Role Play is not DONE! I will edit and complete this sometime tomorrow. For now I'm off to work, cheerio chaps.Story:In March of 2015 a dictator named Raphael Marx rose to power. Once the lead researcher for the UN, he surprised the world with his discoveries about the human mind. In 2013 Raphael discovered that the mind had the power to create and bend the forces of nature. While the world rejoiced about the new era of mankind, Raphael had other plans. In an off limits base deep under France- away from watchful eyes. He started what he called Project Psycho. A project in which he abducted 3 children around the ages of 13 - 17, and experimented on them. He opened what he called their 3rd Eye. Allowing them to create and control acts of nature. The kids names were Blake, Vivian and Teresa. Each of them proved promising, Blake's 3rd Eye allowed him to control the earth, Vivian's allowed her control of the sea but, a report stated Teresa's was the most spectacular. Though it was never revealed to anyone.
The time is now 2014 Raphael has abducted 5 more children aged 13 - 17 for Project Psycho. Raphael is set- with his project underway and the powers of Blake, Vivian and Teresa, who are backed by an army of 100,000 trained soldiers- to take over the world.
Main Characters:
Raphael Marx:
Age- 50
A controlling maniac, who is bent on world domination. Very robotic-like in his actions, everything must have a purpose.
Psych- None
Weapon- None
Base trait- Intelligent

Age- 18
A tough guy with a very carefree attitude.
Psych- Earth
Weapon- Fists
Base trait- Tough

Age- 16
Easily enraged and quick to kill.
Psych- Water
Weapon- Various guns that fire bullets of water. Allowing her to assassinate leaving behind no trace.
Base trait- Killer

Age- 14
Very timid and shy.
Psych- Unknown
Weapon- None
Base Trait- Nervous
Playable character types:Psychos: Only 5 Spots available.
A small group of children, who have unlocked extraordinary power within their minds. The Psychos do not yet have full control over their powers. (because if you go this route you will have just received them)
Start Point: Underground Lab in France.
Character outline:
Name: Name of your character
Age: Between 13 and 17
Psych: What force of nature can you control?
Weapon: Any weapon that your character may specialize in, outside of your Psych. You can be slightly proficient in these to start.
Base Trait: Basically the driving trait of your character.
Small Bio: It can't be to long considering your character is very young.
Raphael's Army:Part of the 100,000 and at the command of Raphael, Vivian, Blake and Teresa. These soldiers specialize in all kinds of weapons and are armed with high tech armor which can withstand most blasts and bullets. Though the armor does not protect your neck and limbs. The weapons are all newly developed and can span from Bullets that electrocute their targets to Swords that release acid or poison upon making contact with flesh. (Try to keep it within the confines of modern day technology, meaning no energy weapons)
Start Point: Underground Lab in France.
Character outline:
Name: Name of your character
Age: Any
Weapon: Any weapon that your character may specialize in.
Base Trait: Basically the driving trait of your character.
Small Bio: What lead your character to Raphael's Army.
UN Forces:You are a solider for the world. Your main goal is the safety and security of the world. You would do anything to keep the peace. Trained and armed with what are believed to be the best weapons and armor the world can offer. You are the elite of the elite but, you are sorely unprepared for the technology of Raphael's Army. What you lack in firepower and armor must be made up by manpower and skill.
Start Point: UN base in the heart of the United Kingdom.
Character outline:
Name: Name of your character
Age: Any
Weapon: Any weapon that your character may specialize in. (Primarily guns but can include basic arms like combat knives and so on, limited to what is available in today's society.)
Base Trait: Basically the driving trait of your character.
Small Bio: What lead your character to the UN Forces.