 32, 47, 57, 59, 86 and 94  And plenty of them!

(Gunna go ahead with the Gen 5 TM set I guess...)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 02:40:12 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #116 on: June 23, 2012, 02:19:13 AM »
Seel Icy shard once more!

The screech weakened both pokemons defense majorly but they kept fighting! Seel launched another icy wind at Rhyhorn and in an unspoken command Mankey had charged up and was swinging a low kick at Onix!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #117 on: June 23, 2012, 02:52:55 AM »
Pewter Gym

Brock gasps as both his pokemon are hit.

Brock: No!

Taking off a lot of health off of both of them....But they aren't out just yet...

Brock: Good job guys I know you are strong! Rhyhorn Rock polish! Onix use screech again!

Rhyhorns speed drastically increases! Onyx releasing the terrible screech one more time!


A wild Kakuna appears!

"Alright Nidoran your turn! GO!"
"Use focus energy then peck!"

Nidoran following orders starts focusing and then charges at the Kakuna. The kakuna uses harden. The peck hits and it is super effective but it isn't down yet!

The nidoran getting frustrated with the Kakuna not going down easily runs up to it and turns and bucks it's two back feet at the Kakuna sending it flying!

"Woah Nidoran was that Double Kick? Awesome! I am proud of you buddy!"  ""Idiot what is there to be proud of you haven't won a match against a trainer yet...""
                                                                                                                  "stop it I will win soon I promise you that!"

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #118 on: June 23, 2012, 03:02:33 AM »

Mankey covered his ear and Seel attempted to using it flippers.

Tough it out guys, you can do it!

The pokemon both slowly uncovered their ears and Warren shouted,

Mankey, climb up Onix's back! Seel dont let Rhyhorn interfere, Icy wind then charge up and use fin fury!

Mankey charged at Onix and leaped trying to get on its back while Seel shot an icy wind at Rhyhorn then charged at him leaping into the air and manuevering around to use it flipper to swing.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #119 on: June 23, 2012, 03:12:47 AM »
Pewter Gym

Brock: Hmm what is he planning....Rhyhorn dodge the Icy wind you have greater speed now you can do it! Onyx try to shake that mankey off!

The Rhyhorn bursts around the arena dodging the Icy wind but then the seel does something unexpected........Running up the Rhyhorn and slapping it with its fin....The Rhyhorn stunned in his tracks not knowing what to make of what just happened....

The onyx starts shaking its head heavily trying to shake the mankey off!

Brock: Rhyhorn snap out of it! Use Stomp!

The Rhyhorn gets ready and jumps onto his back feet about to slam down its feet onto the Seel!


A wild weedle appeared!

"Ugh we are never going to make it to Pewter...." "Weedle you are up again show this tiny version of you who is the master in this forest!"

The weedle getting pumped!

"Use poison sting on it!"

The Weedle follows the command and starts stinging the Wild weedle. The wild Weedle uses string shot to slow him down a bit.

"Hah is that all you got little man!!!" "Show that thing you are not afraid!!!!!Poison sting again!"

Hitting the Weedle again and again....Finally it collapses...
Out of no where weedle starts shooting string all over itself

"Weedle what are you doing.....Oh you are evolving Awesome!!!!"

Congratulations Weedle has evolved into Kakuna!