Pokémon Discussion > Games

Learning how to breed in the games. =w=

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Miss Wednesday:

--- Quote from: Pokemaster MAC on August 01, 2012, 03:26:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: Miss Wednesday on July 27, 2012, 04:01:35 AM ---
--- Quote from: Fenror on July 27, 2012, 03:55:05 AM ---Yeah, definitely gonna start breeding more. Some friends and I would breed a bunch of our pokemon with a Ditto we caught, and then mix all of the eggs together in a PC Box. Then we would trade eggs, and hatch our new surprise pokemon. The first time I did it with my little brother, I got a Totodile and he got a Magikarp. lol

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That sounds fun xD I should do something like that when PU is finished and I have my breeding stuff set up... ._. my ditto is finally level 100 <3 =w=

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I got my Ditto as level 11 from my SS and traded...well 'transferred' it over to my White. it was level 96 by the time I erased all my data and started over. Speaking of which, is it just my luck/intelligence or is it impossible to breed Ditto? I never checked as of B/W, I just remember the last time i tried it said "These Pokemon prefer to play with...yada yada yada"

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It can breed with anything except Legendary Pokemon, Well, it can breed with Manaphy, that's the only Legendary Pokemon it can breed with, but no matter what, you'll always get a Phione out of it, also, after the original Gold/Silver and Crystal Etc. You can't breed a Ditto with another Ditto =w=

Speaking of Ditto, I find them only particularly useful for breeding, as I've never much luck battling with them.

Miss Wednesday:

--- Quote from: Fenror on August 01, 2012, 11:29:21 PM ---Speaking of Ditto, I find them only particularly useful for breeding, as I've never much luck battling with them.

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I've used ditto in battle, like 3 times x)

Yeah, me too, and it fainted, like 3 times.

Mine faints its opponents in a couple of turns :o


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