In the city of Magnolia lies the guild hall of Fairy Tail, one of the most popular wizards’ guilds in the Fiore region. Its members are warm and welcoming and quarrel quite a bit. The towns and cities bustle with busy, friendly people and the guild has never been better. But life there is not all happy, the mysterious council of wizards dislike the guild for its great number of skilled wizards and the exiled guilds plot to one day desecrate all under orders from the corrupt god Seraph. Battles rage between these factions but more wizards are seeking power and the numbers of dark wizards is growing at an alarming rate. Cities have been attacked and innocents have been killed. The other guilds have been left alone and only Fairy Tail has been targeted, no one knows that Fairy Tail holds a dark secret that will drive anyone to kill.

In a guild you may socialize, duel against other RPing members, you may take jobs from the request board which I will update with new jobs as they’re taken. More than one person may take a job as long as they’re working together. There will be little events now and then and most of the major events take place outside the guild. currency Jewel.
Dark wizard sighting. There have been sightings of a dark wizard roaming alone somewhere on mt. Hakobe, find and bring him to authorities, dead or alive. Reward: 40000J (difficulty: hard)
I need decorations set up. I'm holding a party at my house in Magnolia and I need help setting up. Reward: 2000J (difficulty: very easy)
A trio of wizards have been conning business men and hoarding a mass amount of money, they are well armed and not to be underestimated. Their location is known to be in Clover Town. Reward: 10000 (difficulty: medium)
Monsters are massing in the Waas Forest, please take care of them before they attack any nearby towns. Reward: 20000J (difficulty: medium/hard)
One wizard needed. I'm opening a talent show in Onibus, the city above Magnolia. I need an opening act, only for one night. Reward: 2000J (difficulty: easy) (in progress)
Descriptions of magic
Casters use the elements around them or summon a specific element from their own life force, there are very few caster magicians who can use/control more than one element. Casters are normally born with the talent. The most common wizard is the caster but that makes them none the less powerful. Some of the most powerful wizards are casters.
Holder wizards
Holder wizards use magical items that they bind to their soul to magnify their magical abilities e.g. Cards, books, cloaks etc. These items will relate to the type of magic one uses, there are not many holder wizards as the skill is a very hard one to master and loss of an item cannot be replaced but when used correctly can be very lethal.
Celestial wizards
Celestial wizardry is one of the hardest forms of magic as it requires summoning spirits to fight alongside you but to keep them in the physical world must require a constant amount of energy and only the most skilled celestial wizards can summon two at a time. The spirits are summoned through the use of keys. The keys are split into two different categories, golden zodiac keys and the more common silver keys. The zodiac keys are used to summon the zodiac spirits such as Taurus the bull and Pisces the crab. The silver keys are used to summon the spirit of the dog and the spirit of the maiden etc.
Pictograph magic or picto-magic is a little more complex, to use it you need some sort of canvas and you also need a specific paint. The way it is used is the user paints a picture of an object; he/she then uses their magic to transport the picture into the physical world. The quicker the artist the better the wizard. Beware of controlling your creations; they can just as well turn on you.
Dragon slayer magic
Dragon slayer wizards are maybe the most rare wizards out there, they have the powers of a dragon but only one in particular. Every dragon only uses one element so every dragon slayer uses one too. The wizards are nearly immune to their element and they rather prefer it lunch than an attack as they eat to regain energy. They spells they use include dragon scales, breathe and strength. The numbers of dragon slayer wizards are thinning out. (Maximum of 3 in RP.)
Forbidden magic
This magic is used only by evil, corrupt wizards who only seek power. Although this magic is powerful and avoids power rules it also has a price, worship the corrupt god Seraph and complete his goal of council extermination. These dark wizards form guilds known as the exile guilds and the locations of which are scattered. The dark wizards’ numbers grow with every passing day.
Lost magic
Lost magic is by far the strongest but the only problem is that it’s lost, riddled in tombs that not even the best wizards can decipher. The only wizards who practised the magic are either dead or in hiding, as many seek to control this awesome power. There has not been one sighting of a wizard who uses this and to be honest it’s a good thing too. (You will not be able to make a profile with this magic!)
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Element of magic: (Fire, water, ice etc.)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
Holder wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Item: (his/her magical amplifier)
Type of magic: (must relate to the item)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
Celestial wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Celestial keys: (no more than 2 zodiac and 3 silver keys)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Skill in artistry: (how fast and accurately you paint)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
Dark wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Magic type: (can be any of the above stated magic)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)
-No G-modding very strict
-No killing other characters without consent
-No OP, since there is magic this will be closely supervised.
-keep all romance medium and don’t take it overboard.
-Your post needs to be at least 5+ sentences long, no one line posts either. (GM posts can be a bit shorter to avoid useless detail.)
JerryEDIT: Approved