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Author Topic: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]  (Read 181196 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #120 on: June 23, 2012, 03:28:22 AM »

Seel, take the stomp and use Icy wind! Mankey hang in their!

As the stomp closes in on Seel it launches off an icy wind then it was hit and with its defense so low couldn't take it. Seel passed out it last vision was icyy wind sailing at Rhyhorn. Mankey was too busy scaling Onix back to help its friend and continued climbing.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #121 on: June 23, 2012, 03:38:45 AM »
Pewter Gym

The icy wind slams into Rhyhorn as close range....Super effective..

Rhyhorn couldn't take the hit a second time and collapses...

Brock: Rhyhorn no!!! I still have my Onyx!

Onyx still shaking trying to get mankey off.

Brock: Forget the shaking Onyx use Rock throw in the Air on yourself! Try knocking him off that way!

Onyx looked at Brock for a moment....Started grabbing rocks and hurling them in the air and falling down on himself in an attempt to hit Mankey!

A wild Weedle appears again!

"Weedle...erm Kakuna you think you have it in you for a few more battles?"

Kakuna sitting there....

"Alright Kakuna use poison sting..."

This time poison sting was different....It was like ekans poison sting it shot out little poison needles at the weedle....Hitting it many times and it collapses before it could even do anything this time...

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #122 on: June 23, 2012, 03:48:44 AM »

Mankey run up his back as fast as you can and use low kick!

Warren returned Seel as he shouted this and Mankey ran  up Onixs back, only a few boulders htting him and sucking his health away. Mankey, with one last leap, Reached onix head and grabbed onto his horn for balance. Warren expected to see a low kick, but was shocked when Mankey released one hand from the horn which began glowing and enlarged, then he brought it sailing down in a powerful strike at Onixs head.

Hit him with all ya got Mankey!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #123 on: June 23, 2012, 04:02:46 AM »
Pewter Gym

With no way for Onyx to counter it the Karate Chop Slams into his head.....Super Effective ....Critical hit...

Brock: Noo!!!! Onyx!

Onyx falls to the ground in pain and passes out...

Brock:Onyx return! Alright alright congratulations on your win.....I present you with the Boulder Badge..

Holding out the badge to Warren.


A few metapods later and weedles and etc etc....Kakuna evolves into Beedrill...Learned Fury attack...

"Awesome way to go Kakun...Beedrill....dang bugs evolve too fast....can't keep up with the names..."

Few moments afterwards seeing the end of the forest. entering Pewter City shortly after...

"Wow this is just too awesome I need to go find the PokeCenter though..."

Rushing off ahead and entering the PokeCenter and getting Nurse Joy to heal my pokemon.

"Thanks maam!!! "

Rushing back outside...
Out of the corner of my eye I see a little man with a rather "thrown together" stand....

"You sell Tm's huh...I would like to buy the Rock Smash and Hone claws one please!"

The man hands him the TM and Timmy hands him the money for it.

"Thanks! I have plans for this on Beedrill!"

Team Rocket

Meanwhile at Mt Moon!

Philips team arrives on site. The lap top turns on...

Giovanni: Alright now that you are here at MT Moon. To go into detail on this mission. You are to recover as many MoonStones as you can. We need to research them and figure out how to harness Moonlight. Go and get as many as you can we need at least 10 of them! No matter what do NOT let anyone interfere with this untill you have at least 10.

A random guy sitting with them hands each of them some Pokeballs...

Giovanni: Here you are some Pokeballs strengthen your team up to defend this project!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 04:54:38 AM by nightshade06 »

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #124 on: June 23, 2012, 04:10:32 AM »

Warren took the badge, recalled Mankey, and walked out of the gym. He spotted a thrown together stand and a man saying he was selling TM's. Warren approached and said,

I want Hail, Hone claws.

The man handed him the tms and Warren tossed the money on the counter, then punched the man in the gut making him keel over and Warren whispered,

That was for not being here sooner.

Then Warren walked away and found thepokemon center quickly. Healing his pokemon he taught Seel hail and Mankey hone claws, then returned them and left for MT. Moon.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #125 on: June 23, 2012, 04:58:29 AM »
GM post
@ blades and @ Nightshade

"Well thank you little kid and here is your prize for buying from me."

Hands Timmy 2 super potions for each purchase.

Few moments later an older guy comes up to him.

"well thank you young man and here is your prize of buying from me."

Handing him 2 super potions for each purchase. Right before he gets knocked out by him getting hit by Warren.....

Sitting up a little bit later...

"What was that guy's problem...I over slept"


"Alright lets go challenge brock!!! lets get that gym badge!"

Teaching Hone claws to Nidoran and Rock Smash to Beedrill! Running towards the Gym in hopes to get his first ever Gym badge!
Walking through the doors Timmy is immediatel stopped by a Young Trainer....

"Let me guess I have to battle you first!"

Young Trainer: That is correct! Go Geodude!

"Go Beedrill!"
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 05:04:03 AM by nightshade06 »

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #126 on: June 23, 2012, 05:12:36 AM »

Warren walked into the forest and began to look around for pokemon. He had headed to Mt. Moon, but half way their realized he needed some new pokemon and too train. What better place than a forest? He searched through the high grass and foliage for several minutes, not once bothering to battle the weedles and Kakunas. He was about to give up when a shrill cry lit the area.


Warren followed the sound to a small clearing and spotted a pikachu stealing honey from a group of Beedrill. Pikachu had just used thunder shock too knock out the last one when Warren decided to catch it. He reached for a poke-ball and threw it shouting

Mankey I choose you!

Mankey jumped out and awaited a command.

Quickly hone claws!

Mankey appeared to sharpen it claws for a moment and then ready for attack.

Now focus energy!

Mankey glowed for a moment, focusing, then was once again ready.

Now finsih this battle in one shot Karate chop!

The Pikachu still had not seen them, being to busy collecting honey, and was shocked when it was slammed into and thrown into a tree. Pikachu didn't get up and Warren threw a poke-ball sucking it in.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 05:16:20 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #127 on: June 23, 2012, 05:16:48 AM »
GM Coin flip!

1 heads 1 tails....The Pokeball bursts back open with the injured pikachu extremely pissed at the mankey and launched a thundershock at him!


"Alright lets open this up with a poison sting!"

Hitting the Geodude but it just sits there barely hurt at all...

"Oh right not very effective.....Alright!"

Young trainer: You done being an idiot yet? Geodude Rock Polish!
Young trainer: Now use tackle!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 05:21:19 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #128 on: June 23, 2012, 05:19:31 AM »

Mankey cried out in pain, but stood strong. It charged at the pikachu and hit it once again knocking it down. Warren threw a poke-ball and it shook three times then clicked shut. He returned Mankey whispering,

You did great.

Then picked up Pikachus poke-ball and clipped it to his belt, he was ready for anything now! He left the forest, jogging  lightly towards Pewter and then to Mt. Moon.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #129 on: June 23, 2012, 05:28:00 AM »

"Alright beedrill take the hit and stand your ground when he hits you use Rock Smash!"

As the Geodude collides with Beedrill his Stinger on his arm started glowing and slams into Geodude.

Young Trainer: Nooo Geodude please be OK!

Lowering the Geodudes defense a bit from the hit..

Young Trainer: Screw this Geodude get up and use Rock throw end this now!

"Beedrill you can dodge that! go for it! One last Rock smash!"

Smashing into the geodude making it collapse on the ground....

Young Trainer: Alright I guess you pass you can Challenge Brock now...

Brock walks into the arena once more....

Brock: I just healed my pokemon too.....Alright! It will be a 2 v 2 match first person to lose both pokemon loses the match!

(Passing over Brock to Blades for my battle with him.)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 05:41:27 AM by nightshade06 »

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #130 on: June 23, 2012, 07:51:56 AM »

Brock picks two poke-balls off his belt and throws them revealing two powerful looking pokemon, Onix and Rhyhorn!

Choose your pokemon.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #131 on: June 23, 2012, 02:45:38 PM »
As Karrick watches Timmy train his weedle he feels like it would make sense to train his own caterpie as soon as he thought that a weedle appeared out of the bush

"Ok go caterpie!""Now string shot then keep tackling"

Caterpie Sticks the weedle to  the ground and continually hits it until it faints and caterpie begins to glow a bright white when suddenly sitting there on the grass is a metapod

"Oh ok metapod lets do some more training as you seen to evolve quickly"

Karrick has now lost sight of Timmy but will probably see him in pewter again
A Pigeotto appears!

"Woah i heard they don't appear very often..Right metapod harden until it can hardly damage you then string shot to pull it to the floor then tackle!"

As they pigeotto begins to descend using peck metapod begins to glow a dull grey and the pigeotto bounces off its strong armour. Metapod then shoots three strands of sticky thread and the bird is pinned to the ground, then he begins tackling until it faints. Metapod glows again and wings burst out of its shell

"Awesome i got a butterfree!"

Karrick then finally arrives in pewter city and sees Timmy going into the gym

"I suppose ill go in after but first to the pokemon centre"
"Thanks Nurse!""Now that guy looks like hes selling Tm's""Ill take Tm 47, 59 and 94 please"

He takes the Tm's and hands over money and gives him a tip because he looks like hes been hit

"Now to go challenge the gym!"

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #132 on: June 23, 2012, 05:42:15 PM »
me-Cool, free stuff!

I happily accept the items and walk out the door. I walk to the route leading out of the town, poliwag is a bit nervous but he walks on anyway. After a few minutes of walking a small bird-like pokemon appears. My pokedex beeps, I pull it out.

Pokedex-Pidgey, the small bird pokemon. It hops along the floor foraging for small bugs, it doesn't prefer to battle.

me-Meh, not exciting. Poliwag use hypnosis!

The pattern on his stomach starts to turn and the pidgey falls asleep.

me-use bubble!

bubbles float around the pidgey and they pop at the same time causing the pidgey to wince, it still sleeps.

me-Use bubble again!

the pokemon is pushed back a bit. It wakes up. It starts to run at me using tackle but because I used bubble so many times he was very slow. Poliwag dodge easily and fired one more bubble. The pidgey collapsed. Me and poliwag continued to walk, there was a small pack of rattata. They notice me and they charge at me they're teeth glowing wiith hyper fang... Or rabies. I pick up poliwag and sprint. I put him in my backpack.

me-Use bubble!

He lets out a mass amount of bubbles the rattatas slow down but they still chase.

me-Keep going!

He breathes in and instead of bubbles he shoots water from his mouth. The pokemon are slowly washed away one by one.

me-Nice, water gun!

I notice the next town in the distance.
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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #133 on: June 23, 2012, 07:00:09 PM »
Daveto(telepathy)-Thank you, Mr. Oak.

Daveto kept walking and was actually looking for something to battle, just to see what Staryu was made of.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #134 on: June 23, 2012, 09:17:20 PM »

"Alright lets do this! Nidoran! Beedrill GO!"

Sending both of them on the field and they are pumped ready for battle!

"Ready when you are Brock!"

Feeling kinda uneasy with the enormous pokemon he is having to battle against...
Gm Post
@ shadow

The man selling the TM's quickly runs up to him and gives him 3 super potions for his purchase...

"I almost forgot to give these to you!"

@PKMN Trainer Black

A wild Pidgey appears!

It appears to be feeling aggressive and wanting to fight!