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Author Topic: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail  (Read 8340 times)

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[PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« on: June 24, 2012, 10:17:56 AM »
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Casters use the elements around them or summon a specific element from their own life force, there are very few caster magicians who can use/control more than one element. Casters are normally born with the talent. The most common wizard is the caster but that makes them none the less powerful. Some of the most powerful wizards are casters.

Holder wizards
Holder wizards use magical items that they bind to their soul to magnify their magical abilities e.g. Cards, books, cloaks etc. These items will relate to the type of magic one uses, there are not many holder wizards as the skill is a very hard one to master and loss of an item cannot be replaced but when used correctly can be very lethal.

Celestial wizards
Celestial wizardry is one of the hardest forms of magic as it requires summoning spirits to fight alongside you but to keep them in the physical world must require a constant amount of energy and only the most skilled celestial wizards can summon two at a time. The spirits are summoned through the use of keys. The keys are split into two different categories, golden zodiac keys and the more common silver keys. The zodiac keys are used to summon the zodiac spirits such as Taurus the bull and Pisces the crab. The silver keys are used to summon the spirit of the dog and the spirit of the maiden etc.


Pictograph magic or picto-magic is a little more complex, to use it you need some sort of canvas and you also need a specific paint. The way it is used is the user paints a picture of an object; he/she then uses their magic to transport the picture into the physical world. The quicker the artist the better the wizard. Beware of controlling your creations; they can just as well turn on you.

Dragon slayer magic
Dragon slayer wizards are maybe the most rare wizards out there, they have the powers of a dragon but only one in particular. Every dragon only uses one element so every dragon slayer uses one too. The wizards are nearly immune to their element and they rather prefer it lunch than an attack as they eat to regain energy. They spells they use include dragon scales, breathe and strength. The numbers of dragon slayer wizards are thinning out. (Falls under lost magic.)

Forbidden magic
This magic is used only by evil, corrupt wizards who only seek power. Although this magic is powerful and avoids power rules it also has a price, worship the corrupt god Seraph and complete his goal of council extermination. These dark wizards form guilds known as the exile guilds and the locations of which are scattered. The dark wizards’ numbers grow with every passing day.

Lost magic
Lost magic is by far the strongest but the only problem is that it’s lost, riddled in tombs that not even the best wizards can decipher. The only wizards who practised the magic are either dead or in hiding, as many seek to control this awesome power. There has not been one sighting of a wizard who uses this and to be honest it’s a good thing too. (You will not be able to make a profile with this magic!)

Rune magic
Rune Magic is a writing based holder magic which allows the user to control various runes for various effects like binding and also creating shields etc.  The colour and appearance of the runes differ from user


Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Element of magic: (Fire, water, ice etc.)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Holder wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Item: (his/her magical amplifier)
Type of magic: (must relate to the item)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Celestial wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Celestial keys: (no more than 2 zodiac and 3 silver keys)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Skill in artistry: (how fast and accurately you paint)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Rune wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
known runes: (What types of runes you know)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

Dark wizard
Username: (PU username)
Character name: (name of char)
Character age: (number)
Gender: (female/male)
Personality: (friendly, cold, plotting, shy…)
Magic type: (can be any of the above stated magic)
Skills: (any other talents?)
Morale: (evil, good or neutral)
Bio: (At least 6 lines long)
Wizard rank: (either E, D or C to keep it fair, you may advance in rank when I find you OP responsible.)
Appearance: (picture preferred but not necessary)

« Last Edit: June 24, 2012, 05:57:25 PM by lubbies »
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2012, 11:06:00 AM »
Username: The-Blades-Slave
Character name: Warren Renniger
Character age: 30
Gender: Male
Personality: He was once a very social person but, since the death of his love he became very cold, expressing all of his emotions through art.
Skill in artistry: He is a very slow but, very accurate painter.
Skills: He is very intelligent and able to keep calm in any situation.
Morale: Neutral
Bio: He was sixteen and a very bright teenager and an aspiring picto-wizard, happy as could be with the love of his life Silene Mautima. One day he was given a task, draw a beast of your own creation and bring it too life. He succeeded but, at a very dearly cost. Silene had insisted on being with himwhile he worked and as he finished and brought the beast to life it went wild, killing Silene while Warren was still in shock. After several hours he reigned control over the beast but, he had been changed. No longer a happy go lucky teen he had grown up in a matter of hours, realizing just how cruel the world could be.
Wizard rank: C

Approved, I will start the RP when we have 4 people
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 09:17:42 AM »
Username: 9Nexalas6
Character name: Kai
Character age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Jolly.
Element of magic: Water
Skill: Water cannonball.
Skills: Runs fast.
Morale: Good
Bio: A very young and energetic wizard, that loves to travel. He used to be a treasure hunter, but then decided to go a different direction (specificaly the wizard buisness), mostly because he found out that he can use the water element naturaly well(It dosent mean he's an expert, he just dosent require as much training). He's currently on his way to the Fairy Tail Guild to join.
Wizard rank: D

(I just realised how big the pic is.)


Celestial wizard

Username: Lubbies
Character name: Xander
Character age: 17
Gender: male
Personality: Quiet and easily scared
Celestial keys: 1 zodiac key- Gemini the twins 2 silver keys- the spirit of the jackal and the spirit of the whale.
Skills: He can keep out spirits for a prolonged amount of time (max 5 hours)
Morale: neutral
Bio: Xander has been in Fairy Tail for quite some time now but the guilds actions never cease to amaze him. He is not the most popular person there and he usually keeps to himself. He takes jobs every now and then to earn money but other than that he doesn't really venture out of the guild. No one really talks to him and he doesn't talk to anyone. He doesn't have parents or any close relatives so he lives alone.
Wizard rank: D

Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2012, 08:11:17 PM »

Username: Jake101
Character name: Spirit
Character age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy and talks to himself.
Element of magic: Water
Skills: Stealth
Morale: Neutral
Bio: Bio: His parents new that he would be a great Caster wizard, but he didn't think that he could be one, as the Caster wizards seemed to hard to be. He is lonely, as everyone around him thinks he's a freak and believes that he will never fit in. His parents finally decided that he is just a lone wolf and will never be any type of wizard then. When he was 13, his little sister was born. Her parents totally forgot about Spirit and focused on Bella. When Spirit was 14, his parents died and he took full responsibility of Bella, which is a Celestial wizard.
Wizard rank: D
Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, black and white shorts and shirt, with white shoes.

There was a bit of a miss copy in it but I fixed.

Approved. K lets start off.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2012, 08:46:59 PM »
Rune wizard
Username: meowth.
Character name: efialtes.
Character age: 12
Gender: male.
Personality: shy, but friendly once you get to know him.
known runes: right now he only knows 2, a small wound healing rune, and a small weak barrier rune...
Skills: 1st aid. and knows how to draw the healing rune quickly. and by quickly. I mean quickly for him.so about the average rune drawing speed...he's not very fast when it comes to drawing runes. at all.
Morale: good.
Bio:Efialtes has always been wanting to help people, but being you know, 12. one day his parents walked up to him with 2 scrolls, they told him that the scrolls were family heir looms and that they wanted him to memorize the runes, the 2 runes were a barrier  rune, and a healing rune.. he was happy that he would be able to learn these, since he might be able help... that was if He was good at it.
Appearance:a small brown headed boy always in a cloak, height is about 5 a ft, and is thin. you will almost never see him without his cloak.

Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2012, 09:33:48 PM »
Username: Nightshade06
Character name: Siren Nova (Aka Pyro)
Character age: 24
Gender: Female (Feel like having a chick for once in one of these RP's lol)
Personality: Friendly, Very hard headed and usually always happy...
Element of magic: Fire
Skills: FireBolt- A small flame apears on the ball of her staff.....And shoots it at the enemy...
         Inferno- A puddle of flames appears beneath the foe before engulfing them in an inferno around them(Easily avoided since it takes a few seconds to form into the inferno)
         Fire Hound- Summons a small fire hound to fight for her for a certain amount of time....(When I mean small probably like the size of a regular dog....aka Dalmatian or something.)
Morale: Good
Bio: At the age of 7 is when her apprenticeship started. Her first spell was just creating a fire for a lantern. Several years going by of her living at her masters place and learning what she could.Becoming an E rank at 15 when she learned how to cast the Firebolt. The basic of attacks for Fire casters. She enjoys helping out people when they allow her to. Fire mages are usually rather feared though for them being so destructive when they cast something. At the age of 24 she is currently working for the guild doing side jobs here and there just making due with what she was given..
Wizard rank: D

« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 09:41:27 PM by lubbies »
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2012, 08:42:47 AM »
holder wizard
PU name: rajlev
character name: vojsad
age: 16
gender: male
personality: cold, of few words but really kind, and verry lazy
item: two black cutting edges
Type of magic: uses the edges by the convination of magical power and wind, by using it, can create weak wind atacks, but the original propose of the edges is to create powerfulls shield and armors over his body, also some gloves for figth, he can move at will the edge but it consumes much magical power.
skills: pupetmaster, he knows how to use the edges to move litle pupets for entretainment
bio: He joined fairy tal guild at the age of 12, he was from a family of mages that was murdered when he was 10, hes the sucesor of the black cutting edges magic style, but he didnt was able to learn to use it, his mother hyde him and give him her own edges, and tell him to look for Fairy tail master and ask his help, so he did and two years after the incident he finally reached the guild
Mage category: E rank 
Aparence: hes a short guy, with black long hair, uses a black suit and a keeps with im a white bagpack with his pupets, also uses some hair accesories... i dont have a image actually sorry...

Approved, watch out for spelling errors
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2012, 10:13:30 AM »
Okay! It took me forever, due to real life business, but here's the skeletons. Tell me if I need to change anything, okay?

This is for a pair of twins. They count as 2 people, but they’re gonna share some of the stuff, like the bio. If that’s all right.
Username: Ayara012
Character name:  Ayara
Character age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Ayara can be quite cold, and sometimes comes across as mean or rude. However, she’s incredibly loyal to the guild, and those who earn her trust. She’s temperamental, and easily annoyed. However, her annoyance usual fades after a while. However, if someone from the guild or a friend of hers is harmed, she will be truly angered, and the perpetrator will be hard-pressed to earn her forgiveness.
Item: Chain of Pendants. It was specially made by their mother, Rose, and given to Ayara only hours before the fire. At the time, she knew only that it was for “protection”, and it held only two pendants, a wolf and a dagger.
Type of Magic: The pendants, once removed from the chain, will grow to full size. If it is a creature/animal, it will come alive. Ayara can make new pendants out of wood, enchant them, and add them to her chain. However, this takes a good deal of energy and time. She has been working for the past 5 years to add new pendants to the chain. It currently has an assortment of tools, weapons, and animals. The chain is made of special materials and will not be damaged by swords and most magic.
Skills: She’s good at climbing, and experienced with hand-to-hand fighting. Weekly sparring keeps her sharp.
Morale: Good.
Bio: *Also Artemis’ Bio* Ayara and Artemis awe twin sisters. They have lived together their whole lives. They were raised alone by their mother, since their father left when they were born. Due to their unusual characteristics and an old village myth, their neighbors and older brother, Skye, looked down on them, and considered them freaks. The other children feared them. The only person who loved them was their Ex-Fairy Tail wizard mother, Rose. She loved all her children, and protected and raised them. However, when the twins were 8, a series of disasters and tragedies began to strike the village. The neighbors, with no way to stop the events, turned their anger on the girls. They believed them to be the twins from an age old myth, harbingers of misfortune and death. The villagers became so desperate that they began to attack the twins whenever they saw them, more aggressively with each day that passed. Things became progressively worse, until one night the girls were woken up and found that the villagers had surrounded the house in an angry mob. The mob set fire to the house. Rose helped Skye and the twins escape, but was trapped by the fire and perished. Driven into a terrible rage at the loss of his mother, Skye struck Ayara with a knife, giving her the prominent scar that marks her face. He then proceeded to brutally beat them within an inch of their lives. After a while, he left them to fetch the mob. Taking advantage of this, Ayara carried Artemis and escaped into the nearby woods, where they collapsed. The twins spent time in the woods, and eventually healed. They discovered their aptitudes for magic at age 9, and made their way to the guild their mother had told them so much about-Fairy Tail. They’re been there ever since, taking jobs and caring for themselves. They highly respect Master Makarov, and are loyal to the other guild members, but cannot bring themselves to rely on them for care.
Wizard rank: C
Appearance: She’s tall for her age, measuring up at 5”8’. She has mid-back length, red-brown hair. She’s tall for her age, measuring up at 5”8’. She has bangs that partly cover her eyes, but keeps the rest of her hair in a braid. She has red eyes and a scar that stretches from just above her right eye to almost the corner of her cheek. She wears double hanging gold earrings in her right ear. She wears a black tank top and camouflage combat shorts. She also wears black cut-off gloves and steel-toed lace-up combat boots. Her Fairy Tail mark is on her right shoulder. Faded scars and marks from beatings and injuries are visible on her arms and legs, and others are hidden by her clothes. Her chain hangs from a belt loop on her shorts and hooks to the opening on her pocket. It is within easy reach.

Holder wizard
Username: Ayara012
Character name: Artemis
Character age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Unlike her sister, Artemis is quite kind. She’s generally pretty friendly, and willing to help. However, if you do something that angers her-which is difficult-her angry can be greater than her sisters.
Item: Lyre. It was also specially made by their mother, and she used to play lullabies for them on it. A few days before the fire, she gave it to Artemis for “protection”.
Type of magic: The notes and music she creates with the harp, and with her own singing combined with the harp, can cause a great range of effects. They can cause sleep, they can heal, they can entrance, and other things. The harp itself can also be used as a weapon.  The strings and structure of the lyre are made of special materials that can block blows from swords and most magic. The upper section of the lyre is sharpened into a blade, and can be used to attack.
Skills: Like her sister, Artemis is good at climbing and hand-to-hand fighting. They spar weekly to stay sharp.
Morale: Good.
Bio: *See Ayara’s Bio*
Wizard rank: C
Appearance: Artemis is nearly identical to her sister in physical appearance. The differences in appearance come only in her eye color, hair style, clothes, and lack of scar. Unlike her sister, Artemis has gold eyes. She wears her hair down, except for a braid coming from either side that combines to lie overtop her hair. She wears identical earrings in her right ear. Her clothes consist of a dark blue halter top, and long but somewhat tight silver-grey shorts. She also wears black boots. She wears gold bangles on her right arm. Her Fairy Tail mark is on her left shoulder. Faded scars and marks from beatings and injuries are visible on her arms and legs, and others are hidden by her clothes. Her lyre hangs from a hook on her belt, and is easily accessible.

Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2012, 11:24:32 AM »

User name:Redthebeast
Character name: Milo Hynderson (Mee-lo)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: He generally keeps to himself but can be social when he feels comfortable around other people.
Element: Air (if its not an element then earth)
Skills: Has obtained the ability to seperate the different elements (such as Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc.) in the air and control each individually.
Morale: Neutral
Bio: He was birthed of 2 natural air casters and has been taught most of his abilities by his parents. His mother died when she gave birth to his now 8 year old brother. His father tried to teach both of his sons, but it became to much so Milo had to start training by himself. That is when he obtained his unique ability. He left for Fiore when he turned 17. He is currentlly in Fiore hoping to obtain entrance to Fairy Tail, a great guild (or so he's told by his father, who trained there). He hopes he will be able to become a great caster one day.
Rank: C

Approved, your power kinda sounds wierd.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2012, 09:29:51 PM »
Username: 9Nexalas6
Character name: Shadoni
Character age: 23
Gender: male
Personality: Lonely, hardly talks, and hates fire wizards.
Element of magic: Electricity
Skills: Shock Wave, Paralyses enemies in a 7 ft radius around him for 10 seconds.
Bult Buster, Fires a bolt of electricity at a target.
Electric Sheild, Summons a weak sheild of electricity. Effective against water attacks.
Morale: Neutral
Bio: His powers remained dormant until 3 years ago, so his powers are weak, but he should not be underestimated. The reason he has burnt marks all over him is because he was almost burnt to death in a house fire that killed his parents and his brother. He has been in Fairy Tail for about a month, and he dosent talk to anyone, so no one knows much about him besides the accident. But there has been a rumor that he beleives a fire wizard started the fire that killed his parents, and he only joined Fairy Tail because he is looking for the man responsible, and this rumor might hold some truth, because he hates fire wizards. He wont show his face to anyone, mostly because it's covered in burnt marks anyway.
Wizard rank: C
(Dont ask why I put a forest in the background, I just felt like drawing one. I hope this character isn't too OP)

Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [PROFILES] Fairy Tail
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2012, 07:03:40 PM »
Username: The-Blades-Slave
Character name: Silene Matima
Character age: 29
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet and plotting, over all a very angry person due to the lack of a past. She occasionally has a glimpse of kindness in extreme cases.
Element of magic: Ice
Skills: Icicle barrage- small shards of ice form in the air around her and shoot at her enemies in a barrage.
Crash protector- One of her more powerful spells it will form a large and thick sheet of ice in front of her, stopping attacks.
Freeze burn- Over all her most powerful it will slowly form large shards of ice around her enemies feet, that will not only slow them down, but if not crushed quickly will slowly burn the opponents legs. This spell will drain her quite a bit and is easily stopped due to the ice being breakable.
Morale: Considered evil by many for her ways, but the rare few can see the lost soul inside of her looking for the past she lost.
Bio: She remembers nothing of her past, but knows that it has something to do with the large scar that trace through her stomach and back. She travels the road searching for what she refers to as her other half, stealing what she needs to survive. She has a guild mark on the side of her stomach, tracing across her thin waist line, which she has recently come to learn is a Fairy Tail mark. She is now traveling to Fairy Tail to see if it leaves her any clues to what her past is.
Wizard rank: C
Appearance:She is 5'8 with dark, flowing black hair that cascades loosely down her back, stopping at the small of her spine. She wears a light blue top that stops right above her belly button, showing off quite a bit of pale skin and completely revealing her guild mark. The mark disappears slightly into her dark black jeans, and the belly shirt shows the large and wicked looking scars that travel though her spine and stomach. The last part of her wardrobe is light blue sneakers, faded from years on the road that she has had for the past fourteen years.

Approved, SHE's ALIVE! ::)
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man