And this is the Character Sheet of a real man.
Name: eX
Age: looks to be around 15 (will most likely turn out to be older by how much still deciding)
Gender: male
Race: human to be believed (reason for the to be believed part
is cause i might make him turn out to be something else in later)
Element: psychic (reason cause it plays big part trust me)
City: the mountains (i didn't like any the cities sorry and the forest probably would of had a higher no than the mountains)
Personality: (i shall attempt a paragraph depends on how much i got to say about his personality i like making it as i go normally)
Ex is a mysterious person to some up most about him. He is brave and doesn't back down from a challenge some would even call him cocky though he isn't. Ex is also smart he thinks everything though and acts on it even though he doesn't tell others what he is thinking. he is also protective over his tri blade dagger do to its importance yet even so if he needs to fight he will give a staff attachment to it making it a trident and use it in combat if needed. When it comes to physical ability its seems as if he is unbeatable for he is fast, strong, durable and many other traits. But it is due to him living alone in the mountains for he get to train in peace allowing great improvement. Also do to him looking like a 15 year old he is treated like a teenager though no one really knows his true age for no one has gotten close to him (relationship wise like friend companion and all that) enough to find out.
Appearance: his right eye color is red with a kanji numeral from 1-6 for the pupil (reason for that trust me)

Special Talents:six paths of reincarnation to improve his abilities with illusions even though he is extremely good at it already
ok each path is a different realm and they are
1. The Realm of Hell
2. The Realm of Hungry Ghosts
3. The Realm of Beasts
4. The Realm of Demons
5. The Realm of Humans
6. The Realm of heavens
ok even though it is one power due to the experiment it each gives a different ability depending on the one in use i will explain one by one
The Realm of Hell (

, Jigokud?), also known as the Naraka Path is represented by the kanji numeral "?" ( one ) and grants takashi the power to create real illusions capable of manifesting in the physical/real world. This power is a form of reality-warping, but the illusion must be preconceived before the power is manifested the physical/real world. Seemingly, takashi can use this ability without having the illusion to appear in the physical/real world, in the mind. in other words if he uses an illusion and than uses this realm the belief of the illusion is strengthened and if illusion is strong enough to begin with it can become real for as long as the illusion is their but like all illusions it will have to end.
The Realm of Hungry Ghosts (

, Gakid?), also known as the Preta Path and represented by the kanji numeral "?" (two), grants takashi the power to use the skills of others. When takashi is possessing a person's body, he is able to perfectly perform their signature moves.
in other words if he is possessing them he can use their moves perfectly even their signiture moves but to possess someone without leaving a bit of him in them (by that i mean leave a bit of his essence in them which would cause his life to be linked with them to where if they die he dies) he needs a special kind of weapon that allows him to possess someone he used a ritual on but due to the area he doesn't have that.
The Realm of Beasts (

, Chikush?d?), represented by the kanji numeral "?" (three), grants takashi the power to summon and control deadly animals such as poisonous snakes or wild dogs.
The Realm of Demons (

, Ashurad?), represented by the kanji numeral "?" (four), grants takashi an increase of combat capabilities. When using this path, indigo Flames surround takashi's right eye. (the flame doesn't hurt him for its kinda like his aura in the form of a flame on his right eye)
The Realm of Humans (

, Ningend?), represented by the kanji numeral "?" (five), increases takashi's battle aura, thus strengthening him. It is considered to be the most dangerous of the six realms. To enter it, takashi pierces his right eye, and an aura then surrounds takashi's entire body. However, talashi's aura, in and of itself, poses no danger as it is simply a representation of takashi's fighting spirit. in other words he becomes more stronger than he normally is but to access this realm he needs to pierce his right eye which does heal within time.
The Realm of Heavens (??, Tend?) also known as the Deva Path, is represented by the kanji numeral "?" (six). This grants takashi the power to possess and control others. The sixth realm also gives takashi the ability to project himself as a real illusion. in other words with this one he can posses and control people and make a real illusion around the body of him so its as if he is actually their but the problem is that when he uses it a bit of him is left inside them so it is not used unless quite needed badly.
that is all the paths and also when he is possessing anothers body to show that he is controling the persons right eye is exactly like his and he can use it so say his body is using the 6th one he can use anothers to use one of the other 5 and the max number of people he can control at once is 5 others. course the thing about leaving his essence in someone if uses the 6th path still preteins so he doesn't
Habits: keeping safe a tri bladed dagger
History: for many years ex has lived alone in the mountains along with all else that lives their and infact one time when he was young their was an incident that caused the destruction of alot of his organs and while on the virge of death the goddess was kind enough to reach out to him giving him the element psychic which allowed him to use illusions and allowed him to create illusionary organs to replaced those which he lost and to keep the illusions sustained without affecting him a tri dagger was made to hold the illusions over his organs safe. so now he keeps the tri dagger safe to keep him alive making sure it is not to be destroyed and to make sure of that trained to gain the power of the six paths of reincarnation.