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[Profiles] Old School Pokemon RP

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Team Rocket Member
User Name:Nightshade06
Character Name:Vinny Finkelstien (Fin keel steen)
Personality:Very brutal and mean.
Bio:Being one of the first members of Team Rocket he became well known through the organization as an elite. For his "Crazy ways". Has stolen many children's pokemon in the day. When Team Rocket broke apart he still kept in contact with Giovanni doing random deeds for him in hopes it would spark something back into him. Eventually when Giovanni reinstated Team Rocket he had plans on making an Elite Squad of thieves.....He was to be the first into it.

Pokemon Trainer

User Name: Lubbies
Character Name: Kyle
Personality: Outgoing, adventurous, ambitious, hot-headed and cheerful.
Pokemon: poliwag
Bio: Being the son of a veteran trainer he learnt all about pokemon before he even got one. When he turned 12 he got an egg from his father and ever since he has taken care of the egg and made sure no harm came to it. On his 14th birthday the little egg hatched and that was the point when Kyle and poliwag set off to learn all they can about pokemon. Nothing can separate Kyle from his poliwag... NOTHING!
Age: 14

Pokemon Trainer
User Name:Shad0wxlk
Character Name:Karrick Red
Personality: Driven to win and be the best but also cares for all his pokemon and other trainers pokemon
Pokemon:DratiniPrimeapeButterfreeShiny GyaradosWeepinbell
Bio:He watched Lance of the pokemon league fighting on the TV and was driven to become just like him. His first pokemon was a bulbasaur and soon after he managed to catch a pidgey. He thought that he could actually do it and become as good as Lance, but one day when he was resting in his house team rocket stole his pokemon and he hasnt seen them since. He was filled with sorrow and that was when a dratini appeared to him and would not leave his side. He now hopes to find his lost pokemon as he sets out on his asventure for the second time.

Team Rocket Member

User Name: WhatThePumpkin, or just WTP, or Pumpkin

Character Name: Amber

Personality:Amber is very child-like. SHe likes to tease people, and dress things up in sparkles, or pink things.She's also a snoop, getting up in everyone's buisness. She IS a big baby, and has a bit of a temper, but her rage passes within 5 seconds.

Pokemon: The only pokemon she INSISTS on fighting with, are her ekans, Snake. She has a Zubat, but she constantly calls him " You plug ugly guy who's like a sad puppy, who can't be cute no matter how hard you try" (shortened to ugly puppy)

Bio: She used to date a guy in Team Rocket. So, she was automatically drawn to work in it when Team Rocket reformed. She loved poison-type pokemon, although she has the dream of making an entire team of Ekans and Arboks who know only electric moves (Hey, a girl can dream, right? She doesn't care much about the actual effectiveness of her team, and is more concerned with how cute her team is dressed). Of course, her boyfriend dumped her after she tried to cover all his pokemon with glitter, but C'MON! Who DOESN'T LOVE GLITTER!? Ahem...

Age: 21, but she acts like she's a sparkly vampire-obsessed teen.

Appearance: Blonde hair, stands at 4' 10". She has spiky, Vegeta-like hair, that's a golden brown/blonde. She has robin-egg colored eyes, and she has a very...hourglass like shape. She likes to wear glitter, and has 3 pairs of earrings, and one fake tongue ring. She keeps her pokeballs on an amber-studded belt, and whe wears a gold necklace, that looks a bit like an Arbok coiled around her neck.

Pokemon Trainer
User Name: LeoReborn
Character Name: Kiora
Personality: Very shy, tends to keep to herself. Very defensive, and tends to shut up if she gets embarrassed or nervous.
Pokemon: Eevee
Bio: One day, Kiora woke to find everyone missing, her family, her friends, everyone gone. So she sets off with her Eevee, hoping to find them again. She is currently being plauged by memory flashes.
Age: 15

(I am a guy, but I typically RP as a girl, get over it :P)


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