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Author Topic: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]  (Read 181565 times)

Offline PkMn Trainer Black

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #180 on: June 25, 2012, 07:12:22 PM »
The pidgey was pretty ticked and it tried to tackle Staryu.


Staryu raised it's defence, allowing Staryu to reflect pidgey.


Staryu then wheelcarted to pidgey and hit its Talons, making the bird shriek in pain while using Sand attack.

Daveto-Doesn't matter, cause your mine!

Daveto chucks a pokeball at Pidgey.
Even if one person steales waht you deserve, your reward will be even better than the last if you head down the right path.

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Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #181 on: June 25, 2012, 08:11:45 PM »
Luke: *quietly sneaking out of the window in his room* C'mon Eevee

Orphanage Owner: "Where do you think you're going, Luke?"

Luke: "I think you already know that."

Orphanage Owner: "Indeed, I do, and since I do, I want you to have this."

Luke grinned at the Orphanage Owner indicating his gratefulness. He grabbed the Backpack full of pokemon trainer equipment and darted out of the window to begin his journey.


Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #182 on: June 25, 2012, 09:18:03 PM »
Gm Coin flip
@ Pkmn Trainer

2 Heads.....The pokeball sways back and forth for a bit but eventually clicks showing that the pidgey has been caught! Congrats!

Pewter Gym
@ shadow

Brock just chuckles....

"When are they ever going to learn...Rhyhorn Sandstorm!"

The Sandstorm blows the powders away from hitting him...

Onyx on the other hand was hit by the lowkick.....Super Effective but was able to endure it.

"Good job onyx on hanging on! Now use screech!!"
Team Rocket

Grunt 5: What do you take us for? WE ARE TEAM ROCKET. WE will never die! Long Live Giovanni!

Grunt 4
: Lets just beat this kid down and get it over with....We have stuff more important to do....

Grunt 4: Go Geodude! Go Clefairy!!

Grunt 5: What the when did you get that??? Oh whatever....Go zubat!


"Alright I need to train Spearow up a bit...But I guess that can wait.."

A wild Mankey appears!

"Nevermind guess not....Go spearow!!!!"

"Use peck...." Super effective...

Mankey uses lowkick.....hits spearow for normal damage..

"Use peck again!" Super effective and Mankey faints...

Spearow learns pursuit!

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #183 on: June 25, 2012, 09:21:50 PM »

Warren smirked then commanded,

Pikachu thunder shock on Zubat! Mankey use Hone claws, the focus energy followed by karate chop on Clefairy! Seel icy wind on both! Geoduude rock throw on Zubat!

Pikachu shot a bolt of lightning at Zubat while Geodude hurled a boulder at him! Mankey charged up lengthening his claws and glowing red then charged throwing a chop at Clefairy while Seel shot an icy wind at both!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline shad0wxlk

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #184 on: June 25, 2012, 09:30:06 PM »
Mankey and butterfree are being blown back by the storm

"Fight against the storm c'mon guys!"

They slowly move forward towards Brock's pokemon

"Now Mankey focus energy then karate chop on rhyhorn!"
"Butterfree confusion on onix"

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #185 on: June 25, 2012, 09:39:06 PM »
As Luke headed down route 2 on his way to Viridian forest, he encounters a wild Rattata.

Luke: Eevee,(which by the way is usually out of its pokeball)quick, use Tackle.

Rattata takes normal damage... Rattata uses Tackle.

Luke: Eevee, Tackle again!

Rattata takes same amount of damage as before... and then uses tackle again.

Alright Eevee, one last time!

Rattata faints.

Luke: Great job Eevee, now on to Viridian Forest.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #186 on: June 25, 2012, 11:50:59 PM »

Warren watched as the attacks hit and the grunts recalled their pokemon and ran away. He turned to the boy from Team Rocket and whispered,

Now , I'm gonna leave you with a message, tell your boss that Warren Renniger is coming for him.

Warren then stepped away from the boy wondering why someone so young was in Team Rocket. He pointed at the boy and said,

Choose a pokemon, we're battling.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 02:23:05 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #187 on: June 26, 2012, 01:10:08 AM »
As Luke arrived in Viridian Forest, he was dazzled by its dark yet shimmering beauty. He continued through the forest taking in the scenery, then a bug catcher appeared.

Bug Catcher: Wanna battle?

Luke:*Smirks* *throws out pidgey*

Bug Catcher: I take that as a yes? Come on out, caterpie! *throws out caterpie*


Bug catcher: Caterpie, use String shot!

Luke: Pidgey, blow it away with gust then counter with quick attack!

Bug catcher: Caterpie, watch out!!
*Caterpie is hit and very weak*

 Are you alright Caterpie?

 *Caterpie gets up*

Great, then use Tackle!

*Pidgey gets hit*

Luke: Quick, Pidgey, while hes in close, use Gust!

*Pidgey uses gust and caterpie faints*

Bug Catcher: You did great, Caterpie. Return.

Now for my Second and last pokemon.

Lets go, Beedrill!

*sends out beedrill*

Luke: Alright, then lets get this started. Pidgey use sand-attack, then use gust to scatter it around!

Bug Catcher: Hurry, before he gets the chance, use horn attack!

*pidgey is hit and takes considerable damage*

Luke: Damn, that Beedrills fast. Pidgey use Quick attack to get close, then use Gust!

*uses quick attack to get in close*

Bug catcher: Now, use Poison sting while you can!

*poison sting hits and pidgey faints*

Luke: Pidgey, return. You did good.

Alright, Eevee, its your turn.

*eevee steps up*

Luke: Eevee, use Quick attack!

Bug catcher: Ok, Beedrill just like last time, use Poison sting!

Luke: Now Eevee, stop and dodge his move by jumping then use Quick attack straight down on him!

Bug catcher: Nooo, Beedrill!

*Beedrill is hit, but only takes half hp damage*

Bug catcher: Beedrill, use Pin missile!

Luke: Dodge it with Quick attack!


Luke: Now, finish it with tackle!

Bug catcher: Use poison sting, Beedrill!

*both use attacks, Beedrill faints, but Eevee is poisoned*

Bug catcher: Good job Beedrill. Return.

Hey you, thanks for the battle it was fun.

*notices eevee is poisoned*

Bug catcher: Here this should help, take it as a token of my appreciation and reward for winning.

*uses antidote on Eevee*

*Luke runs away into the forest*

Bug catcher: Where ya goin?!

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Partly Cloudy]
« Reply #188 on: June 26, 2012, 01:37:04 AM »
Pewter Gym
@ shadow

The confusion hits Onyx doing moderate damage.....Onyx Collapses unable to battle!

Brock: Noo Onyx! Return!

Rhyhorn gets hit by the karate chop....Super effective.....Critical....Rhyhorn can't take it and collapses too...

Brock: Alright....Rhyhorn return!

Walking up to the young man....

Brock: Ok you have proven yourself here you go the BoulderBadge!

Hands Karrick the badge.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Evening /Weather:Cloudy]
« Reply #189 on: June 26, 2012, 02:48:13 AM »

Silene Jolted up in the hospital bed. Her back ached and now had stitches along with the gash on her head and her Gasstly hovered over her head, looking concerned. She slowly stepped out of the bed and asked,

What happened? I should be dead.

A nurse approached her and handed her a poke-nav number saying,

A young man brought you in here, he told us to give you this number. You were in bad shape. What happened?

Silene strecthed the truth and said

I fell out of a tree.

The nurse looked sceptical but, didn't question it. She handed her a black poke-nav and said,

You you should call the trainer.

Silene wrapped the poke-nav around her wrist and dialed the number.


Warren was preparing for battle when his poke-nav went off. He quickly returned his pokemon and said,

Kid I gotta go, i'll kick your arse later.

Then Warren ran from the boy and answered the poke-nav. THe face of the girl he had helped appeared and Warren said,

So you finally woke up?

The gilr looked flustered for a second, then responded,

Yes, my name is Silene and I suppose I should thank you for helping me.

Warren smirked and said,

You could have called at  a better time, I was putting some grunts from Team Rocket in their place. Also names Warren.

Silene visibly stiffened at the comment and Warren didn't notice. SHe sighed and said,

Where are you headed to at the moment?

Warren grinned and said,

If you wanna meet me do it at Cerulean city. I gotta beat their gym.

Silene nodded and hung up the poke-nav. She was a bit depressed that Team Rocket hadn't turned back to her and after several minutes of an internal struggle decided for the moment she would go meet the Warren and probably challenge some gyms for the hell of it. Shee stood and returning Gastly she walked out of the pokemon center.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Evening /Weather:Cloudy]
« Reply #190 on: June 26, 2012, 03:12:48 AM »
As Luke ran through the forest towards the exit, he couldn't help but wonder why it was that he got so mad when the bug catcher tried to help. Then he stopped and thought about it and realized that it was because he didn't want eevee to think that Luke couldn't take care of Eevee himself. He turned to Eevee and asked: " Eevee, you know im capable of taking care of you myself, don't you?"

"Eevee..ee" *nudges Luke's leg*

Luke: That's a relief, hey I think I see the exit. Let's go Eevee.

*sprints toward the large building between Pewter City and Viridian forest*

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Evening /Weather:Cloudy]
« Reply #191 on: June 26, 2012, 03:19:32 AM »

Silene walked slowly making her way too virvidian forest. She had let Gastly and Cterpie out and they were following her slowly. She heard a rustling in th bushes and spinning arouind she saw a rattata! She quickly made up her mind to catch and said,

Caterpie string shot! Gastly hypnosis!

The two attacks hit, wrapping Rattata up and putting him to sleep. With him asleep Silene threw a poke-0-ball and it was sucked int. She waited to see if it was caught.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Evening /Weather:Cloudy]
« Reply #192 on: June 26, 2012, 03:25:45 AM »
GM coin flip
@ Blades

1 heads 1 tails.....the rattata was rather strong.....busting out of the pokeball at the last second but still unable to do anything from being asleep!


"Alright lets get into Mt Moon!"

Heading into the cave could see Zubats flying around all over....And a few geodudes in the distance...

A wild Zubat appeared!

"Alright go beedrill!!" "Use Fury attack!"

Beedrill started barraging the zubat flying around the cave hitting him back to back....The zubat used supersonic....

"Shake it off Beedrill!" "Try to use Fury attack again!"

Beedrill was confused........Was able to shake it off! Using fury attack on zubat again finally it fell to the ground...

"Awesome lets keep going!"

Walking to the next area of the Mountain!

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Evening /Weather:Cloudy]
« Reply #193 on: June 26, 2012, 03:45:27 AM »

Silene watched it break it out and seeing it asleep just threw another poke-ball. It shook a few times then clicked showing it was caught. She picked up the poke-ball then returned all three of her pokemon and clipped them to her belt. She entered Viridian forest quietly and was soon challenged by a trainer. She accepted and threw out her Caterpie. The trainer threw out a Weedle and shouted,

Start this with poison sting!

Dodge and slow him with string shot!

Caterpie creeped out of the way then Wrapped the Weedle up with string shot!

Tackle until it faints Caterpie!

The Caterpie began to repeatedly ram the Weedle, the Weedle soon began to grow tired and only one more blow would finish it! Caterpie reared back for another strike and as it did it began to glow,  slowly growing larger. As it hit Weedle you could clearly see it as a Metapod. The trainer returned his weedle and threw out a Beedrill!

Beedrill use fury attack

Beedrill charged and began to repeatedly slam Metapod! Metapod shell glowed and began to harden but, even that could only hold out for so long! Sensing his trainers desire to win Metapod drew on everything he had and slowly he began to glow again, liftibng off the ground and morphing again! When the light cleared Butterfree appeared and Beedrill seemed to glow purple as it was slammed into the ground unconscious! The trainer returned hi Beedrill and left while Silene stood flabbergasted how Butterfree had evolved! After a moment the shock wore off and she returned Butterfree and walked away.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:Evening /Weather:Cloudy]
« Reply #194 on: June 26, 2012, 03:45:43 AM »
Having finally arrived at Pewter city, Luke is determined to get his first gym badge, but knows he doesn't really have an advantage when it comes to types. So he sets out to find another pokemon.

Wild Nidoran(male) appears!

*Eevee steps up*

Eevee use Tackle!

*Nidoran is hit, then uses poison sting*

Eevee use Quick Attack and finish him off!

*Nidoran Faints*

Luke: *throws pokeball*