Pokémon Discussion > Games

Learning how to breed in the games. =w=

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Well, last time I used mine it was terrible, but my Emboar, now that's a good pokemon. Each of its moves are a different element. Fire, water, grass, and fighting.

Miss Wednesday:

--- Quote from: Fenror on August 05, 2012, 07:06:05 PM ---Yeah, me too, and it fainted, like 3 times.

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Maybe some people don't know how to use a ditto, I've used mine on Soul Silver to help me beat the Elite 4 twice, it did pretty good.

Well, the last time I battled with it was on Platinum, so, maybe now I'll be better with it.

Miss Wednesday:

--- Quote from: Fenror on August 06, 2012, 05:36:54 AM ---Well, the last time I battled with it was on Platinum, so, maybe now I'll be better with it.

--- End quote ---
Yeah lql =w=

I tried breeding once.... I ended up with a pink Sneasel that was calm in nature, lame.............


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