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Author Topic: [RP] Fairy Tail  (Read 88614 times)

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #90 on: July 06, 2012, 06:26:44 AM »
Uh...no demonstration.
Artemis shrugged.
Alright. Although, I have to say, there are some people who like my magic. It's sounds quiet nice. ^^
The boy looks at Ayara, obviously intimidated.
So where did you get the sca-
He stops mid-sentence, slapping himself and looking downright terrified.
Ayara turned back around, looking at the kid. He motions to the scar.
What, this? Our brother gave it to me when I was 8. Along with the rest of these.
Ayara motions to the scars visible on her and Artemis.
He wasn't the nicest guy. Neither were the rest of the villagers.
Artemis looks a little sad at that.
Well, it was to be expected...
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #91 on: July 06, 2012, 06:50:41 AM »
He kinda looked down.

Sorry for mentioning your scar... it must be a sensitive subject..

he then sighed a bit.

so, how did you find the guild? and why did you join?

Offline lubbies

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #92 on: July 06, 2012, 11:55:57 AM »
Warren asked if I would come on the job.

Me-It's not like I have another choice... I'm joking, sure.

I smile, my knight in shiny armour, maybe a little more depressing but it's ok. Now I won't starve. Siren's is coming to so it might be fun, or destructive. I turn to Vojsad.

Me-Sorry you can't come, I half wanted to see what they had in the magic stores in Onibus.

I turn back to Warren.

Me-So when will we leave, now, soon or tomorrow?
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #93 on: July 06, 2012, 12:11:20 PM »

I look extremely excited now since Xander agreed!

"C'mon lets go!!!! C'mon C'mon C'mon!"

Running around the table Xander was sitting at....

"Don't make me drag you all the way there!!!!"

I dissappear for a moment as I run away for a moment....Then reappear with a backpack on my shoulders...

"I is ready sir! Hehe!"

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #94 on: July 06, 2012, 12:34:54 PM »
(GAH! I was asleep when this all happened! DX)

I was lost in thought on where to put it. I'd like to be a little more original, but I wasent sure how original. Then suddenly it hit me.

I got it!

I pulled up the back of my shirt and made sure I wasent holding the stamp wrong. Then I stamped the mark onto my back, and a light blue Fairy Tail symbol was on it.

Alright! Now it's official! ... Oh yeah.

I look over at Efialties.

You said you needed the stamp, right?
. . .

Offline lubbies

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #95 on: July 06, 2012, 01:31:56 PM »
when she said the word drag a shiver crept up my spine.

Me-No, please, no more pulling.

I felt a shudder under my feet, then another, then another and it kept getting louder.

Me-Oh no, she's back.

I Look around for a place to hide, the shudders getting louder. I jump behind the bar counter. The door swings open revealing the silhoutte of a woman.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline rajlev

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #96 on: July 06, 2012, 06:30:03 PM »
I start with the preparations for the job... then i feel a strong presence over the main gate of the guild... so i hear Xander

Oh no, she's back.

I look over the main gate.. -This isn´t good, i have to hide miself-

I start looking around over the hall, then i see that Xander hides over the bar counter... -I know! i will go down the tables until i get over the main gate, hope she doesn´t se me-

I get down the table but i´m shaking a lot...
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 07:26:23 PM by rajlev »

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #97 on: July 06, 2012, 07:13:13 PM »

Yes, we will leave as soon as that new boy is marked and ready to go.

As everyone begins to cower Warren sits down and pulls out his brush and scroll. As the silhouette of the woman appears Warren begins to paint, ignoring her.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #98 on: July 06, 2012, 07:57:13 PM »
Efialtes looked at the guy who just got himself stamped.

Yes, yes I do.

He then had a thought.

*in head* wait a minute...where am I gonna put it?

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #99 on: July 06, 2012, 08:23:19 PM »

Warren slowly rose to his feet, the painting finished. He walked outside, brushing past the woman in the doorway, and placed the scroll on the ground. Slowly hovering his hand above it he focused and slowly a carriage drawn by several large horses appeared in front of him. He placed the scroll back in his bag then walked back inside. He looked at the others saying

When you are ready get into the carriage outside.

Then Warren turned back around, walked outside, and entered the carriage.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #100 on: July 06, 2012, 08:27:30 PM »
The kid looked down, apparently feeling bad for asking.
Sorry for mentioning your scar... it must be a sensitive subject..
Not really. I don't care about what happened.
He signed, then tried a different question.
so, how did you find the guild? and why did you join?
Oh, we always heard stories about Fairy Tail from mother. She used to be a Fairy Tail wizard, so she knew a lot about it. She'd tell us all sorts of stories about Fairy Tail, and it's members, and the jobs...It sounded amazing.
Ayara crossed her arms.
As for why we joined...
Artemis sighed.
Well, that's a little more complicated. After certain...Things...happened at our village, we had to leave. We were 8 year olds without a family, or any knowledge of the wider world. The only place we knew about was Fairy Tail. So we eventually made our way here and told Master Makarov our story. He let us join, and we've been here ever since. We just...
Ayara looked down at the kid, not glaring, but giving him a look.
Unlike me, my sister is sensitive. She doesn't like talking about what happened. If you really want to know, you can ask the Master. Hell, I'd be willin to tell ya. But not while sister's around.
Kai offers the stamp to Efialtes.
Um, Efialtes...Just so you know...You can put the mark anywhere, but keep in mind that we use the mark to identify ourselves as Fairy Tail wizards when on missions. But they can also draw attention. So think things through.
As Artemis was talking, a series of large vibrations could begin to be felt. Ayara looked over just as the main doors open to reveal an armored woman.
Ayara smirks.
Hey, Artemis. Check it out. Look who's back.
Artemis turns, looking at the open doorway.
Oh my, it's Erza. I can't see the others, though.
Ayara shrugged.
Their probably just trailing behind. How much you wanna bet Natsu and Gray come through the doors arguing?
And Lucy will probably be exasperated with them.
At this, Artemis smiles, and Ayara smirks again.
And then Master will chew them out for whatever destruction they caused THIS time. (Navy is both of them at the same time.)
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline lubbies

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #101 on: July 06, 2012, 08:56:26 PM »
I peeked over the counter and I saw Erza by the door, she was angry, I can see it on her face. the distance, as they got louder I recognised the voices as Natsu and Gray. I thought today would be without bloodshed. I could make out what they were saying.

Gray-Master Makarov is gonna be sooo angry with you for burning down that building!

Natsu-It's your fault, you pushed me into the building while I was breathing fire!

Gray-I pushed you out of the way from that spell!

Natsu-So you admit it!

Gray-Maybe I shouldn't of saved you at all!

Natsu-Maybe you shouldn't of!

They burst through the door, both staring at each other as if they were going to wring each others necks, In a few seconds they probably are. Best to get out while I still feel my legs.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #102 on: July 06, 2012, 09:00:04 PM »
efialtes stopped thinking about where to put it then, and cowered at ayara.

*in head* I think she hates me...

he then stopped cowering, and looked at artemis, once he noticed the large vibrations.

Uh...what was that?

((Please tell me if I need to change anything ._.))

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #103 on: July 06, 2012, 09:07:30 PM »
Ayara grinned as the two came in, arguing.
Called it.
Artemis just watched.
Oh my, Erza looks angry.
Wanna start a count down?
No, we should wait until Lucy and Happy arrive too. It'll probably start just as they walk in.
Uh...what was that?
The twins look down at Efialtes as the same time. Artemis smiles, and Ayara grins.
Ever heard of Titania Erza, Queen of Faerie?
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Fairy Tail
« Reply #104 on: July 06, 2012, 09:09:28 PM »

I handed the other new guy the stamp, and I just noticed the vibrations.

Uh...what was that?

Then I saw a girl by the door, she looked a bit intimidating. And there were two other guys yelling at each other. I was a bit confused and I looked twards Artemis.

Who are the weirdo's?

Whoever they were, they were talking about burning buildings or something. Both Artemis and Ayara looked at the other guy.

Ever heard of Titania Erza, Queen of Faerie?

Who? The scary one with the armor?

(he's being stupid right now, cuz he honestly has no clue who they are)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 09:15:37 PM by 9Nexalas6 »
. . .