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Author Topic: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]  (Read 181104 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #585 on: July 10, 2012, 01:11:10 AM »
Warren bent down and took Silene into his arms, then laid her against a wall and out of harms way. He turned around and noticed Karrick and his Butterfree surrounded by a small tornado that berrated any powder that came near him. He cupped his hands to his masked mouth and shouted

Nice to see you Karrick, didn't know you were on the ship! Now if you don't mind I have some rocket arce to kick, with or without you!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #586 on: July 10, 2012, 02:41:36 AM »
Phillip was walking through the ship, he hadn't gone to the ballroom.. he started walking towards it though.

meh, might as well see whats going on in there, what bad could be going on in there?

when he got there, something odd was going on...he couldn't open the doors... he quickly released alakazam's pokeball and had him pry open teh door. he returned alakazam and held his breath, Team rocket must have given him the gas mask for SOMETHING.

*muffled* whats going on in he-...oh no..

He looked around for anyone that might be able to help in teh situation.

((Say if I need to change anything ._.))


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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #587 on: July 10, 2012, 02:45:04 AM »

Warren turned as the door opened and he saw Phillip.

Kid, you won't be much help here. Grab Silene and teleport to safety with Alakazam!

Then he whirled around and whispered to Hypno

Forget the Psybeam, channel everything you got into invading these Butterfrees mind and using Hypnosis to put them all to sleep.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 03:28:05 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #588 on: July 10, 2012, 12:17:29 PM »
GM post

The hypnosis was able to hit a few of the butterfree but there was just too many for Hypno to handle all at once!



Team Rocket

Aaron- Hah you  actually think you could take us all with just a Hypno?

A few of the butterfree fall asleep from the hypnosis and fall to the ground leaving about 14 left...
Few minutes in the powder clears out from the door being open but it was too late since everyone was asleep well almost everyone..

Aaron- All we have to do is destroy you and we win!

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #589 on: July 10, 2012, 08:07:15 PM »

Warren smiled as the dust cleared.

Now you can taste my full power.

Warren instantly threw out the rest of his pokemon, which surrounded him.

Dewgong, icy wind on as many of the Butterfree as you can! Golem rock blast on as many as possible! Raichu thunderbolt on as many as possible! Arbok acid spray! Hypno, show 'em a real Psybeam! Primeape, hang back and redy yourself with Focus energy and hone claws, then Karate chop if they get to close!

As the attacks were shot off and Primeape began to focus nd his claws extended Warren stood watching.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline shad0wxlk

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #590 on: July 10, 2012, 08:46:06 PM »
As the dust cleared Karrick sighed with relief, Warren began sending out his pokemon and attacking the Butterfree

"Ok i guess ill help go Dratini, Gyarados, Weepinbell and Primeape, help butterfree! Dratini dragon rage as many as you can, Gyarados use twister, Weepinbell use acid!, Primeape go in close and Karate chop as many as you can and Butterfree use whirlwind to knock them off balance then use psybeam!"

Karrick watches and thinks that him and Warren have this battle over and done with already as the multiple attacks are launched at the enemy

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #591 on: July 11, 2012, 03:14:46 AM »
Luke was just leaning against the wall when out of nowhere the lights go out and spotlights appear and about 9 grunts throw out 2 butterfree each and use sleep powder. Luke was glad he had stopped to get TM's because it came in handy.. Luke threw out Nidoking and stood extremely close to him.

Luke: Nidoking, use Protect.

Luke saw that he wasn't the only one who had withstood the sleep powder because there were other people in the ballroom still awake as he was. He headed over towards the others. By the time he had gotten there the powder had cleared and that one kid from before was standing with his pokemon fighting a bunch of Buttefree, as was some other kid who he didn't know. But There was no point in helping because, honestly, its just a bunch of Butterfree. Luke knew there was no way those 2 people would lose to a bunch of Butterfree. So, he decided to watch and see what was gonna happen next.....

(Sorry I've been afk for a while, but tell me if there's anything to change.)


Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #592 on: July 11, 2012, 07:48:41 AM »

Warren threw the gas mask off his face and as his pokemon launched their moves he shouted,

Hey kid, that was a cheap trick using protect!

Then he turned away from the boy he had seen use protect and shouted

You've seen first hand I can handlw things here, so if you wouldn't mind please get back to shore and contact the authorities.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #593 on: July 11, 2012, 08:34:19 AM »
Luke was sorta aggravated at what the guy had said....

Luke: Well sorry were not all perfectly prepared with gas masks just sittin' in our back pockets like you. I'll be right back, I guess since you got this or whatever.

Luke ran out onto the deck and sent out Pidgeot and withdrew Nidoking. He hopped on Pidgeot's back and flew to shore, luckily they weren't very far. He asked somebody where the local police station was. After he found out he headed there and told them what was happening on the boat. He then flew back to the boat to the boat and headed back into the ballroom thinking of someway he could help.....

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #594 on: July 11, 2012, 02:49:56 PM »
Team Rocket

Aaron-Ohh so you tend to resist us eh? Fine then lets up the game a bit! Grunts attack!

The grunts grab their own pokeballs and send them flying..... each one of them had a Raticate to add to the bunch....

Aaron- Alright! Butterfree use confusion all at once....

being 9 left...

As the Grunts command their Raticates all to use Hyper Fang at the enemy...
The Raticate all jump and their teeth glowing jump at the ones still awake....

Aaron- I guess I should join this party also! Lets do this ....Go magneton! Go Scyther!

"Magneton." "Scyther!"

Aaron- Magneton use Reflect and Lightscreen then Thunderbolt maximum power at them! Scyther use Swords dance then double team...

Magneton puts up the barriers and then launches the Thunderbolt at its foes....
Scyther focuses its attack power and it increases a lot....Then bursts into several images from the double team!


All of this going on and randomly my vulpix pops out of its pokeball while I am still asleep and walk to warren....


Vulpix uses Safeguard on everyone to prevent any more status problems....

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #595 on: July 11, 2012, 06:33:28 PM »

Golem, use roll-out and destroy all the clones and the original Scyther!

Golem retreats into its rockshell and begins spinning and destroying clones!

Dewgong, Ice beam to stop those Raticate and Hypno use Psybeam to counteract confusion!

Dewgong shoots an ice beam beginning to freeze the ground the Raticate where walking on and Hypno shoots a Psybeam trying to counter act confusion!

Raichu thunderbolt on Butterfree! Arbok acid spray one those Raticate approaching!

Raichu launches a thunder bolt hurtling at the Butterfree and Arbok shots a spray of acid at the Raticate!

Primeape, use Karate chop boosted by your power up on Magnemite!!

Primeape took a stance his hand glowing in a karate chop and then leaped at Magnemite swinging it!!
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 12:58:45 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #596 on: July 12, 2012, 03:11:05 AM »
Luke saw that in the short time he was gone, other pokemon had been sent out and they were looking a bit outnumbered, also he saw Timmy's oddly colored vulpix. He walked over to Warren and let him know that the police now know what is going on and asked if he still didn't need any help....

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #597 on: July 12, 2012, 03:15:44 AM »

Warren had been lost in thought when the kid walked over to him. He leaned down after a second and whispered

Kid, see that guy over their? He is a Team Rocket elite I can tell. He makes me and you look like push-overs with how powerful he is. We have no chance of winning this battle, but we can win the war if you listen. I'm gonna stall for as long as I can, as should you. If I fall you will know your outmatched and you should run. I'll try to stop them from falling you, okay? But I beg of you to take Silene to safety with you.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Redthebeast

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #598 on: July 12, 2012, 03:37:37 AM »
Luke decided this was no time to be uncooperative so he listened to what Warren had to say and after which he said:

Luke: Well, look I know we don't have to hold out for very long because were right off the shore and the police are on there way, but I'll grab Silene and take her to the hospital and come back as soon as possible.

Luke assumed that Silene was the girl from earlier and believed he was right because Warren didn't say any different so he grabbed her and took her out onto the deck. He stood thinking of a way he could get her to shore safely, he finally realized that he had some rope in his pack from when he first left Viridian. He quickly tied her onto Pidgeot making sure he could still fly, then Luke took out a receipt that he had gotten from buying the TM's and a pen from his bag. He wrote on the back of the receipt:

"This girl has been put to sleep by a large amount of sleeping powder, please take care of her, there will be many more like this later.."

He rolled up the receipt and told Pidgeot to take it in one of his talons, after which he also told him to fly to the hospital and give them the receipt. As soon as they had taken the girl off of him, Luke told him to come back. He ran back in and told Warren what he had done and said he could help, but that he would be a pokemon short.

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Re: [RP] Old School Pokemon RP [Time:AfterNoon /Weather:Sunny]
« Reply #599 on: July 12, 2012, 03:53:47 AM »

Warren let out a small smile once the kid came back.

One pokemon short or not, i'll need your help. Now that Silene is gone I don't have to hold back anymore in fear of hurting her.

Warren glanced at his pokemon, then shouted

No more holding back!

Dewgong shot his ice beam higher, sending it straight at the charging Raticates and it started to slowly go larger and colder as it went! Primeape leaped into the air, his fist moving so fast it was barely visible. Raichu's feet bunched and then he leaped off the ground, shooting a thunderbolt that smoked with its intensity and he swung his tail downward in a slam as he moved! Arboks acid spray grew larger, melting anything it touched and he coiled his body around himself in an attack postion! Golem sped up, his rocks ripping the wooden floorboards up and sending them flying as he smashed the clones of Scyther! Hypno swung his watch in a fast circle, sending a large blast of psychic energy at the Butterfree, which held back their confusion, sending psychic ripples through the air and Warren smiled.

Kid, I hope you have a water pokemon, because this ships going down one way or another!

Daylin: 35/100