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Author Topic: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]  (Read 178862 times)

Offline nightshade06

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End of the world.....

Taking place in Sinnoh. Team Galactic after several attempts to taking over the world. Being beat down time after time by certain trainers. They finally had enough of Pokemon. It was time for the next plan of theirs to come into play but in order for it to work they needed an alliance. But before that happened.  Calling out to the other regions seeking help from the other "Evil" Organizations. One answered their call....Team Rocket. Giovanni taking this as a chance to expand his empire. Not knowing what was really happening. Team Rocket took advantage of the situation and began a war with Team Galactic in order to try to take over Sinnoh from them. Battle after battle had the people of Sinnoh too scared to leave their houses.. Eventually both leaders realized they wasn't making any progress with the war and decided to have a secret meeting with one another. Coming to a truce of some sort they decided to become allies to try to take complete control of Sinnoh. Having 2 super power organizations working together. Team Galactic had their goals set to eliminate the legendary Pokemon off the face of the planet. Team Rocket wanted to take control of Sinnoh out from under Team Galactic. Not knowing each others true intent they formed the alliance and started working to set up plans to take control over everything so they had the power to do what was needed to be done. This is where you come in! As a new trainer of Sinnoh and off on your journey..You will be faced with many obstacles and hardships..What will you choose to do? Help to save the world. Or just sit back and watch it burn. Starting out at Twinleaf Town is where each trainer's journey will begin together. Hopefully it will not be the "End of the World".

OOCC- http://www.pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4603.msg119066/topicseen.html#new
Profiles- http://www.pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4602.0.html



1. No God Mode....(Ex. Calling out hits on someone.)
     -Do not be OP in anyway this will be looked for.
     -Try not to UP yourself either.
2. Please try to keep the RP clear of OOCC type chatting. If needed you can put it in ( ) but keep it short.
3. Keep things PG-13..Kids do look in the forums.(Romance)
4. Try to keep Grammar decent and able to be read.
 -  Please keep posts at least 4 sentences long. No one sentence posts. Warnings will be given. If it continues a strike will be given.
 -  Cursing!
     -Well... I guess cursing is allowed. Just don't do saying it in every sentence. Like... "EEF this abd EEF that!" Yes... I say EEF... So?
   (Taken from Amphi's Rules.)
     -9. Profanity is allowed, but there are restrictions to keep it artful. FIRST OFF, the member that posts the thread must get permission from a moderator and include reasoning for the profanity to be allowed. Second, the member that posts the thread must indicate that there is to be profanity in the thread in the subject line. Third, the member that posts the thread must state that they wish for profanity to be allowed in that thread and any restrictions that they wish to impose must be followed. Fourth, the F-word is not to be used under ANY circumstances. Finally, any profanity with a sexual meaning must be used in a general context, never in a sexual one (e. g., a character can call another character a dickhead, but cannot use the profanity to tauntingly tell an opponent to "suck dick").
5. No one shot KO on Gym leaders Pokemon. (Obviously this rule doesn't apply to things like Horn Drill and such) The GM's of the RP will play as the Leaders. I will not let people control them.
    -And as such Moves will be used from the Generation 4 Move sets.>>>>> http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/001.shtml <<<<< Can be used as a reference.
6. No one shot Pokemon catching. The GM will decide in any way they choose if you caught one.
   -And on this note I will be using the same method as before to catch Pokemon from my other RP only the ones available in that area from Bulbapedia or similar site will be available to show up in a battle in those certain areas! No one can just say a random Pokemon shows up to fight it has to be one from the area.
                                               -  A coin will be flipped
                                               -  2 heads it is caught.
                                               -  1 heads and 1 tails it was almost caught and will be caught more than likely next try.(Aka you control the catch)
                                               -  2 Tails (If not weakened properly.) Not caught and runs off.(If weakened properly another coin flip will be in order..)
   -On another note of catching Pokemon the Dual slot Pokemon will be fine to catch...Swarm and Poke radar ones are not allowed at this time!
7. Not really a rule but something to help you if you need it.>>>>>>> http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Twinleaf_Town <<<<<<<<
8. Traveling- I wasn't strict enough on this in my last RP but this one I will be. Try to keep it within reason to have you only go to 1 area per post...    THIS RULE WILL NOT BE EXEMPT FROM ANYONE AND NO WARNING WILL BE GIVEN ANYONE SEEN BREAKING THIS RULE WILL GET A STRIKE NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!!
9. This kinda goes with traveling...Leveling!!! Please be within reason on leveling this one was a very bad thing in my last RP to where people got like 2-3 levels per post...This will not be allowed in this RP. (If questions on this one please ask in the OOCC)
10. FROM NOW ON!!! Refer to this link when in doubt for a pokemon attack!>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.serebii.net/attackdex-dp/ <<<<<<<<<<< Keep in mind the accuracy of the move..Also the power of it!
11. Breaking any of the rules and is within reason YOU WILL receive a strike. 3 strikes and you will either be banned or have to create a new character.
Strikes Page.

Elite NPC members of Team Rocket/Galactic and Officers of the Law!!

Team Rocket

Giovanni-Leader-Pokemon-Hitmontop, Mightyena, Aggron, Luxray, Tyranitar, Rhyperior
Trent-Second Command-Pokemon-Dragonite, Pidgeot, Raichu, Muk, Salamence, Mothim
Aaron-Elite-Pokemon-Drifbloom, Chingling, Rhydon, Mine Jr,
Trisha-Elite-Pokemon-Hippodown, Leafeon, Gliscor, Manetric

Team Galactic

Cyrus-Leader-Pokemon-Honchkrow, Gyarados, Crobat, Weavile, Togekiss, Milotic
Saturn-Elite-Pokemon-Kadabra, Toxicroak, Bronzor
Mars-Elite-Pokemon-Bronzor, Purugly
Jupiter-Elite-Pokemon-Goldbat, Skuntank
Charon-Elite-Pokemon-All Forms of Rotom.

Officers of the Law

Warren-Elite-Pokemon-Alakazam, Gyarados, Electivire, Infernape, Gengar, Delibird
Sammy-Elite-Pokemon-Ditto, Porygon, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Lickitung, Blissey


Skeletons for Profile!

-I will be allowing 3 Profiles per person.
-The Profile Rules will be in the Profile page along with these skeletons.

User Name-(Your PU Name)
Character Name-(Self explained.)
Age-(How old is your character?)
Goal- (What is his/her ambitions for being a trainer?)(Ex. To be the best Gym leader. Breeder. Champion etc.)
Personality- (What is he/she like?)
Pokemon-(What do you want as your starter?)
Bio- (Tell me a little about your characters past.)
Appearance- (What does he/she look like?)(Pic preferred but description is fine too)

- Team Rocket/Galactic member.
User Name-(Your PU Name)
Character Name-(Self explained.)
Age-(How old is your character?)
Team-(Which team do you belong to? Rocket or Galactic.)
Goal- (What is his/her ambitions for being evil?)(Ex. To become the leader of your own Evil organization etc etc.)
Personality- (What is he/she like?)
Pokemon-(What Pokemon would you like your Organization to give you?)
Bio- (Tell me a little about your characters past.)
Appearance- (What does he/she look like?)(Pic preferred but description is fine too)

User Name-(Your PU Name)
Character Name-(Self explained.)(Will be "Officer than your name.)( Ex. Officer Jenny.)
Age-(How old is your character?)
Goal- (What is his/her ambitions for being an Officer?)(Ex. To have world peace.)
Personality- (What is he/she like?)
Pokemon-(What Pokemon would you like?)(You will be issued your Pokemon during the start of the RP)(From a certain set of pokemon.)(Will be posted in Profiles section.)
Bio- (Tell me a little about your characters past.)
Appearance- (What does he/she look like?)(Pic preferred but description is fine too)

JerryEDIT: Approved. Oh well, there aren't too many sentences making sense in that backstory...
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 10:42:17 PM by nightshade06 »

Offline nightshade06

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Officer GM post!

As many officers were now stationed at Twinleaf getting ready for what was to come. Being already hinted of what was happening to Sinnoh. Their radios activated....
In a muffled radio..

"Pshhhh Calling all officers! Calling all officers! Anyone near Verity Lakefront please report there immediately! There is a massive disturbance and someone there is in dire need of assistance!"
Evil GM Post!

A few minutes before the radio call.....

Prof Rowan: Ah what a wonderful day to test this machine out. To see how well the distance receiver on it works!
            (Just so everyone knows Rowan has created a machine that will call a Pokemon to him from his lab just by saying the name of it!)

Several mysterious people approach him...

Grunt 1: Alright we are taking that machine from you! We have been keeping a close eye on you and our bosses see how much of a convenience that machine could be!
              (Another words a very much faster way to retrieve a pokemon!)

Grunt 1: Hand it over to us or we all will take it by force and we seriously outnumber you here!
              (Another note....Everyone who is a member of Galactic or TR will be starting here!)

Gm trainer post!

A random woman runs up to a bunch of future trainers chatting to each other. (Aka almost everyone who put up a trainer profile.)

"Please everyone help! There is a bunch of odd people at the Lake attacking the Professor!"

Not knowing they don't have their Pokemon just yet as they where about to set out to the lab...

"Help him protect his new invention! I am an assistant for him! Even if you don't have a Pokemon it won't be a problem!"


As I was standing there...

"Pshhhh Calling all officers! Calling all officers! Anyone near Verity Lakefront please report there immediately! There is a massive disturbance and someone there is in dire need of assistance!"

I could hear it off in the distance from a nearby officer...

"Hey what is going on!"

About that time a woman runs up to us!

"Please everyone help! There is a bunch of odd people at the Lake attacking the Professor!"
"Help him protect his new invention! I am an assistant for him! Even if you don't have a Pokemon it won't be a problem!"

Looking at everyone that was around me!

"Well you heard the woman lets go!"


"Pshhhh Calling all officers! Calling all officers! Anyone near Verity Lakefront please report there immediately! There is a massive disturbance and someone there is in dire need of assistance!"

As I hear the Radio go off I was kind of surprised by it.
Quickly picking it up and answering back.

"Alright Officer Vixon will respond!"

Seeing other officers running out towards the lake also I felt kind of reassured. At least I won't be alone...
Quickly dashing out of Twinleaf towards the Lake.

(The evil people have their pokemon already, and if not stated in your profile trainers don't have theirs yet. Officers have been issued their pokemon already also!"
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 10:34:31 PM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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As the call rang out Daylin sprang to his feet, Riolu beside him!

Come on riolu, this place has been boring lately!

He threw his fist in the air out of excitement and ran out the door, followed by Riolu!


As the woman ran up Tylan snorted, he had been ignoring everyone around him. He sighed, then braced himself and took off running for the lake at full speed!
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 10:41:27 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Lyn was near Twinleaf, she was heading to Sandgem Town to go to the Famous Professor Rowan's lab, to get her pokedex, even if she wanted to start as trainer, her true objective was to become a Gym Leader and Breeder, her small Ralts was on her arms as she hears in the distance the officers.

"Pshhhh Calling all officers! Calling all officers! Anyone near Verity Lakefront please report there immediately! There is a massive disturbance and someone there is in dire need of assistance!"

She thinks to herself:

"If i am to become a Gym Leader, i have to help wherever i can."

She then sees a woman getting closer to the officers in a hurry.

"Please everyone help! There is a bunch of odd people at the Lake attacking the Professor!"
"Help him protect his new invention! I am an assistant for him! Even if you don't have a Pokemon it won't be a problem!"

Lyn now gets worried, she looks down at her Ralts and nods.

"We have to help, you with me?"

The Ralts nods as she smiles looking at it then starts running, putting her Ralts on her shoulder as it hanged on to her head, she was running quickly out of the Town to the Lake.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Officer Zander

I was lying on route 201 with a long grass stalk in my mouth. Phanpy was sprawled across the grass asleep. I myself was getting a bit drowsy, I was about to close my eyes when my radio burst into noise.

Radio-Pshhhh, calling all officers! Calling all officers! Anyone near verity Lakefront please report there immediately! There is a massive disturbance and someone is in dire need of assistance!

I jumped to my feet and I shook phanpy.

Me-Come on, wake up, we need to go somewhere like now!

Phanpy jumped up in fright and knocked me 2 metres. I smacked the ground with my face. I quickly recovered and started to run.

Me-Come on, it's not even that far.

Phanpy charges on with me.


I was just about to "introduce" myself to a fine group of ladies when a warning sounded.

?-Pshhhh, Calling all officers! calling all officers! Anyone near Verity Lakefront please report there immediately! There is a disturbance and someone is in dire need of assistance!

I decided to go and check what was up, not like there was much else to do in this town. I follow another person heading there.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Desbear

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Efialtes was walking through sandgem town,  bored... when suddenly...

Pshhhh, calling all officers! Calling all officers! Anyone near verity Lakefront please report there immediately! There is a massive disturbance and someone is in dire need of assistance!

Efialtes nearly died... was this his first mission!?

Officer in training Efialtes, on my way!

He started running, with a small grey blob thing with a skull behind him.

Duskull! You ready!

the duskull nodded.



Mikto sat there patiently.

Aw...Everyone but me has someone to fiiight!

then a small purple bat came and bit him on his neck..it was a zubat using leech life..


The zubat stopped and smiled... the smile even freaked mikto out...


Offline Aquashin

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Lyn gets to the Lake and sees the scene, various trainers and officer battling some group that she didnt noticed yet, but she sees the professor getting help, she looks at her Ralts and nods

"Let's show what perfect sync can do in a battle!"

Ralts nods as Ralts jumps down and looks arround as one of the Grunts.

" Come on you bastards, leave the peacefull place "
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 01:33:25 AM by Aquashin »
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline nightshade06

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Arriving at the Lake shortly after everyone else...With Jack Looker right behind me!
Seeing several members or Team Rocket and Team Galactic standing in the distance...
I was extremely scared and had no clue what to do...

"Ahhhh what are all these guys doing here?!?!?! Why were we sent here we have no pokemon!!! Stupid woman! Stupid!!! Stupid me!!!!"


Arriving on the scene to see what was going on.

"Woah ok....Team Rocket...Team Galactic please stand down and give yourselves up quietly and leave this place be!"

Looking over to see that Rowan was protecting something about hte size of a briefcase...
Running over to him..

"Hey Professor what in the world are you doing here?"

Evil GM post!

Several more members show up from out of the bushes and such..

Grunt 1: We was hoping more people would show up!

Grunt 2: yea it wouldn't of been fun to pick on an old man!

Grunt 3: WE

Grunt 4: WILL

Grunt 5: BE


As they showed themselves...

Mars: As they said....Victory will be mine on this day!


GM post!

Prof Rowan: Well Officer you will see in just a moment...Hey kids if you would please come here for a moment!
                   This machine allows you to call out a Pokemon from an assigned area! Just say its name and its Pokeball will appear in this slot! I will hold them off till you all get one to use!

Rowan pulling out what appeared to be a gun!!

Prof Rowan: I won't let you have this device even if it kills me! (Bluff) (It is a water gun that looks real.) (hehe!)

(On another note I messaged Fenror telling him I would control his character to get him to the lake because I kinda need everyone there so yea...)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Daylin and Tylan arrived at the lake, side by side. Daylin glanced over to Tylan and whispered

Go get you a pokemon, I'll help Prof. Rowan

Tylan nodded and ran to the machine. Daylin glanced down at Riolu, who stood dutiully beside him.

Lets go buddy!

The wave of emanation leaking off Riolu showed his excitment and Daylin smiled. They stepped up beside the Professor and said

We'll help you.


Tylan looked at the machine, before whispering quietly


The machine hummed lightly and a glossy red and white sphere appeared. Tylan gently scooped it up in his hands, marveling at the invention! He clicked the white button and a red beam shot out! Slowly a graceful, felne like pokemon appeared. A red feather tucked behind its ear and its white claws glistening in the light! A flash of recognition appeared in the SNeasels eyes, as well as Tylans! This Sneasel was the very one Tylan played with when he was a child! His father had caught it for him in the wilds of Snow point city! He already knew its moves, and it already trusted him! Tylan broke out in a grin and the Sneasel gave what was suppose to be a smile. The sneasel leaped over to Tylans side and said

Sne Sneasel!

Tylan grinned lightly, before stepping up beside Daylin.

Lets do this.....
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 02:56:08 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Quickly running up to the machine that Tylan just used....

"Hehehehehe I have always wanted to see one of these! HOUNDOUR!"

A flash of light appears on the area that looked like it could hold a pokeball...
Before my eyes a red and white ball appeared..

"Wow that is quite interesting...."

Stepping next to Tylan...

"Alright Houndour come on out!"

A read beam flashes as the Pokeball opens...A Houndour appeared...It looked rather mad...
It looks at me and shoots an ember into my face!

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow what was that for!!!"

Offline Aquashin

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Lyn looks arround at the uniformed people and all arround her, seemed that they were part of some evil organization

"Geez.... what are these guys doing here?"

Ralts suddently pulls on her pants leg pointing at the Professor and the machine

"Oh thats the professor, lets go to him"

Ralts nods and jumps on her shoulder as she runs to the professor and the others arround them, stops near the professor

"Professor Rowan, I dunno what is going on here but im one of the starting trainers today, but this doesn't matter now... i will try to protect you and the machine like the others and the officers are"

She turns to the uniformed ones as Ralts jumps off her shoulder to the ground

"Ralts, stop any one or anything coming out way with Confusion"

Ralts nods, getting pumped up.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Should I go get a pokemon myself? I have Riolu, but we've never fought before. Well, at least he won't shoot anything at my face like Siren. hehe...

I ran up beside Siren, deciding that she might need some help, as it looked like she wasn't controlling Houndour very well. What good what I really be though? No- Dad wouldn't have wanted me to think like this. Heck, he wouldn't have even allowed it. I will fight, I have to fight, I will not die like my d- wait a minute. My mind flashed back to the descriptions the officers gave me of the man who killed Dad. Some of the people here were wearing that same uniform as the cops described. That's it, they're gonna pay, each and every one of them.

"GO! RIOLU!" I threw out Riolu's pokeball-poor guy, he wasn't used to being stuck in that tiny ball, but when I threw him out, he looked around. Suddenly a look came across his face, one I was not used to seeing. Hate. Anger. Riolu recognized these men, and was ready to fight.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 05:11:58 AM by Fenror »
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline nightshade06

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Evil GM Post    Let the event commence! BATTLE ROYALE OF THE NOOBS!!! All vs All

Mars: Well I guess we should get this show on the road! You all will not scare us! Feel the wrath of the TEAM ALLIANCE!

Mars: Go Glameow! Go Bronzor!

Grunt 1: Go Ekans!

Grunt 2
: Go Zubat!

Grunt 3: Go Zubat!

Grunt 4: Go Seviper!

Grunt 5: Go Croagunk!

Grunt 6: GO Stunky!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 04:37:06 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Tylan and Daylin

Tylan pointed his finger at a Zuvat and shouted

Sneasel, use leer and then scraatch on him!


Sneasel glared sharply at the Zubat, before quickly leaping and swinging his claws as hard as he could! Daylin looked to Riolu, who nodded.

Riolu, use Quick attack on the same Zubat Sneasel is attacking!

Riolu shouted


Before vanishing and reappearing in several spots before launching himself at the Zubat!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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The battle started. There was no time to waste. Eat or be eaten. "Riolu! Attack Glameow!" The lady with the Glameow looked stronger than the rest, but Riolu had the type advantage. Uh-oh, he suddenly realized that Riolu didn't know any fighting type moves yet. Leon closed his eyes, not wanting to see what would happen next.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 04:57:54 AM by Fenror »
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100