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Author Topic: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]  (Read 178864 times)

Offline Desbear

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Efialtes finally got there, and saw everything...

Wow. just...wow.... thats a lot of bad guys. a lot. and a lot of pokemon..

Efialtes walked over to the professor and stoof beside the other trainers who were guarding him.

Okay duskull, You ready for this?

duskull nodded..

Get ready th-

he noticed someone... someone he was chacing... it was HIM.... the guy that killed the poor pokemon...


Mikto smirked...it looks like they were trying to protect the poor doctor..

I hope you know you wont stand a chance~

He smirked...

Well this is going to be a great batt-

He was cut off as a mirage appears in front of his zubat, then the zubat is suddenly hurt..


Hey, You...

Mikto looked to see a small officer in training..

You attacked and killed a mudkip not long ago. didn't you?

So you were the guy in the bushes~ well then... ZUBAT! Use leech life on him!

the zubat shot off at efialtes when its blocked by a mirage..


the two pokemon started warring it out, to see who would win...


Offline Aquashin

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Lyn got a look at the pokemon in front of her that the grunts were tossing and smirks as she sees the Croagunk, she looks at Ralts who smirks as well back

"You allways read my mind, don't you Ralts?"

Ralts nods as it turns to the Croagunk

"Allright, Ralts, use Confusion on Croagunk"

Ralts gets a blue glow arround it as it launches the move at Croagunk.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline nightshade06

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"Alright Houndour lets help them out!"

The Houndour just smirks and starts charging at one of the random zubats from the grunt (the one blades isnt attacking)

"Yea thats the way! Ember now!"

It sighs in disgust and instead uses howl!

"Hey you dog listen to me! I am just trying to help out here!!!!" *flailing my arms as I am saying that*


"Ok I will help out too Squirtle go! GO help and attack the glameow! Use tackle!"

The squirtle nods and charges at the Glameow!

"Thats it show them your power!"


Mars just chuckles a bit.

Mars: Normal attacks so funny! Bronzor get in the way!

The attack from Riolu slammed into Bronzor but did very little damage since it is a steel type.

Mars: Alright Bronzor use Confusion on Riolu!

The scratch attack from the sneasel hit zubat and did decent damage since it was 1x.

Grunt 2: Zubat hang in there! Use super sonic on the Sneasel!

Mars look as the other Riolu charges at Glameow!

Mars: Glameow use Fake out! Hit him and make it Flinch!

Grunt 1: Well looks like no one attacked you ekans! Ok use poison sting on the Squirtle don't let it hit our leaders pokemon!

Grunt 3: Zubat fly high in the air don't let them near you and use your supersonic too!

Grunt 4: Heh I am getting pumped! Mine wasn't attacked either! For now just idle we might need a fresh pokemon! Look for any openings!

Grunt 5: Croagunk! No!

Being hit with the confusion doing 4x the damage knocks it out in one shot!
Grunt 5 falls to the ground in defeat.

Grunt 6: Don't worry I will avenge you! Stunky go! Poison Gas on that Ralts!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 05:19:20 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Jack opened his eyes, he couldn't wuss out like this. Riolu! Use quick attack! Riolu didn't move. Jack gulped, what now? He looked around, hoping someone would help him. He didn't have time to just wait. Maybe if he wouldn't have closed his eyes he could have reacted, could have stopped Glameow's attack, but how could he take out a trainer's pokemon when they appeared to be so much stronger than his?

Jack got an idea. Maybe if he could distract the woman, then that might just leave her pokemon open. He ran at the lady and dove at her.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Tylan and Daylin

Riolu, get back!

You as well Sneasel!

Both pokemon leaped away, confusion hitting Riolu and cuasing him to cry in pain, but he managed to shakily stay up! The supersonicdidn't affect Sneasel because he was out of range and Sneasel cried in victory!

Sneasel leer on both the Zubats, then leap into the air after the injured one and use scratch!

Daylinhoped the boy who had leaped at her provided a distraction.

Sneasel glared sharply at the Zubat, then leaped into the air and swung its claws at the injured Zubat! Daylin watched nervously, then shouted

Riolu stay strong! Use qiuck attack on Glameow!

Riolu shakily readied himself, then charged at the Glameow!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Lyn sees the Poison Gas from Stunky to go to Ralts as she quickly looks at Ralts

"Ralts, cover your nose and mouth, its poisonous"

Ralts does so it keeps holding its breath

"Damn... the Stunky its Dark type... my Ralts won't do much... what could i...."

She suddently looks at the Seviper that was in place, that no one attacked, the grunt that owned it was being overconfident

"Ralts, move from the gas and use Confusion on that Seviper, we will deal with Stunky after"

Ralts nods and moves to the side to come out of the poison gas to actualy see something and takes a deep breath as it gets a blue glow again arround it and launches Confusion to the Seviper.

Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline Desbear

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Zubat shot out at duskull and dug its teeth into it..


teh duskull shook it off and caused a bit of damage to the zubat..



The zubate shot at duskull, and went through...nightshade creates a mirage! the zubat is hurt a bit a and goes after the real one, causing some damage..

Duskull, again.

the duskull does it again, fainting the zubat...

Zubat! no!

Mikto smirked, he went over and got zubat.

I will find you. and I will kill you.

I would arrest you, but I think I should go help the others.. so.. I'll catch you when you try and kill me.

Mikto grabbed zubat and ran, while efialtes and duskull wen't to help the other trainers.

Anything I can help with?/color]


Offline nightshade06

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"Cmon Houndour do something useful!!!!! Try ember again! Aim it at the other zubat again!"

The houndour sighs again but this time obeys and fires a few embers at the zubat!

"YAY!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"

Sighing a bit as it finally listened to a command.


I watch as my squirtle gets hit with the poison sting.

"Squirtle shake it off it will be ok! Change your target to the ekans!"
"Use tackle on it!"

The squirtle changes his eyes over to the ekans and charges at it!



Mars sees the riolu charge at her Glameow

Mars: Glameow dod.........

About that time a random guy tackles her...

Mars: What the get off me!!!

Riolu slams into the confused Glameow not knowing what to do.
Mars realizing what happened...

Mars: Bronzor attack that Riolu again! Confusion!

Grunt 1: Go for it Ekans meet the squirtle head on! But use wrap on it!

Grunt 2: Zubat watch out!

The scratch hitting the zubat knocking it out of the air....Falling fast to the ground it recovers just before hitting the ground...

Grunt2: Go and try to recover some HP Leech life on Sneasel!

The zubat lets out a screech and rapidly flies towards sneasel to latch onto it!

Grunt 3: You watch out also Zubat dodge the embers and charge in and use Leech life on the Houndour show it no mercy!

Grunt 4's Seviper was hit with the confusion....
doing 2x the damage but the Seviper hangs in there..

Grunt 6: Use this chance Stunky! Poison gas again on ralts!

grunt 4: Cmon Seviper I know it did a lot of damage but shake it off and run into the gas and use wrap on Ralts!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 06:13:59 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline Aquashin

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Ralts is attacked from behind with the Poison Gas, and suddently gets Wrap by Seviper, keeping the tight squeeze on it as Ralts coughed from the poison gas, poisoned at the time.

"Ralts... damn... i have a Pecha Berry here but i don't have time to let him take it... Ralts, if you can, use Confusion on the Seviper"

Ralts's was purpling under it's eyes, from the poison, as Ralts concentrates and starts again with a blue glow arround it and uses on Seviper that was wrapped arround it.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Riolu, use quick attack to get out of range!

Riolu quickly shot out of range from Bronzong, then stood ready to fight!

Quickly, use quick attack to get Stunky away from the Ralts!

Riolu charged quicky at Stunky!


Sneasel, twist around as you fall to dodge, then use scratch!

Sneasel twisted its body as it plummeted towards the ground face first, the Zubat narrowly missing him! Then he slammed his sharp claws forward towards Zubats exposed back!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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What the get off me!!!

Jack, furious, raised his fist to slug the woman across the face.

Then get your team out of here!

Jack, not waiting for the lady's response, turned his head toward where Riolu was. He saw another Riolu nearby, but was able to recognize his.

Use Quick Attack on Glameow!
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Offline Desbear

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Efialtes looked around...which pokemon wasn't getting attacked...

Duskull, you see one thats not being attacked?

duskull nodded, and pointed at bronzor...

Dusk. duskull!

Alright, use night shade!

duskull floated towards bronzor, and then created a mirage, then launched the attack!


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Officer Zander

I arrived at the scene, late, as always. I stamped my foot of the ground and phanpy did it similtaniously.

Me-Why did you start without me!

Phanpy jumped in front of me, all the battles seemed occupied. Where can I fit in?


I sped towards the battle scene, when I tried to stop I slid and splashed straight into the lake. I splutter and scramble out, drenched. Everyone used that machine to get Pokemon so why can't I? I sneak past the battle and stop by the machine. I thought for a second or two.

Me-Ummm, igglybuff!

A flash of light and a pokeball appears. I pick it up and fiddle with it, it finally opens and a small pink ball materializes in front of me. It started to bounce up and down, it bounced circles around me.

IgglybuffIggly, iggly, iggly, iggly, iggly!

Anime sweat drop. I look at the bouncing Pokemon.

Me-hey, what's up?

It turns to me and smiles.

Me-Help, help, help.

It jumps into the battle and starts to sing a mesmerizing tune.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline nightshade06

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"Houndour watch out! Dont let it latch on to you!"

Houndour jumps out of the way just as the zubat flies by..

"Forget about the zubat for now!"
"Cmon Houndour! Lets help them out with that Bronzor! Fire an ember at it also to help out the Duskull!"

The Houndour nods and a rage builds up in its eyes and fires off several embers at the Bronzor!

Thinking to myself....
"Yay he is listening to me! Finally! He is such a cool pokemon."  *Doing a weird in thought pose as I am thinking this*


"Squirtle try to break out of the wrap! cmon!"


"Try to use Tail Whip catch it off guard!"

The squirtle started moving its tail back and forth..


Evil GM post!

Mars: Bronzor watch out! avoid it!

The Bronzor being to slow gets hit by both attacks at the same time and a small explosion happens...
nightshade x1 dmg and Ember x2 damage...

The Bronzor falls out of the smoke fainted...

Mars: Gyah bronzor! Alright get off me kid!

Kicking at the kid pushing him off.
Mars noticing the Riolu charging at the Glameow!

Mars: Use your speed avoid it! Jump to the side and use scratch!

The Glameow was already in motion as the Riolu barely misses and Glameow extends its claws and swings down on the Riolu as it passes.

Grunt 1: Ekans don't let it bother you squeeze it tighter don't let it go!

The Ekans started squeezing tighter causing the squirtle to squirm a bit and stop its Tail whip..

Grunt 2 shocked at what the sneasel was doing!

Grunt 2: Quick spin try to avoid it!

The Zubat spins but it was too late the scratch hit its wing causing it to fall to the ground...

Grunt 3 getting irritated!
Grunt 3 notices a new person arrived and had a little pink ball starting to sing.

Grunt 3: no.....Zubat! Supersonic counter that sing!!!

The zubat flies in distance of the Igglybuff and fires off a super sonic causing the sound waves to collide!

Grunt 4: I can't see anything.....

About that time a small blue light emits from the poison...
Right after Sevipers head falls out of the gas fainted..

Grunt 6: Stunky Move now!

The Riolu slams into the Stunky causing it to stop putting out the gas!

Grunt 6: Retaliate that Riolu scratch it!

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Sneasel landed lightly on the ground, his arms still extended from the scratch. A light smirk lit its feature, his eye showing all the glee in the world.

Sneasel, help Daylin out!

Sneasel nodded, quickly running over and placing his claws out in front of him, blocking Stunkys' claws with his own.

Sneasel, leer!

Sneasel quickly lowered its eyes, glaring right at the Stunky.

Now Scratch on him!

Sneasel leaped into the air, swinging his claws down  at Stunky!


Thanks bro! Riolu, help 'em out with quick attack!

Riolu nodded, then quick as a flash threw itself at Stunky in a quick attack! Hopefully this would be enough to take him down........

Daylin: 35/100