Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[Profiles] Old School Pokemon RP

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Pokemon Trainer
User Name:Jake101
Character Name:Pikachu(Real name is Jake)
Personality:Gentle, nice
Pokemon:Pikachu(nickname Pikabolt.) and Jolteon.
Bio:His town was attacked by Team Rocket, so he started his Pokemon journey after the attack. He always keeps his two Pokemon beside him, as they never had a Pokeball. He is very shy and only talks to his Pokemon. His dad had mysteriously disappeared, so he is also trying to look for him.
Appearance:Brown hair, black sweater, blue shoes, black gloves, blue eyes, and skin tone:tan

Username: Redthebeast
Character name: Luke
Personality: Quiet, rarely speaks (except to his pokemon, of course), intelligent.
Pokemon: Jolteon, Pidgeot, Nidoking, Poliwhirl, Growlithe,

Bio: Was raised in an orphanage in Viridian city since he was 2, after his family was killed in a house fire, at least that's what he was told happened. Ever since then he only spoke when need be and only had his dream of becoming a great pokemon trainer to hold on to. When he met Eevee at 11, his dream became possible.
Age: Is currently 14 years of age.

Appearance: Below

Team Rocket Member
User Name:Jake101
Character Name:Walk
Personality:Gentle sometimes, otherwise just cruel.
Pokemon:Haunter and Pidgie.
Bio:His dad was part of Team Rocket until he died. Then Walk joined and is 22 at the time. He looks at Pikachu(a.k.a Jake) and then he gets reminded of his good past, until he turned bad.
Age:23(Year after he joined Team Rocket!) :)
Appearance:Black hair with red streaks, brown eyes, skin tone is tan, wears pants that has a R on it, red shoes, and a Red shirt.


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