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Author Topic: [RP] Eternal War  (Read 103129 times)

Offline Ayara012

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Re: [RP] Eternal War
« Reply #405 on: August 24, 2012, 10:29:38 PM »
**just gonna skip to the battle being over an everything, k?**
The twins watched in silence as Daylin mourned his brother. Neither one made any attempt to speak. As the discussion moved on, and Daylin smashed the wall, Ayara stepped forward a pace.
Alala and Vin are correct. We should get moving. But if we heal up at the fountain first, we'll do better once we're out of here.
Ayara folded her arms, and Artemis made her way over to Daylin, speaking quietly so only he could hear.
Daylin...I don't know if it would work...But perhaps, at the spring, the water could be used to repair some of your brother's injuries before you bury him...
As the saying goes, Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon.
Sister, you really must stop throwing shoes at people.
Hello there.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Eternal War
« Reply #406 on: August 26, 2012, 08:10:12 PM »

Daylin allowed himself a small smirk.

Thank you for the thought....... I appreciate it, but my brother never was one for looks. He wouldn't appreciate f I disturbed his rest......

A single, tear rolled down Daylins cheek, caught by a northern breeze and carried away......

Don't cry for me...........Brother........

It was a whisper..... It was his brother. He did say he would always watch over him, and Tylan never lies..... A fire burned deep within Daylin's eyes.

I won't brother, I won't.....

He stood quietly, before picking up a fragment of Tylan's shattered staff, which had been crushed by the hydra. Walking up, he dipped the fragment into the acidic blood of the hydra. Pressing the weapon into his arm, he began to carve, the acid searing into his skin.

Tylan&Daylin, brothers in arms. With glory he fell~

He hissed out in pain, letting the acid sink in. It left deep red scorch marks, the words forever carved into his skin.

Lets get going, heal up at the fountain.


Umbrea reached her hand out.

Everyone, grab on. time e pay the demi-gods a visit....
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 09:28:48 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Eternal War
« Reply #407 on: August 26, 2012, 10:04:13 PM »

[well that was pointless. TO MIKTO!]


Mikto Smiled and walked over to umbrea.

Cool, that means I wont meet the owner of the a-

you heard a slow moan from the hallway.


He then saw the guy turn the corner.



Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Eternal War
« Reply #408 on: August 26, 2012, 11:20:14 PM »

Kain grabbed her hand instantly, extremely excited.

Which one should I try to kill first? Mabye that what's-his-face traitor, or mabye the youngest one...


Vin started walking twards the direction of the fountain.

Follow me, it was somewhere around this area.
. . .

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Eternal War
« Reply #409 on: August 27, 2012, 02:32:57 AM »
Gm post @ Demi-titans

Heart break. It was the pain that rushed through Baylee's body as she observed the burnt and battered body of Tylan through the I.M. She had watched them from the beginning..... But, her heart screamed out for her to run to Tylan, run to him fast. 'I keep holding onto him, but I can't bring him back to life.....'

Why the frown Baylee, why look so sad?

A perky voice split the tension in the air, causing the blonde to whip around.

Sir, no offense, but you know why.....

The man tipped his hat, showing wisps of black hair. His cloak hung around his legs, and electricity crackled within his eyes.

Well, is this about the loss of Tylan Hakima? Good soldier, but boy, he was to serious! Tell you what, why don't you pay those little Demi-titans a visit?

Her heart leaped out fr the chance at revenge. They would pay for Tylan's death.......

Yes sir, I will do as you command, sir!

She saluted smartly, then walked out of the hidden room in the mountain. The man watched with gloom, knowing she would be yet another casualty....

Daylin: 35/100