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Author Topic: [RP] Fairy Tail  (Read 88572 times)

Offline lubbies

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[RP] Fairy Tail
« on: June 24, 2012, 09:44:00 AM »

In the city of Magnolia lies the guild hall of Fairy Tail, one of the most popular wizards’ guilds in the Fiore region. Its members are warm and welcoming and quarrel quite a bit. The towns and cities bustle with busy, friendly people and the guild has never been better. But life there is not all happy, the mysterious council of wizards dislike the guild for its great number of skilled wizards and the exiled guilds plot to one day desecrate all under orders from the corrupt god Seraph.  Battles rage between these factions but more wizards are seeking power and the numbers of dark wizards is growing at an alarming rate. Cities have been attacked and innocents have been killed. The other guilds have been left alone and only Fairy Tail has been targeted, no one knows that Fairy Tail holds a dark secret that will drive anyone to kill.


In a guild you may socialize, duel against other RPing members, you may take jobs from the request board which I will update with new jobs as they’re taken. More than one person may take a job as long as they’re working together. There will be little events now and then and most of the major events take place outside the guild. currency Jewel.


Dark wizard sighting. There have been sightings of a dark wizard roaming alone somewhere on mt. Hakobe, find and bring him to authorities, dead or alive. Reward: 40000J (difficulty: hard)

I need decorations set up. I'm holding a party at my house in Magnolia and I need help setting up. Reward: 2000J (difficulty: very easy)

A trio of wizards have been conning business men and hoarding a mass amount of money, they are well armed and not to be underestimated. Their location is known to be in Clover Town. Reward: 10000 (difficulty: medium)

Monsters are massing in the Waas Forest, please take care of them before they attack any nearby towns. Reward: 20000J (difficulty: medium/hard)

One wizard needed. I'm opening a talent show in Onibus, the city above Magnolia. I need an opening act, only for one night. Reward: 2000J (difficulty: easy) (in progress)

Descriptions of magic

Casters use the elements around them or summon a specific element from their own life force, there are very few caster magicians who can use/control more than one element. Casters are normally born with the talent. The most common wizard is the caster but that makes them none the less powerful. Some of the most powerful wizards are casters.

Holder wizards
Holder wizards use magical items that they bind to their soul to magnify their magical abilities e.g. Cards, books, cloaks etc. These items will relate to the type of magic one uses, there are not many holder wizards as the skill is a very hard one to master and loss of an item cannot be replaced but when used correctly can be very lethal.

Celestial wizards
Celestial wizardry is one of the hardest forms of magic as it requires summoning spirits to fight alongside you but to keep them in the physical world must require a constant amount of energy and only the most skilled celestial wizards can summon two at a time. The spirits are summoned through the use of keys. The keys are split into two different categories, golden zodiac keys and the more common silver keys. The zodiac keys are used to summon the zodiac spirits such as Taurus the bull and Pisces the crab. The silver keys are used to summon the spirit of the dog and the spirit of the maiden etc.


Pictograph magic or picto-magic is a little more complex, to use it you need some sort of canvas and you also need a specific paint. The way it is used is the user paints a picture of an object; he/she then uses their magic to transport the picture into the physical world. The quicker the artist the better the wizard. Beware of controlling your creations; they can just as well turn on you.

Dragon slayer magic
Dragon slayer wizards are maybe the most rare wizards out there, they have the powers of a dragon but only one in particular. Every dragon only uses one element so every dragon slayer uses one too. The wizards are nearly immune to their element and they rather prefer it lunch than an attack as they eat to regain energy. They spells they use include dragon scales, breathe and strength. The numbers of dragon slayer wizards are thinning out. (Maximum of 3 in RP.)

Forbidden magic
This magic is used only by evil, corrupt wizards who only seek power. Although this magic is powerful and avoids power rules it also has a price, worship the corrupt god Seraph and complete his goal of council extermination. These dark wizards form guilds known as the exile guilds and the locations of which are scattered. The dark wizards’ numbers grow with every passing day.

Lost magic
Lost magic is by far the strongest but the only problem is that it’s lost, riddled in tombs that not even the best wizards can decipher. The only wizards who practised the magic are either dead or in hiding, as many seek to control this awesome power. There has not been one sighting of a wizard who uses this and to be honest it’s a good thing too. (You will not be able to make a profile with this magic!)


Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Element of magic: (Fire, water, ice etc.)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Holder wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Item: (his/her magical amplifier)
Type of magic: (must relate to the item)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Celestial wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Celestial keys: (no more than 2 zodiac and 3 silver keys)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Skill in artistry: (how fast and accurately you paint)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Dark wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Magic type: (can be any of the above stated magic)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

-No G-modding very strict
-No killing other characters without consent
-No OP, since there is magic this will be closely supervised.
-keep all romance medium and don’t take it overboard.
-Your post needs to be at least 5+ sentences long, no one line posts either. (GM posts can be a bit shorter to avoid useless detail.)

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 08:27:54 PM by lubbies »
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2012, 08:21:55 PM »

Spirit was at his "house/shack" with Bella when Bella fell asleep.

Shhh, good Bella go to sleep.

He walked out to find a frog.


The frog inflated and went huge.


Alright, Water Canon!

It blasted the frog, deflating it.


He nodded and frog jumped away.

I hope Bella will be OK while I go get more milk.
(OOCC:I hope that I didn't mess anything up with your plans like if you were going to post first or not.)

Offline lubbies

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2012, 08:25:58 PM »
(well I was gonna do this: with the power invested in me I deem this RP OPEN)

I sat on one of the benches inside the guild hall and the loud shouts of the members projected through the room, however I felt like I wan't apart of the happiness. I felt like I was excluded from the conversations. A plate whistled past me and I didn't even look up. It smashed into one of the bigger guild members and he turned to face me.

?-I'm gonna kill you!

He charged at me and I struggled to free myself from the bench and I just managed to wiggle out by the time he smashed into the table.

me-It wasn't me.

He snorted then charged again. I just dodged, he turned around and his face was red. He held his hand out infront of him and he drew in the air, a sparkley line trailed from his hand and he formed a symbol. When he completed the symbol wrapped around me and held me in place. Rune magic. I reached for my keys that were attatched to my belt but to no avail, I couldn't even touch them.

?-Let's see you dodge this time.

Everyone in the guild stopped and watched as he charged, closer, closer. He slammed into me and everything went black.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 08:51:36 PM »
A carriage stopped in the middle of Magnolia, and I climbed out. I looked around, everything seemed peacful, and the city was beautiful. It was definitly better than I expected. I paid the man owning the Carriage, and he went his way. I looked at my map and started walking twards where the fairy tail guild is supposed to be.

Hmmm.... I wonder what the Fairy Tail guild is like. It's said to be the best in the world, so it might be something fancy looking...

I soon arrived at a strange looking building (compared to the others), and went up to the front door. I heard some noises inside and looked at my map again.

This is supposedly the place...

I push the doors open and saw someone charge at someone else and knock him uncontious. It was suddenly silent and I stood there awkwardly, tempted to close the door. I had a feeling I came at the wrong time.

Uhhhh.... Hi?

(I'll edit if there's anything wrong with my post)
. . .

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 09:09:07 PM »

After Xander had been knocked out the guilds actions returned to its usual noisy self. A short man approached the newcomer.

man-Welcome to Fairy Tail.

He ducked as a chair flew over his head.

man-I am the guild master, what do you want?
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2012, 09:14:50 PM »
The guild got noisy and a short old man greeted me, then he ducked when a chair flew right over him.

I am the guild master, what do you want?

I took a few seconds to process what just happened, then came back to my sences.

Oh, your the guild master? Well I was hoping I could join the Fairy Tail guild. I'm a water caster wizard.
. . .

Offline lubbies

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2012, 09:26:05 PM »

Guild master-Well then you're in, remember, no stealing or seriosly injuring anyone, Xander show this boy around!

He smiled and in an instant he teleported away.


I opened my eyes and I was sprawled across the floor, my vision was blurry and my body ached from the other guys tackle. I struggled to my feet. The guild master told me to show this guy around, I wasn't up to it but I knew not to argue with... him. I walk over to the person.

me-Hi, I'm Xander.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2012, 09:39:30 PM »
Well then you're in, remember, no stealing or seriosly injuring anyone, Xander show this boy around!

I blinked. That was... easy. I half expected that I needed to sighn some papers or something... I like this guild already! But who's Xander? The guy that got tackled before struggled to his feet, and looked a bit dizzy, then he walked over to me.

Hi, I'm Xander.

I smiled. Hey Xander nice to meet ya! Hey ummm... your okay right? It looked like that guy tackled you pretty hard.
. . .

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2012, 09:52:43 PM »

Watching the fight break out between Xander and some big guy....I watch with an intense stare always loving a good caster fight!

"C'mon Xander you can beat him!!!"

Giggling a little bit when the guy knocks Xander out...
Looking at the door there was another person there and as Xander woke up he was supposed to show him around...
I quickly run up to them..

"Xander hahaha! You got knocked out!!" "But ummm anyways care if I join you? I always love meeting new people!"

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2012, 09:59:01 PM »
me-I'm fine, it happens all the time, I just happen to get caught up in it sometimes haha.

I hear a voice from behind me, I turn to see Siren.

me-Hey, I barely stood a chance, I guess you could help me show him round, .

I laughed and smiled, not many times have I done that.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2012, 10:25:14 PM »

Looking at them both in great excitement and jumping for joy..

"Yay! This will be lots of fun!" "Hi my name is Siren and I am a Fire Caster nice to meet you!"

Before he could introduce himself I already grabbed him by the arm and was pulling him down a hallway.

"This way! I think! hahahaha!"

Looking around with a joyous look on my face not really caring if I was going the wrong way to where ever...

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2012, 11:02:11 PM »
I chased after them.

Me-I said you could help not steal him!

I slipped on a plate on the floor and slid halfway across the room Ono the wall.


I slunk down to the floor and there's a huge bump on my head.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #12 on: July 02, 2012, 11:09:34 PM »
I'm fine, it happens all the time, I just happen to get caught up in it sometimes haha.

Ah, alright.- Wait, this happens all the ti-

I was cutt off when someone suddenly ran to us.

Xander hahaha! You got knocked out!! But ummm anyways care if I join you? I always love meeting new people!

Hey, I barely stood a chance, I guess you could help me show him round.

Yay! This will be lots of fun! Hi my name is Siren and I am a Fire Caster nice to meet you!

Hey, my name's K-AI!

Before I could finish she grabbed my arm and pulled me down a hallway.

This way! I think! Hahahaha!


I was being pulled not knowing where she was taking me.

I said you could help not steal him!

I heard a slipping noise and a crash, but I couldent really look back at my current position to see what happened. Culd've sword I heard an "ow" though.

Can we slow down a bit?
. . .

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2012, 02:06:02 AM »

Warren sat cross legged in a corner as the fight broke out. He ignored it, his attention on the scroll and paint brush in his hand. A plate whizzed by his head, but he took little notice as he was finishing his painting. A man stumbled over and tipped a jar of Warren paint, then laughed,

Oh look, a little painter.

Warren paid the man little attention as he focused and a bull burst from the parchment he was just painting on. Before the man could move he was thrown into a wall by the bull. Warren carefully rolled up the parchment and placed his paint and brushes into the bag he carried with him, then he walked away from the others down a hallway for some peace and quiet.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 03:17:24 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2012, 08:10:23 AM »

Hearing a small crash I see that Xander ran into a wall or something....
Running back to him and asking....

"Are you ok? With a puzzled look on my face..." "You really like getting beat up don't ya!"

About that time another plate flies into the room and shatters on the wall....
I just sigh a little...

"Everyone is so crazy in this place hehe!"